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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

A bad thing ladies=(

2007-01-24 02:27:32 · 2 answers · asked by ms.newbooty93 1

My wife is 4 months along and is thinking about getting something part time. Can an employer deny them a job because they are going to have to leave for childbirth.

2007-01-24 02:27:22 · 20 answers · asked by markomark77 2

Hey there,
Was just wondering about ultrasounds, how often are you susposed to have them and that sort of thing. I had my first one last night and one today but just because i had some bleeding yesterday.
Could anyone help me out with this?
Also does anyone have any links to images of unborn babies? Like those one's that are done inside you? Just interested as to what my baby looks like at 7 weeks.

Thank-you in advance,

Lauren x

2007-01-24 02:25:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and am concerend that the stress that I have been having lately is having an effect on my baby. Last week one of my best friends was diagnosed with breast cancer (she is 29, has a 6 wk old and a 17 mnth old). Then last night my husband told me that he was offered a great position within his company but we would have to relocate to Boston (we live in Indiana). This has all been very stressful on me and I dont know how to not Be Stressed, as everyone keeps telling me. There is just no way, I am so distraught over everything. Does anyone know if stress can harm your unborn baby? I need to know what to do so that I can relax. Its hard anyway to just veg in the eve b/c I have a sweet 2 yr old that is all about mommy these days. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanks everyone.

2007-01-24 02:23:38 · 12 answers · asked by Mandy 1

2007-01-24 02:22:23 · 10 answers · asked by maballe 2

if you are four months pregnant and somehow you go in to labor could the baby survive? how early can you have a baby?

2007-01-24 02:20:43 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm drinking about 3 glasses of milk a day, but I also take calcium supplements. Can there be too much?

2007-01-24 02:19:39 · 10 answers · asked by kestie77 3

He mentioned abnormal pregnancy and is checking for hcg levels. Then said it may be too early to tell. I cramp and bloat like I am fixing to start my period. I don't understand how I have enough of the hormone to show up on a pregnancy test, but still have to be checked to make sure the hormone is multiplying. I don't know if I can carry this baby. I was not planning to be a mom. I have been on the pill for 5 years. This is a great shock to me and my husband. I don't understand the whole abnormal pregnancy thing. My doctor looked just as surprised as I. Apparently my lining wasn't thick like it should have been and also, I have developed 2 cysts on my right ovary. 6 weeks ago I only had 1. I am just really confused about all of this and I don't know what to do.

2007-01-24 02:17:23 · 7 answers · asked by lori h 1

I have heard people say that you should drink a Coke before your ultrasound in order to get the baby a little more active. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and would like to find out the sex of my baby. Does this help at all?

Just curious.

2007-01-24 02:14:47 · 14 answers · asked by Chewie 7

I had my tubes cut and tied 3 years ago. I haven't had a period in 2 months last month I took a prego test and it was negative. I just thought ok it will come but once again here we are and nothing. I have had all the pms stuff..breast tender,moody all that. I don't know if it is my mind or really me feeling like I'm pregnant. Any thoughts......

2007-01-24 02:12:21 · 12 answers · asked by laladjd 2

2007-01-24 02:03:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

im taking yasmin pills and everytime i finished a box there is 7days rest and on the 8th day i start a new pack..im just wondering could i get pregnant if i have intercourse during the 7days rest on pills? what's the risk of getting pregnant?

2007-01-24 01:53:48 · 11 answers · asked by chivas 1

I am 17 weeks pregnant and the last couple of days I noticed that I have alot of clear watery discharge. This morning I woke up in the middle of the night and felt wet and had a quarter size clear wet spot on my underwear. Could I be leaking amniotic fluid at this stage? I called my doc. Waiting for a reply....She doesn't come in for awhile. Nervous.

2007-01-24 01:47:02 · 10 answers · asked by fromthecabbagepatch 4

Yesterday, my girlfriend had a pregnancy scare. Thank god the test came back that she was NOT PREGNANT. I am only 23 and just out of college, I want to be a father eventually, but I think I am way too young. Has anyone had a scare. What would you have done if it came back Positive??

2007-01-24 01:45:01 · 11 answers · asked by Jennaba9048 1


I took a generic pregnancy test, at first it seemed I had an invalid answer. Then the next morning I looked and it was positive. Any suggestions, am I?

2007-01-24 01:39:50 · 8 answers · asked by cbewley2004 1

i am pregnat and this is written in my notes but i dont knw what it means...... can anyone help?

