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2007-12-12 12:20:53 · 15 answers · asked by Elaine 2

examples please

2007-12-12 11:53:34 · 6 answers · asked by S i r i 1

I had cbc done these were the results: WBC 11.5 normal 5-11.
neutrophils were alittle high, absolute neutrophils were alittle high.lymphocytes were low at 10 normal (20-40) but the absolute lymphocyte count was normal. what would cause a high neutrophil, low lymphocyte count. and why is the lymp% low, while the actual absolute lymp count is normal. i was not feeling good that day which would probably explain the high count but not the low count, is this anythin to be concerned about? thankyou for taking the time to answer and mery christmas!!!

2007-12-12 11:22:27 · 0 answers · asked by jolene 2

so I'm looking for some case study info on how sulforaphane fights helicobacter pylori.

some claim it stops it from reproducing, others claim it kills the bacteria completely.

so I've been looking for case studies including some stats about the success rate.

I'm always in pain and would like some help please.

please don't tell me I need to go to the doctor.

I've already been to the doc, spent about 600$ and all they give me is nexium, its like they don't want to cure me, but just want me as a return patient.

2007-12-12 11:12:50 · 2 answers · asked by Mercury 2010 7

Hi just to let use kmow that these werent a suicide attempt. Like everybody I have a lota **** stuff going on in my life and some times to either block it out or to feel in control a take alot of pills. Well todays thursday and last sunday(11 days ago) I took 25 ibuprofin tablet(200mg each) I did that on sun, mon,wed and thurs with bout 24 nurifin. On tuesday and friday I took 12 sleeping pills and 24 nurefin.Since then I have been having chest pains. Like someones squeezing my chest in the middle and I find it difficult to breath but today I have that same pain but over my heart. Coult this be a side effect from the pills?

2007-12-12 09:52:07 · 20 answers · asked by angel_103 2

Hi, I am a young adult who has suffered with "calcified tumors" and calcium deposits in mass amounts on my femur bone and the muscles surrounding my hip for 12 yrs now. I now know what Type of doctor I need. MY Question is where can I find a Directory that lists doctors practicing in Othopedic Onocology?? IS there a Website that lists Onocologists by practice?? --- If you know of a Directory or helpful link Please List them for me.

2007-12-12 07:28:12 · 1 answers · asked by snowbunny360 3

The only way I have been able to eliminate it completely is to drink Egg Nog (of all things) at the same time. But 1) Egg Nog is only available from Thanksgiving to New Years in my area, 2) the calories are killing me even with light versions, and 3) I think I might be lactose intolerant.

I already take a baby aspirin with it.

2007-12-12 05:13:00 · 2 answers · asked by Fernando J 1

Why do people take these medicines that seem to have extreme side effects? I know some medications may actually help some people, but when you are at risk to getting heart failure, cysts, possible death, etc. etc., I don't see the point in trying them in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong?

2007-12-12 01:25:57 · 5 answers · asked by ☆BB☆ 7

they have I-2 on one side,they are small white oblong kind of like a caplet

2007-12-11 23:51:43 · 10 answers · asked by julie m 1

i've heard that it just contradicts the prozac, and that doing both at the same time wont help your depression. has anyone ever done both and want to tell me how they felt?

2007-12-11 17:56:40 · 5 answers · asked by bopgun33 1

What is the standard of care for PA's inserting central venous catheter? In my mom's case, the central line was inserted into an artery from the heart and it bled throughout the night (surgically placed at 4 pm, but not checked by a Dr until 10 am next morning). Can anyone tell me if the hospital would be negligent or at fault for not having a Dr. check the surgical procedure? If mom bled throughout the night and had to have 9 units of blood/ffp transfused the next day, would that be considered as bleeding to death? She passed away a week after the incident. She never regained strength or awoke after the incident. Where would I find the standard of care for central venous catheter insertion?

2007-12-11 15:10:07 · 6 answers · asked by Bonnie A 1

"You [the scholars of hadith] are the pharmacists but we [the jurists] are the physicians." This was explained by `Ali al-Qari in his book Mu`taqad Abi Hanifa al-Imam (p. 42): "The early scholars said: The hadith scholar without knowledge of fiqh is like a seller of drugs who is no physician: he has them but he does not know what to do with them; and the fiqh scholar without knowledge of hadith is like a physician without drugs: he knows what constitutes a remedy, but does not dispose of it."

2007-12-11 14:26:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you go for it?

Would you want to have more brain cells? Especially because of pollution and toxins that kill the brain cells we need to obtain an education?

2007-12-11 13:25:48 · 2 answers · asked by ¤Elva¤ 4

My sister is pretty fair skinned with dark hair. Lately, I've noticed that the fine hair on her stomach and the sides of her face are getting darker. Is my sister turning into a man? She looks like she's trying to grow a full beard, and sometimes I get the urge to yanks her shirts over her stomach to her ankles.......She's 21 if that helps any.

2007-12-11 07:43:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-11 07:08:29 · 27 answers · asked by P K 3

When you are given an EKG, what are the odds that there is actually something wrong, even if the EKG shows normal?

2007-12-11 01:20:02 · 3 answers · asked by Joe T 3

i have bitten by a stray cat and consult a doctor. the doctor gave me antirabies vaccine (ERIG and series of PCEC vaccine. is there any contraindication of my query above thanks!

2007-12-10 19:29:48 · 3 answers · asked by bhong 1

What if all the cures are known but governments believe the world could not handle the uncontrolled balance of humans alive at one time?

2007-12-10 16:10:40 · 6 answers · asked by a2z_alterego 4

the full question is:Compared to the shoulder and hip joints, in what way is the knee joint poorly protected and thus especially vulnerable to injuries?

2007-12-10 15:21:38 · 4 answers · asked by megank897 2

2007-12-10 14:49:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what exactly is it?

2007-12-10 14:31:49 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ly 3

we are supposed to write a blog comment online for our school on whether or not we think it is write to have elected surgery. i dont know what that is. and also what is gastric bypass sugery and lasik surgery. thanks so much everyone!

2007-12-10 12:59:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the nursing diagnosis is "Impaired walking r/t poor circulation" Give me some interventions.

2007-12-10 10:38:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm O positive. Is that rare?

2007-12-10 07:40:05 · 20 answers · asked by Allison R 3

do you think it’s possible to inject yourself with 3 times the lethal dose of heroin in your bedroom then walk to your living room, turn on the tv and sit on the couch

2007-12-10 05:55:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If somebody overdosed on SSRI’s (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), what would happen to them? Would they feel extremely happy and then die? Would they just get really high and then sick? What would happen to them?

2007-12-10 02:59:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous