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Adolescent - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

she was caught kissing 1 boy out back her aunts house,another boy at her grandmas house. she was also caught in the act of playing with a boys private part...i dont know how far shes gone sexually. i was told by her friend,she wants guys to like her...she is only 12. in school some kids were calling her a sl*t last year. she lives with her mom,sent to grandmas cause she wasnt able to control her.after summer camp grandma sends her to her fathers in hope he can help straighten her out. shes had behavioral problems all summer and part of last year..my part in this is, im the only one she said she trusts enough to talk to. its hard for me .im her dads girlfriend and she says im here bestfriend.her dad is shocked about all this and has idea on how to even ask her about all of it.he came to me. i hope there is someone out here who can help me her before she goes too far.

2007-08-29 06:14:23 · 17 answers · asked by Kimmi 1

I am someone who likes to go to bed at midnight. Since school is starting, i know i can't do that. School starts at 8:00, so i have to leave from 7:10 to 7:15. I have to get dressed, wash my face, brush my hair and style it (that takes forever!!!!!), put in contacts, make my bed, eat, and brush my teeth. what time do you think i should wake up and go to bed?

2007-08-29 03:44:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend does such STUPID things then laughs about it! [He's 14]Yesterday, he picked out old light bulbs out of a dumpster in the parking lot at a grammer school and threw them on the pavement. Then he climbed on top of the school by stepping on the electrical box. [Which he broke] He is always trying to get into trouble. Then he laughs when I tell him to stop. Then he complains to me after he gets hurt. Its so annoying. Why does he have to always be in trouble or hurting himself? I can't take it anymore!!!!

2007-08-29 02:57:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was bloody embarassing hahhaa

2007-08-29 02:09:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what time do you have to get up in the morning?? i have to get up at 5:30.....they bus comes at 6:55....it sucks.....

2007-08-29 01:27:41 · 17 answers · asked by Felicia 3

my dad says it's ok. and i don't have any tests or nothing important to do today. so should i just skip or should i go???? i'm not sure what to do.

2007-08-29 00:53:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

if u have sex with anyone??

2007-08-28 23:40:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-28 22:00:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

HELP! Could i be pregnant???

hello, my doctor put me on a pill called Dianette for my acne. it also acts as a contraceptive and i began taking it on the first day of my period and then every day since at the same time. however when i had 5 pills, on the 6th day i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend who ejaculated inside me. My period was coming very near to its end. i took the pill at the same time again that day, after the sex. this was yesterday. and i am going to take mypill today again.
am i in any danger of pregnancy because i had only taken my pill for 5 days? i have heard that you are supposed to be on the pill for months before (i only heard this after- usefully..) but in the pack it says in the way i started i will have immediate contraceptive protection. please help i am scared there is a possiblity i will be pregnant :(

2007-08-28 19:39:07 · 13 answers · asked by Jenny C 2



2007-08-28 19:13:18 · 4 answers · asked by my dinosaur life 3


if this is your first time getting pregnant can you have more then spotting the first couple of weeks i just really wanted to know cause I'm a first timer and i conceived like a week ago and i have heavy bleeding thank you very much

2007-08-28 17:09:35 · 9 answers · asked by Vanilla 1

i have my first day of school tommorow and i hate the beggining of class when the teachers say the attendance. i hate my last name. they always butcher it. my last name sort of sounds like "ca roch eey ola." people always make fun of it because it has the word crotch in it or whatever. i hate it! the teacher always butchers it and has me repeat it, i HATE It!

2007-08-28 16:40:42 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do they talk the whole fricken class. do they like want us to fall asleep. its so boring and most of my classes i sit in the back so i can prolly sleep alot! but its stupid they should stop talking its annoying. and why do they give out fricken math hw the second damn day.....

2007-08-28 16:21:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i am dead serious ok theres this guy that i sort of like ok
well he is sort of the bad bad boy type he sneaks around wit girls at school and sh*T BUT thats beside the point my best friend says he bad for me cuz im smart really smart like advanced classes smart and shes afraid that hell drag me down i have know problem getting him he flirts wit me he hugs me vert tightly (to tight) every tiime he sees me but the question he likes to play his girlfriends badly he hurts girl i guess u could call him a minature playa i like him alot but i'm afraid of getting hurt should i listen to my girls or listen to my heart?

