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Social Science - 23 December 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I had a dream last night that I was in a very fancy place where everything was embroidered with the initials NV. Mostly it was white towels and sheets, but the initials were engraved on the doors and spelt out on the floor and everywhere. I don't think I know anyone with the initials NV. What could this mean?

2007-12-23 15:15:08 · 3 answers · asked by asdfjkl; 3 in Dream Interpretation

When do you think people will find out the cure for stuttering?
how many years do you think?
im 15 and i stutter
i dont want my kids to suffer like i am
everyday is tough and everyday someone brings you down

2007-12-23 15:01:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

like tHe young women are so full of themslves and think there gods gift .THEY ARE BITCHY, greedy.spoiled and very very selfish..i wish they could go to different coutries and see TRUE BEAUTY

2007-12-23 15:00:21 · 34 answers · asked by free-spirit 5 in Gender Studies

According to Amnesty International violence against women and girls is today's "most pervasive human rights challenge".

General Kofi Annan said: "violence against women is global in reach, and takes place in all societies and cultures."

Statistics show that in some South American countries 23 percent or 1 in 4 women suffer from domestic violence.

The Council of Europe estimates that 1 in 4 European women suffers domestic violence in her lifetime.
In England and Wales an average of two women a week die at the hands of a current or former partner.

In India fear is a constant companion and rape may be faced around any corner day or night.

Where has feminism helped?
Is it time to see this stratagy falls short?

2007-12-23 14:27:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

I don't mean to offend anyone to begin with.

But it seems to be that religion has always led to disputes between those who worship different fates.

Often this leads to a crusade.

And if people are convinced that their god is utterly just, then would their god approve of the intolerance often shown by the less moderate elements of society?

(or gods I should say, depending on the faith)

2007-12-23 13:49:46 · 6 answers · asked by ch_ris_l 5 in Other - Social Science

In some dreams, everything seems to be bright, visible, and not confusing. As in, most dreams I have, I seem to be in two places at once. The person I am looking at, and the person looking at me. It's hard to explain. Then, in others, everything is normal. I'm seeing from my side only, and not confused about what happened in the morning. So, when the dreams make sense, they are clear. Then, in the ones that don't make sense, everything is all dark, mixed together, and just plain baffling. Can you explain to me what this means, or why it happens?

2007-12-23 13:49:17 · 3 answers · asked by music_morphine 1 in Dream Interpretation

I believe you can help me and my friends bring Light to this;
Please express you thoughts on;
A good leader leads by
Example or
In advance I THANK YOU!

2007-12-23 13:47:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

iv had this dream before like 2 yrs ago and it really creeps me out. During this whole dream i was telling myself in my head wake up wake up while i was dreamin but i couldn't open my eyes. well there was this disease going around and if you got it ppl would stay away from you because u would eventually die and people could get it when u go near them. We went to a store me and my family and some1 who had got it gave it 2 me so i started going crazy and my family ran away from me but it went away so my family came back. Than we went 2 hiding. We stayed in this house locked up but than this dust came through creeks in our window that was infected. My dad had caught it so we ran away from him and i wanted to cry because my dad was going to die and was chasing after us to give it too us 2. While we were running he caught up to my mom nd started beating her up and than a fire began nd they started to burn and it was just me nd my brothers ad sisters we went through these woods and found my

2007-12-23 13:40:02 · 6 answers · asked by 10\/3you 3 in Dream Interpretation

Fell in love with this one guy in 7th grade. Broke up with me bc he thought he didnt like me anymore. Dated other guys that lasted only 1 month. They all left me. Then dated two guys that lasted for four months and then I didnt want them anymore but couldn't let go, now this is the third guy, same situation. Somethings wrong with me. It is more than not wanting to let go because right now with the third guy, I was calling him and he wouldnt pick up and I broke down because I felt scared he just left me hanging [traumatized from the past]. And I get kindaa angry if I call him and he's with his friends and I was expecting him to come over. You see? Its just strange. I dont get whats up with me, really I dont. :(
Whats this pattern?

2007-12-23 13:33:36 · 7 answers · asked by Melanie 2 in Psychology

I have noticed this phrase is only applied to men on here, so I guess the question is, at what age is a man expected to have moved out of his parents' house?

2007-12-23 12:50:46 · 18 answers · asked by Lioness 6 in Gender Studies

What does it mean?

I dreamt I did a sexual act to him. However, I find the guy annoying and disgusting in real life. I've been attracted to him in the past, but his horrible personality just turns me off. What's up with this?

2007-12-23 12:43:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dream Interpretation

2007-12-23 12:39:26 · 16 answers · asked by Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse 2 in Gender Studies

I wish that things were more human. I find it hard to cope with the depersonalization of some things. It’s like there are no exceptions for the individual. If it’s not in this book here then it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t fit in with our jurisdiction or policy that’s it set in stone.

2007-12-23 12:36:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I have to write an essay about it, and I was just wondering what you might have to say about it. Anything goes...

