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Pregnancy - February 2007

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ok .. i asked this before .. and after reading what everyone had to say made me realize i forgot to write a few things. i have been with my bf for a year. he has lived with me and my dad for the last 8 months. we were friends in hs. anyway, im 20 and hes 21. we want to have a baby bad. he makes a go0d amount of money and i do part time work .. however, in highschool i went to vocational school where i got my certification as a certified home health aid. i have a good education, and can get a good paying job. i am actually going to be going to school within the next few months to become a medical assistant. my dad isnt sick as to where he isnt able to do things. he just has emphysema becuz he smokes entirely too much. anywayyy, i always tell him when i get married and move out i will always bring him with me. i know im not too young to have a baby .. but i do know i am responsible, capable, and mature enough to have a baby. the only problem is getting a bigger place + more $ i will w8

2007-02-07 02:41:45 · 13 answers · asked by ker_luvz_j0e_xo 1

So, I'm trying to get pregnant. I may be over-zealous. Whenever I go to look what the early signs of pregnancy are, spotting is one of the signs.

How heavy is spotting? Can it look like a normal period? Act like a normal period?

2007-02-07 02:36:14 · 10 answers · asked by "Marian" the Librarian 4

when checking your cervix for ovulation it says your cervix is supposed to feel high and open? what do they mean by OPEN? how open should it be??and is it possible to be ovulating and it seems the cervix is still quite low??? according to the calenders my ovulating time was yesterday and today could they be off a little bit? not sure how accurate they are???

2007-02-07 02:36:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 39 weeks and have had contractions for a week now. Im 3 cm dilated 50% effaced. I had tried castor oil,sex,walking,pinapple,spicy food,nipple stim, nothing works. Any ideas on how to speed things up?

2007-02-07 02:33:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 12 weeks pg. I'm ready to find out the sex of my baby. How far along do you have to be to find out?

2007-02-07 02:31:13 · 24 answers · asked by Brandi T 1

I was on birth control when this happen but i had an early period on january 12 and it wasnt suppose to come until January 23....it was also longer and i blead more than usual.....but the period still didnt come on the 23 of january. now the other day i blead for 1 day and i also had contnuious cramp all day 3 days before that.? dont get it....i also have been really emotional which isnt normal, trired more, eating more and feeling naseua throughout the day..and bloated even though i am not on my period...are these pregnancy signs?

2007-02-07 02:30:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 2 months pregnant and I have morning sickness. Well I actually have it at night, but its the same thing. Is there anything I can eat other than saltine crackers that will help me? This is my first child so I am nervous! I just wish I could have a giant cheeseburger from McDonalds!

2007-02-07 02:29:31 · 13 answers · asked by Brittni S 1

My last period was Dec 30th thru Jan. 5th. Well i had a flat belly but know i look like im blowed. I had taken 2 test both said positive. So i know that i'm pregnant. But i just don't thank i should be getting a belly yet... Also trying to hide it from my parents.........

2007-02-07 02:29:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-07 02:23:20 · 5 answers · asked by cheylee00 1

I had an ultrasound at 17 weeks I very much want to know the sex. The tech zoomed in really close to see if he could tell. There was a small something hanging there but he said it could be a girl because the flaps of skin can hang down early on and they grow into it. but it could also be a boy it was just to soon to tell. I told my sister-in-law about it and she said for sure it was a girl because at this point a boy would have been noticable. The tech told me that you can't tell till 25 weeks but everyone I know has found out at around 19 weeks. Anyone else have this on an u/s.

2007-02-07 02:21:32 · 10 answers · asked by jsscpnnck 1


2007-02-07 02:19:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i will be 40 weeks pregnant on Friday, 2/9... just yesterday, i was only 1cm dilated, where I've been for the past 3 weeks! Throughout my pregnancy, I never experienced any braxton hicks contractions.. Just this week, I started getting them.. They don't hurt at all, they just feel as though my stomach gets really tight, and I get slightly dizzy.. Today, I am getting them quite often, between 5-10 minutes apart.. Does this mean that the end is very near, like maybe tonight or tomorrow? Since I was only 1cm yesterday, I am not very hopeful, but then again, I haven't been experiencing these type of contractions.. anyone have experience with this kind of thing?

2007-02-07 02:17:59 · 11 answers · asked by mj'smomma 1

2007-02-07 02:16:10 · 11 answers · asked by dhottestdiva 1

i had a c-section Jan 25th and im still bleeding and me and my boyfriend had sex 2 weeks later. Im curious if i could get pregnant while i'm still having bleeding.

