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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

my last pregnancy it was done at 6 weeks they are doing a ultrasound today at 4 weeks....

2007-11-06 22:12:14 · 11 answers · asked by just me 4

ok it feels like the bub is always on the right side of my stomach do they do this?? was just wondering cause it feels like she is always on that side?when i went 4 a scan at 6 weeks they found a cyst on my left ovary do you think thats why she is on the right side any answers would be great thanx in advance:0)

2007-11-06 21:53:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i went to the toilet tonight and i went for a wee, i thought i had finished but all of a sudden after a pause this gush of what i thought might of been my water came out but mabie i just hadn't and it was wee. If it was my water what colour would it have been cause there was just the colour of wee.

2007-11-06 21:30:59 · 12 answers · asked by mummytobe11 1

I'm 27 + 1 with number 2. I have had quite a few palpitations during the last couple of months but a few times, including today.

I feel like my pulse is racing. My blood pressure has been quite low during this pregnancy (about 115/65) but when I feel my heart racing, my blood pressure is averaging about 110/55. My resting pulse has not been below 100 beats per minute. Last reading I took was 130 beats per minute, after about 15 mins resting.

I feel quite weak and my arms and chest feel aching, although not painful at all.

Should I make a doctors appointment? I'm sure as soon as I get there I will be fine. I went the other week as my blood pressure was really low but when I'm in the doctors it magically goes higher, bringing it into the normal range.

2007-11-06 21:25:46 · 8 answers · asked by JENNIFER B 2

im currently 29 weeks pregnant and since been pregnant i cannot wear thongs, i used to wear them all the time and found them so comfy but now they just irratate me so much.has anyone else found this?or am i just wierd?lol.

2007-11-06 21:25:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lost my mucus plug yesterday, I had been gradually having stringy mucus for over a week, then yesterday a huge 'plug' came out, it was white/clear/yellowish in colour...anyway, when I went to the bathroom tin the middle of the night I noticed bright red specks of blood on the paper, there was not a huge about just a few spots, I have had none since...

Should I be worried or is this normal? I thought that bright red blood was a bad sign...?

Had irregular cramping for days now also..

2007-11-06 21:07:36 · 6 answers · asked by **sugarplum** 2

whats it all about?...really am in a lot of pain.
Thanks in advance.

2007-11-06 20:54:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it okay to use the creams to get rid of it or not.?
she is only 5 weeks pregnant

2007-11-06 20:52:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just did a test and it said i was positive i'll do another one tomorrow and then a docs. But for now i was just wondering i know its possible to give an inaccurate negative result but what about a positive?

2007-11-06 20:43:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok im a little confused.

On the 6th of Nov I thought I was 11 weeks pregnant.

My last period was Aug 21. My due date according to this is May 29.

I put my due date into a web site and it said I was 10 weeks pregnant starting my 11th week.

Does this mean I am 10 or 11 weeks pregnant?

2007-11-06 20:19:47 · 10 answers · asked by KS 4

2007-11-06 20:17:00 · 1 answers · asked by linda 1

2007-11-06 20:06:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last week my husband and I had sex and after sex I had some bloody tinged mucus. Went to doctor and everything is fine. However I have not no discharge since then. (Very dry). Why is this happeneing?

2007-11-06 19:03:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


I am leaking clear fluids and i just thought maybe it was discharge... should i go on to the docter tonight or just wait untill my appointment tomarrow

2007-11-06 18:16:18 · 12 answers · asked by Samantha J 2

you haven't really done anything? I'm only early on but this is my third baby and I feel so much more tired then I did with the other two and I worked 4-5 days a week then. Its not like I'm doing anything out of the ordinary to feel this tired, pregnant or not!

Anyone else get this and how did you stay awake past 4-5 in the afternoon? I'm getting a good 8 hours sleep at night but just never seem rested.

2007-11-06 18:07:45 · 4 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7

I have two baby showers coming up in the next few weeks. I have not had time to do the registration thing at the stores. Does that make me a bad person? I'm in the process of moving and all sorts of stuff. I figure most of these people are smart enough to be creative... :)

2007-11-06 17:59:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you be pregnant at 3months and not know it?, I can't tell by my period because its irregular. I dont usually take a break every month from birth control ( This is for medical reasons) and i did take a break to see if I would get my period and it only lasted two days. My boyfriend is overseas and so I dont normally take my pill when I should, so when we were togrther 3 months ago there is a slim chance I was not on time taking it. I dont have tender breast and Im not over wheight. I have gained some pounds do to some medication I am on, so its hard to tell by if I'm a bit heavier because of a pregnancy or meds.
Anyways I would assume I would need some tall tale sign by now! Right?

2007-11-06 17:59:30 · 6 answers · asked by Jai247 1

I lost my mucous plug today, is it true that you shouldnt bathe after this happens? If so, that is saaad as bathing is the only thing that relaxes me enough to get me to sleep, and I'm allergic to dust so I need to bathe before bed or crazy itching keeps me up. Is this true?