2007-08-28 15:30:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's my sister and she's already got every gadget there is, she's turning 15..................thanks!

2007-08-28 15:13:33 · 15 answers · asked by oneinamillion2185 2

a few months back i jsut grew tired of my mustache which was a peach fuzz and shaved it all off. Then i thought it was horrible nd kinda grew to like it eventually. Then i shaved it off again. However, all my friends who didnt shave have nice looking full mustaches (were pakistani) that are neat and clean looking. Me on the other hand still has a peach fuzz... The peach fuzz looks horrible on me but everytime i shave it grows back faster. First mustache took me 14 years to grow and i shaved it, it grw back to its original size in 3-4 months... then i shaved it and now its back in a month. But i really regret shaving it off and i wanna fully grow it but i look so ******* UGLY AS **** with it but cute and handsome witout it (acknowledged by girls) nd i think if it was full it wud be nice but wat shud i do??

BTW my peach fuzz grows all over the place and i just want neat but if i shape it look messed upbecuz its only a peach fuzz...

wut shud i do?? sry for spelling BTW

2007-08-28 15:04:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

im scared to go back to school tommorow cause im extreamly shy and i STAYED BACK! so it will be with new people and there are alot of mean people!! and im going on the buss how can i onvince my dad to DROP ME OFF hes always saying how he wants the buss to make sure he knows where i live
i cant bearly breathe im serious omg omfg

2007-08-28 13:04:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my best friend went behind my back and told the boy i realyy liked that i didnt liek him so that he would ask her out. and then they lied to me and our other best friend libby. and when me and libby found outt we wouldnt talk to them .and i guess you can say were "populer" or what ever.cuse once we dotn talk to someone nobody dose.and then every1 ends up knowing our busineess. and now the boy mark wants to be come friends with me agin we also told eachother alot of stuff and he knows alot about me . and i kno alot about him that no one dose and it hursts mroe to loose him then my ex bestfrenid krsiten is that wriong? me and her were friends for 5 years. and now it seams liek it was all for nuthingg. advice????

2007-08-28 13:02:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, hi... there is this guy in my grade that i liked last year but now i just cant stop thinking about him... we are the same hieght, the same age, go to the same grade in the same shool, he is 2-3 in taller than me, hes a little bigger, ect, i know sound like the perf match.. last year my friends tried to set me up with him ( they didnt know i like him), and everyone thinks we look *perfect* together. well i rly rly like him, but im afraid of regection.. and i dont know if he likes me, i mean were good friends and all but i know this sounds corney but whenever the lightly puts his hand on my back or touches my arm its like shock waves spark thru my body... to me he has a great personality...but the only class we have together is PE and i was thinking of switching classes to athletics...but the only thing holding me back is him....

2007-08-28 13:00:41 · 4 answers · asked by Gshsbrhjsjjnbbd 3

For the past few months, I have avoided going anywhere with my friends. I just...don't feel like going. Before, I wasn't so thrilled about going out with them, but now I dread it. It's not them...I don't know what I'd do without them, it's just me.

Last week, I was taking a test at school and couldn't even concentrate because I was thinking I had left my flat iron on and that my house was gonna burn down and blah blah blah and it just ruined my day, so I don't straighten my hair anymore. I've also noticed that I have this tendency to walk on the right side of someone and to sit by the window on the right side of the car and I feel uncomfortable if I don't.

I never get hungry anymore. Honestly, sometimes I forget to eat. I don't eat anything until I get home from school around 2:30 and it's fine with me.

I keep getting boils under my arms and on my arms and they just keep coming back and I don't know what to do...the pain..

