Ok hey again.
As i said previously my husband and I have been TTC for a few months now, my LMP was Novermber 25 2006, it was due on Dec 29, instead of a period I had light pink spotting, only when i wiped and only for about an hour. For the past 2 weeks(ish) I've had every text book symptom from nausea and vomiting, SORE breasts hard nippes, cramping, lower back discomfort, slight headaches, extreme tiredness. and I just feel like I may be.
I went to the doctors today, and I asked for a pregnancy test- doing a urine, I've heard not so great things about the doctor ones. Anyway negative. I then asked for a blood test and he said NO! I was so angry!! He said theres no way I was pregnant and since it was negative, there was no way a blood one would show either. Is this true!?
I asked what the spotting could be and his exact words were "you know women." No I dont! If I knew what it was, I wouldn't have been there.
Anyone had a negative doctor urine test and still been pregnant?
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