2007-12-23 12:34:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous 2 in Psychology

well i liked this guy for a while now and i had a dream about him..in my dream we started talking and then i layed down in my bed and he came and layed down with me...he put the blanket over us and after that he started playing with my hair and then he held me in his arms and we fell a sleep.after a while we woke up and we just sat there like that...but i dont remember if he kissed me or not

i had told this guy a while ago that i liked him..but he knew :]
but thats the 1st time i ever had a dream about a guy
and i have liked a couple of guys but never had a dream about them...
can someone please tell me what that means

2007-12-23 12:34:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dream Interpretation

the best gifts given are from the heart ?

your thoughts thanx

2007-12-23 12:26:32 · 17 answers · asked by ♥BEX♥ 7 in Psychology

I had an odd recurring dream that finally ended and had a new section to it...I've been dreaming of something getting stuck @the roof of my mouth similar to gum/rope. In my dreams I'd try to pull it out and I'd do this to no end in sight. It would just keep getting longer and longer and still feel as if something was stuck to the roof of my mouth. Now 2 days ago it was the same dream again except that I got to the end of what was stuck in my mouth and found that it was a white snake head w/ its 2 fangs stuck to my roof top. The snakes mouth and eyes were open when I pulled it out.
2nd part of the dream consisted of me sitting in a strange round shaped bed that could zip up (somewhat similar to a coconut purse) and there was a lose snake at the bottom of it alive in there. then I awoke.

any thoughts? thanks in advance.

2007-12-23 12:25:01 · 2 answers · asked by warpedhybrid 3 in Dream Interpretation

"You can have somewhat of a mullet without being a total outcast loser."

2007-12-23 12:23:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sociology

If so, for what reasons?

2007-12-23 12:23:33 · 13 answers · asked by posttk421 3 in Psychology

I have a friend who seems to lie all the time and make up stuff. Hes 21, still livin at home with his mom, yet he does have a job. Hes been a jerk lately because hes backstabbin me when hes around certain people. When hes not around those certain people he backstabs them. He also seems like a pervert. Im sick of his crap.

2007-12-23 12:19:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

As we all know, there are many people who post their pictures on Yahoo!Answers so others can rate them. Well I've noticed that many times if someone is not as lucky physically everyone is really nice to them but if someone is lucky and looks beautiful/hot/pretty/lovely/cute(fill in adjective of choice here) then others seem to lash out at them. Why do we act nice to uglier people and mean to prettier? I realize people may be trying to life the spirits of the ones that aren't as good looking and people may be jealous of others that look better. Although this may be true, in school people who are not as good-looking are treated way worse and those who are better looking are befriended. Shouldn't Yahoo!Answers be the same way? It defies all rules about superficiality. Hmmm... Basically, I want to know why this is? Why are we being mean to pretty people and exceptionally nice to the not-so-pretty?
Sidenote: I hope I don't offend anyone. Not meaning to. Please forgive me. :)

2007-12-23 12:09:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-12-23 11:42:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

If inflation is lower in Germany than in Spain (as it is...) and the exchange rate between the two countries is fixed (as it is, because of the monetary union), what is likely to happen to the balance of trade between the two countries??????

2007-12-23 11:27:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics


If someone went through a year long run of drug and alcohol abuse,
can it change them into a different person?I mean if they go from being a nice well mannered guy,into a monster who intimidates people whio cross his path including women,is always paranoid,is secretive and short term memory loss.Is it the result of drugs?Anmd will people notice?Also,why do they say that once someone becomes an addict(even for a year)the brain never fully recovers and they essentially will never be the same person?Will people notice the change?

2007-12-23 11:26:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Just wondering how many feminists here are able to whip up yummy and nutritious dinners and who also do the house-cleaning?
Is it still an important skill to have in your opinion? Do you find that there is a negative assumption nowadays from men saying that women, let alone feminists, just don't have these skills anymore?
I do most, if not all of the cooking and cleaning myself. Home-cooked meals just about every night, was taught to cook from a very young age. And I know how to keep a clean house and don't hire a housekeeper.
What about you?

2007-12-23 11:15:06 · 19 answers · asked by Shivers 6 in Gender Studies

I'm always seeing guys say women shouldn't be cops or firefighters, etc.. Maybe some women aren't cut out to do physical work, but some men aren't either! So what about:


1) If a normal girl can take down a criminal, why couldn't a trained police officer?

2) How funny is that story? =D

2007-12-23 11:14:24 · 9 answers · asked by ♥~Shauna~♥ 3 in Gender Studies

2007-12-23 11:10:28 · 2 answers · asked by CAT 3 in Economics

I've noticed many younger (and even middle aged) women who can't really be independent. Like my cousin who has to be driven back and forth to work everyday and shopping because she doesn't have it together enough to buy a reliable car. She has turned down may other people's offer for help (i.e. become a roomate, or get a boyfriend) 'cuz she says she wants to be "independent". Meanwhile she causes massive inconvenience to her family. What is going on here? Any suggestions? She might as well be living in her parents basement since she's living off them anyways......

2007-12-23 11:07:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies