We here in Western Ma. are often given reports from the weather stations that severe weather is on the way and to take cover quick. Just the other day we were scared out of our pants that a dangerous storm was bearing down on us which contained dangerous lighting, winds in excess of 70 miles an hour,and golf ball size hail with very heavy rain. All of Western and Central Ma. was given this warning. The storm never came, the sun shown bright. The radar showed nothing. Some of us have had close calls with lighting and high winds and a prediction like this is not well taken when nothing occurs. With all the new equipment the weather stations have, what is the problem they predict scarey storms that do not materialize ? If it is not Homeland Security scareing us to death with a threat of some kind, then the weather stations add to the scenerio with threats of their own. But folks , stay calm,we could if we were not threatened constantly.
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