2007-01-24 01:37:57 · 8 answers · asked by sj 1

2007-01-24 01:34:13 · 20 answers · asked by Aerosoft 1

im an american and know in america there are lots of choices and classes i can take and books to read.. exct..... about pregnancy and parenting.. brestfeeding exct..
i recently moved to egypt and got married and now im pregnant.. its my first pregnancy..
egypt hospitals dont provide u with any information on how to brestfeed or take care of your self or any thing.. reall.. nothing..
im asking today any advice from all u mothers out there..
any advice.. im now in my sixth month of pregnancy and any advice for pregnancy or giving brith or labor and dilivary or brestfeeding or changing.. anything.. really anything...would help me allot..
any advice for a mother in need..
thank u so much..

2007-01-24 01:25:08 · 12 answers · asked by jana 1

Just wondering. I know when ur preg they take the very first day of your last period and thats how they tell you how many weeks preg u are. But can they really say " on such and such date you made your baby"???

2007-01-24 01:19:21 · 9 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

Does your water break when you are 100% effaced?

2007-01-24 01:16:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel sick to my stomach and have for a couple of weeks now. my boobs also hurt and the nipples are real sensitive. its not like me to skip a period. i am tired and tend to want to sleep in more and i use the bathroom frequently and i have craved certain foods. and certain smells fo bother me as well. i have a doctors appointment but its not until valentines day. i took two home pregnancy test (one the last week of dec. and the other the first week of this month) but they both came back negative.

2007-01-24 01:08:01 · 4 answers · asked by amy c 1

Is it normal not to feel him everyday at this point. It scares me when I go a day and am not sure if I felt him or not. I will have one day where he is all over the place and then the next day I feel nothing. Is this normal...I will be 23 weeks on Sat...thanks??

2007-01-24 01:00:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

they sneeze alot?! i must sneeze 20 times a day .. im not exaggerating!
and my ears get itchy!..with excess wax buildup.. and hiccups! i wake up in the morning with the hiccups!
i know most of this is probably normal, sneezing like mad, hiccups all the time, and itchy ears?! lol
im almost 16 weeks preg and what my body is going thru makes me laugh.. any other women go thru any of these things? i hope im not alone!
thanks xoxo

2007-01-24 00:49:01 · 5 answers · asked by nicoles1504 3

Im 20 weeks and have started to feel the baby move... But also just started feeling the "butterflies" too.... My question is that now I ALWAYS have the butterflies.... It's like the baby never stops moving. It's constant for like an hour or two and then goes away for 10-15 minutes and then comes back again. Is this normal? Did it happen to you?

2007-01-24 00:41:17 · 9 answers · asked by Nikki 1

What are the chances that they find it to be deceased? (I think that's called still birth.) I had a good strong heart beat (156) at 14 weeks - but it has taken me 7 years to get pregnant and I'm just concerned it's too good to be true. I haven't felt movement yet (but I'm overweight) and I'm just concerned that they will find something wrong. Any advice other than "don't worry"? I'm looking to stats on miscarraige after 14 weeks with no symptoms.

2007-01-24 00:04:58 · 12 answers · asked by cfisher4234 3

I am concerned about speeding and running lights (being careful of course) when driving to the hopsital after going into labor. I'm sure MOST cops will understand and give you a police escort - but is there a chance the they will do the whole "license and registration" bit and make up wait for a ticket? I mean, is there a protocol for that or are we just relying on getting a decent cop with a heart?

2007-01-24 00:02:26 · 23 answers · asked by cfisher4234 3

I'm 36 weeks and may get induced anytime now for medical reasons. I just wanted to know if anyone else went through this at this time and if their baby turned out alright. (And didn't require a trip to the intensive care unit)

2007-01-24 00:01:13 · 9 answers · asked by Momof2 6

2007-01-23 23:54:47 · 4 answers · asked by lucky girl 1

I went away with my bf for the weekend and forgot my pill, as i was rushing around and had to pack my sons stuff too. I took the pill soon as i rememberd when i got back and the instructions read im not pretected for the next sevan days. I had sex with my bf yesterday 4 times, i know this is stupid but i thought it would be ok as im ovulation dates are 14th to 17th. can i still get pregnant on the 23rd?? Im woried bacause im taking the pop pill and its dangerous and harmfull if pregnant.

2007-01-23 23:44:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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