2007-02-07 02:09:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

So i found I out I am pregnant last Tuesday. My hubby and I couldnt be more excited! I went to the Doctor last wednesday and she only talked to me about pregnancy? Then she came me a prescript to have some blood work done and a urine test. I did all of that and it was 100% good! (i had a feeling it would say that since i felt very different) Anyways now i have to make a ob/gyn appt. But some places are saying i cant make an appt till i am "so and so" far along. But i dont know how far along i am lol! I had a regular period in December. I had a reg period in Jan on the 4th to be exact. and on Jan 30th i found out i was pregnant. Can anyone tell me how far along they think i am. or if i should just say screw it and make an appt b/c that sound weird to me?

2007-02-07 02:08:29 · 21 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

I have benn montoring my cervical mucus for the last week or so and yesterday when i checked it was a whitish color and very stretchy?? but my cervix still feels very low? this is the week i am supposed to ovulate. but im not sure if i am now or what? because it's not clear and my cervix is low. and i cant check it now because me and my fiance had sex early this morning and it would be too hard to check the mucus. my cervix is still low today though???

2007-02-07 02:08:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

In every book that I have read they say that the average size should be about 8 ounces at 19 weeks. I am wondering if I could be farther along than 19 weeks. I will check with my midwife when I see her next, but I was just curious, has anyone ever had this happen?

2007-02-07 01:59:09 · 14 answers · asked by Erin 2

find out. and i think im pregnant with his baby. i love him so much. we have been together about 18 months now.

2007-02-07 01:58:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Husband and I have a really nice apartment. It is rather large but only has one bedroom. We only pay $450.00 a month and the utility bills are really low also. We know all of our neighbors really well and the landlord is such a sweet heart and let us have our cute 3lbs puppy, now full grown and still weighs 3lbs :) and our cat spaz. The question is I am 5 weeks pregnant and just wondering if it is normal to not want to get up and move right away? I think that if we stayed here and payed off the rest of our "debt " we can have a fresh start when our baby comes, it makes a lil more sence to me? Granted a lot of our wedding stuff is in our storage above our closets b/c we just didnt have enough room for everything but should we stretch ourselves out and splurge on a bigger apartment? or wait a year or so till our financial situation is all clear? Is it ok to have a baby in a 1 br apt?

2007-02-07 01:58:22 · 10 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

my aunt is very depressed. she's helping her church to grow, but every time she has an idea, people from the church put her down and critize her. I did everything I could to encourage her, but I feel that it's not working. Please help me with this. I need to know what to do.

2007-02-07 01:44:10 · 15 answers · asked by DANA P 1

I'm going to a prenatal in a few minutes and I was wondering if they are supposed to check the baby's heart rate when I go? Can I ask them to to make sure the baby is doing good?

2007-02-07 01:42:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so, how many approximately? thanx

2007-02-07 01:41:40 · 13 answers · asked by LadyPandora 2

im not pregnant but lotz of people are

2007-02-07 01:37:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 12 weeks pregnant and i have trouble taking my materna vitamin for the baby. Would taking children`s vitamins be okay and the same.?

2007-02-07 01:35:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am wondering because a very good friend of mine is pregnant, its like her miracle because she was never suppose to get pregnant, she has had all kinds of cancer realated problems in her ovaries and cervix. but hasnt had any in over a year, then she finds out she is pregnant which was not suppose to happen so she was thrilled. well she has gone to the dr. a few times and they have estimated that she is (at the time) 6 weeks her hcg levels were kind of low i cant remember the exact number and they werent able to see a heartbeat yet, so her doctor told her to go home stay in bed and basically wait for her miscarriage. she is going back today because its been two weeks and nothing has happened. if they dont see a heart beat today they are going to do a D&C. do you think its possible that maybe they would see one today since she hasnt bled or anything? or do you think they should have seen one two weeks ago? i am just very nervous for her, thanks so much.

2007-02-07 01:26:01 · 5 answers · asked by puppy love 6

the first time I got my cervix measured I was 1cm. 2 weeks later I got it checked again and I was 11/2 cm and the doctor said the baby moved down a LOT. So I was wondering, does it usually take the same amount of time dilating as it has been until active labor? I know once your at 4 cm it speeds up but how much can it speed up before that?

2007-02-07 01:22:18 · 9 answers · asked by Kueryn 1

i saw my last period on dec.17th n i was suppose 2 see my next period on jan.20th,but i've not seen it up till now.also i've gone 4 test which was positive.pls i just want 2 know exactly how old is my pregnancy.

2007-02-07 01:20:43 · 8 answers · asked by biola owo 1

My wife is six months pregnant and has been experiencing nosebleeds everyday, especially in the morning and then some throughout the day. It seems as if everything we bring up to the OB/GYN doctors they are so quick to brush it off as just part of pregnancy, is this something to be concerned about or is it "just part of being pregnant"?

2007-02-07 01:18:39 · 10 answers · asked by s62212000 1

Help am in the patch but i am in my week off. The one that you suposed to get your period but i havent'n got mine i suposed to get it today.I had sex yesterday, but the condom ripe will i get pregnant??

2007-02-07 01:14:02 · 11 answers · asked by chikita9 1

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