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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

what else can i do to make my self go when i'm 37 weeks?

2007-01-15 09:25:33 · 7 answers · asked by lilpimpbytch2see 1

im having twins and am aware of the sure start grant. i work full time but my partner claims job seekers allowance which would make us eligible but we do not live together. are we still eligible for the grant?

2007-01-15 09:23:21 · 7 answers · asked by xx1982xx 2

i dont think that people should get an abortion i think its "murder". Can anyone give me advice on why people get abortions and great sites and why they are wrong.

2007-01-15 09:21:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex about 2 weeks ago with my fiance (for the first time.) About a week ago, my breasts got very sore and it just "hit me" that I was pregnant. I'm pretty sure that you can't tell that fast, but I just had a feeling. Two nights later, I was getting VERY dizzy and sick to my stomach. The room was spinning and I passed out on the floor. I have hot and cold sweats at night. I was also VERY tired. I would fall asleep if I sat still for too long.

I'm not even sure if I was pregnant, since it was/is too early to test on a pregnancy test. I have ceased to have any symptoms of nausea, dizziness, faintness, or hot/cold sweats. I haven't had any bleeding. I have irregular periods, so I can't ever track the time when it is supposed to come.

I was having HEAVY symptoms and now they abruptly stopped - does it sound like I was ever/am pregnant?

2007-01-15 09:20:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey every one im 17 years old and im 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant . i was just wondering if it normal that i cant eat very much i always feel sick and even thinkin of food make me sick . i try to eat as much as a can through out the day just wondering if any one else feels the same . i am so over the moon about being pregnant i just want everything to go smoothly as i had a miss carriage in october . me and my partner just cant wait our baby is due on the 7th of september . cant wait :D

2007-01-15 09:20:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My last period was Dec 21st for four days.
I am wondering when did I ovulate? because I having been having what I think are pregnancy symptoms ever since the 8th or 9th of Jan.
My cyles are not regular at all. This was my first period since October.
Any guess?
I know I can take a pregnancy test or go to the dr.
I have taken a few tests and I am trying to wait until the end of the month for my apt.
If my period were to come it should be anywhere between the 18th-26th based on the months of Aug- Sept(they were like 36 days apart from start to start)
Thanks for the help
Have a good day

2007-01-15 09:16:33 · 8 answers · asked by princesandy2004 2

2007-01-15 09:16:31 · 4 answers · asked by Parry 3

I was wondering if tanning is bad when your pregnant, im 9 weeks along. I mean i know to much of this isnt good at any time...

2007-01-15 09:14:34 · 10 answers · asked by jen92078 4

On Friday, I have to go into the hospital and they plan to try and ripen my cervix overnight. They also plan on sending me home on Saturday. I dont understand. Shouldn't they ripen my cervix and then induce me?

2007-01-15 09:10:01 · 8 answers · asked by Stephanieee 1

2007-01-15 09:01:46 · 12 answers · asked by tiffani1987 1

My bf and I did not have intercourse but we both had a moment but there was no rubbing, just sudden contact a few times and a few days later I got my period...Im ovulating right now but why am I so scared? I cant be pregnant right?

2007-01-15 09:00:40 · 10 answers · asked by Tery J 1

If this is right any1 got any tips of how to start labour? Iam so fed up an uncomfy! Also i keep getting pains in my lower part of my belly nealy in my privats. Like sharp stabbing pains what are there? Thanx to any1 that can help. x

2007-01-15 08:46:15 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 7 weeks pregnant and this is my third pregnancy. i started bleeding about a week ago. its heavy bleeding. i havent had bleeding during any other pregnancys. dose have anyone any suggestions?

2007-01-15 08:45:33 · 8 answers · asked by poohandboots 1

I need some advice..Please dont be rude...I cant handle it at the moment. Ok..here is the story. when I first found out I was pregnant my baby's dad and I had been broken up...we fought off and on like crazy for 4 months...things leveled out and we got back together..We moved in together and things were going great. Now, currently 30 weeks pregnant...my guy and I broke up..again (he dumped me..again)...I moved out and now he is doing EXACTLY what he did last time we broke up...Treating me like I dont exist..talking to other girls ...we have only been broken up for a week and he is just being soo rude. Its hard to get over him completely..because I am carrying his child. We broke up cuz for almost a week straight we kept nit-picking at one another about dumb stuff..then it would explode into this big deal. I am soo aggrivated. Why is he treating me like I dont matter and how can he just blow me off? I know I need to move on...for my baby's sake and blah blah blah..but just from

2007-01-15 08:44:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took a hpt and got a negative. Over a week later I took another and got a positive result. Then, I went to the doctor and got a positive result. Is it possible to get a positive result at the doctors office and it really be a negative. I am worried that it is actually negative and the test was wrong. All answers are appreciated.

2007-01-15 08:44:03 · 11 answers · asked by curiousperson20 1

I completely stopped when I found out that I was expecting. But my question is, will it have any affect on me breastfeeding?

2007-01-15 08:42:05 · 14 answers · asked by adan_and_carrie 1

i had a baby in august of 05 and i breast fed her until she was 1yr i had my period good ever since december of 06 i got my period on the 15 of december ended on the 20th then i had sex on the 2nd of january 07 on the 3rd i got my period again ended on the 8th but here is the thing for a few days now my breast been itching and a little bit of milk comes out but i dont think i could be pregnant couse milk doesnt come out till like the 6th month could somebody tell me if this is normal ?

2007-01-15 08:40:44 · 6 answers · asked by moniquita 3


2007-01-15 08:38:56 · 15 answers · asked by BEGRAY 2

Well While Having A SEX Why peoples Don't Take Precautions, I'M Not Saying About All But There R Some Who Don't Take Precautions Why.. ...Why Do They Do This...? Or They Love To Be In Problem.

2007-01-15 08:37:23 · 13 answers · asked by blueblood 3

Anybody crave ready made ribena whilst they were pregnant?

2007-01-15 08:36:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am convinced that I am going to have the baby 2 weeks early, I have no idea why, I just think that. has anyone else had this and what happened?

2007-01-15 08:36:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 27wks pregnant... can i be experiencing morning sickness again? The past few days i've been feeling nauseous - then last night i spent alot of time with my head over the toilet bowl (again!!) and once again this morning i am feeling nauseous.... very similar to the first 14wks or so of this pregnancy - and i've ruled out any sort of food poisioning or anything cause i haven't really had an appetite over the last few days (again.. too familiar!!!).

Anyone else had morning sickness come back again? I don't think i can handle it AGAIN!

2007-01-15 08:33:00 · 17 answers · asked by Smiley One 3

and what exactly does it feel like to those of you that have felt it? what symptoms usually occur in the first trimester?

2007-01-15 08:29:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


i am 23 weeks today and i've been having braxton hicks and been cramping really bad in my back and stomach...took a tylenol and hour ago and im still hurting...could there be something wrong? pregnant with # 4

2007-01-15 08:21:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

and im new at this whole yahoo thing.but i just want to say thank you to those who replied to my question.im a bit freaked out right now.but i have a few other things i want to say.this past week i have been feeling dizzy,nausea,i threw up once in the morning from a weird smell,me nd my boyfriend keep on fighting(i keep on getting really irratable)and moody as can be!!!but i cant help it.this is the first time after 5 years that my period is like this and i just have that feeling when you know something.but i am so scared to talk to my boyfriend about it and i live with him.so like when we go to the store should i just be like babe i need to get a pregnancy test.or could there be a major problew like ovarian cancer.im just so scared right now like im freakin out.

2007-01-15 08:21:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think i am having a miscarrage..
what is going to happen at the hospital
what test are they going to do ?
how long will i be there ?
is any of the procedures going to hurt ?
any info regarding this will be very helpful i kinda scared and dont know what to expect.

2007-01-15 08:19:41 · 8 answers · asked by jdmprincess07 1

My period was due on Tuesday, Jan 9th. I usually am regular every 28 days. I ALWAYS have protected sex but am still scared I am pregnant. I took two pregnancy tests (EPT and First Response) on 2 days late and 5 days late... both were negative. I was really sick this week with the flu and am still getting over it. Can that probably have something to do with it? I am also SO Stressed that I am thinking it will never come unlesss i calm down. What is wierd is that I have had cramps for about 4 days but then they stopped. Has this happened to anyone else?

2007-01-15 08:19:07 · 22 answers · asked by kristachic22 1

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