I am/was around 8 wks pregnant. Friday morning I started some brown spotting, without any cramps or pain at all. Saturday it began to get heavier, and as the day passed the color became red/dark red with some small clots (which I get normally with my normal period.) I began getting cramps which got worse and worse. Then, as time passed, the cramps were very painful. Eventually I took some Tylenol and laid down with a heating pad, and the cramps went away pretty well. However, when I went to the bathroom, I passed a peice of flat blood-colored tissue, oddly shaped (but kind of rectangular) that was about two inches by three inches. It did not in any way resemble a baby. I freaked out, but tried to relax. About an hour later, I passed another one of these "clots". Since then the bleeding has slowed and no more clots, big or small, have passed. I feel fine but am wondering if I just suffered a miscarriage??? Life experience would help.
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