2007-11-06 17:09:54 · 9 answers · asked by krisindeed 3

I am 17 and when I have sex I make sure we either use a condom or pull out--pull out more so the case. I am almost 90 percent sure i had a miscarriage about 6 months ago...do to smoking and drinking exessively. but lately ive been wondering if i am just infertile. because it seems like girls get pregnant so easy from having sex even if they partner pulled out? i dont know... has anyone else had unprotected sex but pulled out and didnt get pregnant for a while until they started having normal sex (without pulling out??) im just worried!

2007-11-06 16:45:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

insread of having an aborshin can you have anything else to cure it.

2007-11-06 16:35:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just out of curiousity, I was wondering if there were any women with similar experiences to share with me, as I'm a little freaked out right now.

I'm way too early to be going into labor. Doc said to take it easy for now, and he'll give me some kind of meds, if necessary, but of course, I can't help but stress a little bit.

My Stats:
32 weeks pregnant, dilated to 1.5 cm, 20% effaced, contractions (which I don't feel, but were in the 80s on the monitor - every 12 minutes) baby is still breech, and lost my mucus plug at about 18 weeks or so. I have a secondary c-section scheduled for December 27th.

With my first baby, I lost my mucus plug at 34 weeks, and was dilated at 3cm for two weeks before going into active labor at 36 weeks and 6 days, and had to have an emergency c-section because my daughter couldn't pass through my pelvis - she weighed a whooping 8lbs 9oz at that gestational age!

Any input/advice is appreciated. Thank you.

2007-11-06 16:32:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok im like 27 weeks and 4 days so pretty much 7 months well this morning my legs started hurting me really bad to where i couldn't sleep well leg started buggin me like last night not that big of a deal then i came home from a friends house and layed down and when i got up it hurt like i had really bad sharp pains and it has lasted all day and is hurting now doc just said drink water ain't helpin i know my stomic was like really hard and he kept pushin on it and he kept kicking the hell out of me when i had the pains does anyone know what this could be i hope not like getting close to labor or somthing if it hurts should i go to the hosp plz help me out

2007-11-06 16:13:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

so yeah. I am 16 years old and i think i am pregnant. i dont know what to do. like i am suppose to be starting my period sometime this week. but my breast are REALLY sore. and my stomach has been killing me since like 4 or 5 days after me and that guy had sex. so idk what to do. SOMEONE PlEASE HELP ME!

2007-11-06 16:02:34 · 10 answers · asked by kayla marie 1

Who believes in old wives tales? ive been doing the quizzes on the net if my baby is a boy or girl 3 said a boy and 1 said a girl. i have my scan next Thursdays. so Excited.

2007-11-06 15:18:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I had cramping pains from about 4:30 pm untill this morning, I tried treating it as BH , drinking water, lying down on my left side ect but nothing would make it go away but neither did the pain increase. I also experienced shivers . I called my ob/gyn after hours and spoke to teh oncall doctor who was very worried untill he asked if I had recent incourse which I did two days ago so he said teh cramping my a reaction of the nerve ending of my uterus reacting to teh sperm? This is the first I've heard of that lol

Today the pain went away but it's come back but more painful now and I've been having looser bowel movements and softer stools. Moving does not help them so I'm at a loss what it could be , I am 27 weeks pregnant

2007-11-06 14:58:10 · 8 answers · asked by amazon_blaze 1

im 24 weeks pregnant with our 1st....a boy...and he sure moves alot, everytime i want my husband to feel him, the baby stops!!! my husband gets kind of upset...how can i make him move for his daddy, i mean because for me everytime i feel him it makes me soo happy and i just want my husband to feel him too!!!i've felt him kick me how do ii get him to kick his dad too? or just feel him??

2007-11-06 14:52:52 · 16 answers · asked by Joe's Mommy...2/25/08... 2

My boyfriend and I have been fighting lately. I feel like he always gets his way.. I felt like he got his way when I got pregnant. Even though I played a part in it, I felt more like he would be depressed if I wasn't pregnant and when I finally was he got his way. I've always wanted a little girl since I only have brothers and all my cousins are boys.My boyfriend would always tell me that I'm having a boy and it would piss me off but once again, I feel like he is getting his way b/c today the ultrasound confirmed that I am having a boy. I am very happy that the baby is healthy and that I am having one but I am very sad that it is not a girl. When I left the office and told my mom I was actually crying because it's a boy. With the stress my boyfriend has put me thru,I used to pray to GOD let it be a girl b/c I could not handle my boyfriend and a mini version of him.I would like to know if I will ever be happy w/ having a boy because right now I feel depressed.i wanted a girl .

2007-11-06 14:46:38 · 24 answers · asked by m_harvery 3

she is getting her period in the next couple of days is their a great chance that she could get pregnant from my precum

2007-11-06 14:28:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I lost my mucus plug earlier today, and I've had a few bouts of diarreah since, but now I have horrendous pain in my front left hip that is causing me to not even really be able to lift my leg up. What could this be? I called and talked to my doc when i lost my mucus plug, and she said that as long as I dont have my water break, or as long as Im not getting extreme contractions I dont need to worry...but...with this being my first baby, I'm worried, needless to say. Has anyone else experienced this before so far into the pregnancy?

2007-11-06 14:21:10 · 9 answers · asked by krisindeed 3

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