2007-08-28 11:42:05 · 12 answers · asked by alice p 1

I'm 5'9 103 lbs i wanna be 100lbs but the doctor says i should gain weight. But i cheerlead and I don't wanna be fat. Do you think the doctors right? Whats the normal weight for a 14 year old girl who's 5'9

2007-08-28 11:10:37 · 20 answers · asked by Kenzie+Camden=♥ 4

I'm , in college, fortunately doing great in my life. I live alone, though my parents live close to me. Unfortunately our relationship has been extremely painful since I was 14. I made mistakes, was immature, realy messed up, was mean to my lil bro, was jealous, a very difficult phase. They were too harsh, couldn't understand I was just a troubled girl. I got a harsh punishment though I sincerely regretted and for months they made me suffer alot cause they didn't trust me, though I had got over that phase completely. I went through terrible days , wanted trust, forgiveness and didn't get it. They didn't act like parents who love, but just like law. The finally forgave and trusted me but I was so shocked that ended up living w/ my grandma, at 15. She was great, gave me love and trust. She passed away, but gave me an apartment and some money, so I can live on my own. My parents want to restablish our relationship, but why? When I needed them they were crue.

2007-08-28 09:17:35 · 6 answers · asked by Laura 1

My 16yr old was a nice kid. I'd sit w him late at night doing HW until I put him in private school for kids w learning disabilities. He was doing well until 8th grade were he just started bieng a total delinquent:he lies,steals, cusses his 2 younger sibs & more.Things get worse annually & he is in a school for kids w social problems (mostly autism). I have increased his thearapy time but he still throws vilolent screaming, crying tantrums (he is 6'2). He runs away when I try to ground him. I stopped spanking him around 14 years when he called the police on me. I'm scarred he is going to hurt his10 year old sis cause he says he wishes she were dead. He says I treat her and my middle son(13) like they are better and smarter. I so love my 1st born, but I dislike him. I now it's sounds crazy but my house is peacful until he wakes or comes home from school.He is spiteful, winy,never listens & talks non stop.The siblings & hubby r traumatized by the daily fights. I feel like running away!

2007-08-28 09:02:34 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read loads of questions and answers on this site that i didnt know. Like pre-*** which i had never heard of before and we dont learn anything like blow jobs and hand jobs. we spend like 5 mins on actual sex and the rest on like periods and spots. Is there anything i should know which we are not taught. I am nearly 15 btw. Also because we dont learn this many people get pregnant at young ages and do all sorts of things that we dont know will have an affect . Like if a guy mastibates can a girl then get pregnant.

2007-08-28 08:27:54 · 35 answers · asked by Strong girl 3

As shes going to be 13, I want to get her a special necklace thats not too babyish, and something she will remember from her 13th birthday. If anyone knows of anywhere, I would be very grateful! Thank you!

2007-08-28 07:39:46 · 16 answers · asked by . 5

let me know if ur a teen or not when u answer, but everyone is welcome to answer.....thanks!

2007-08-28 06:38:30 · 16 answers · asked by Lauren 5

I spend 2 hours daily on my hair( drying and straightening), 10 mins on makeup except on school days were i spend less so it looks more sutle and 20 mins sometime picking clothes and on the school day ages getting my uniform right. I also love to look at myself in anything that reflects.
I am a 14 year old female so does this have anything to do with why i cant stop doing this?

2007-08-28 05:24:00 · 48 answers · asked by Strong girl 3

today is my last day of summer and i have my first day of school tomorrow (which i am NOT looking forward to) what can i do today? i don't think any of my friends can hangout cause they either have work or soccer practice. ugghh this is like the worst day of the year (no more freedom) so what can i do to keep occupied thats actually fun. i'm 15 and a sophmore.

2007-08-28 02:06:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am girl, 15. Still my mom treats me like a small girl. It is true that she loves me a lot. But the issue is too much love and care, that I feel I am too much pampered than what a 15 years grown up girl actually needs. Some times it hurts my freedom too, but still I do not say any thing because mom things that I am still a small girl. When I go to kitchen, mom will be behind. When I go for shopping, dad or mom will be with me. Though I feel proud for them, I have started longing for a little more freedom.

How to tell my mom & dad about this, with out hurting them?

2007-08-27 23:40:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous