Hubble's deep impact mission (HDIM) has captured a snap shot of a galaxy cluster, believed to have about 10,000 galaxies in a photo 10 times lesser in size of the full moon, which is believed to have located about 13-14 billion light years away. Not only this, we have learned that we have about 400 billion galaxies in the visible universe. The Hubble mission is near to the end. We are about to expand our vision, possibly with VLDM (very large diameter mirror), which is being worked out to be flown in to the space. Our earth is a tiny piece, which is merely visible suppose some intelligent life from distant galaxy finds our milky way, with amazing spiral structure. It would be very difficult to find the earth on the Orion arm. It appears that we have neighbors in the universe, but time and space factor prevents us being together. I have the only wish if humans would find the new life in the universe before I die. It would be the great achievement.
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