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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 July 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I have 4 daughters. I use spanking as discipline in my home. I usually spank on clothed bottoms, but sometimes I spank on the bare (when they're really bad). What do you think (please don't condemn me, just give your opinion). Doesn't anyone else spank like this?

2007-07-15 16:23:27 · 25 answers · asked by stmotherer 1 in Parenting

Period was due yesterday.

2007-07-15 16:20:12 · 7 answers · asked by Amanda 1 in Trying to Conceive


ok, so i'm gonna havetwin girls 2 weeks from now. my husband and 3 year old girl Madison and now we're having twins!! Ok, so my husband and i were thinking of Amanda (Mandy as a nickname) and Lauren. Marie in my family is like a tradition middle name and the last name is Russo. but, do u like that???

2007-07-15 16:14:20 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

My sister is having her baby wednesday and needs a name fast and cant decide. I need opinions. Thanks!

2007-07-15 16:06:44 · 22 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Baby Names

Im not sure what my taste is but, I DONT want something that is TOO common.....maybe slightly common.

Here are some of the names that I like right now
Hunter, Peyton, Preston, Carter, Zac, Halen, and Dawson!

2007-07-15 16:02:13 · 39 answers · asked by Nicole S 1 in Baby Names

I keep meaning to ask my useless Pediatrician about these clear crystal looking things in my daughter's diaper. I see them a lot and usually just with a wet diaper (no poo). They are really tiny, kind of like clear sand. Has anyone seen this and/or know what it is?

2007-07-15 15:56:52 · 26 answers · asked by Sarah V 1 in Newborn & Baby

Might sould like a stupid question...
but Im just courious, how much does it hurt, someone told me its like pulling your ear all the way to your mouth is that true?

2007-07-15 15:54:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Ok I know ask my dr. I'm just curious from other mothers out there
I'm due july 31. 3 weeks ago the dr. felt his head when he checked me and said i was dilated to a one but not thinning out yet. since then I have "dropped" A LOT
I havent been checked since I have another app. the 18th.
Just curious how long it took after you dropped for you to have the baby?
Any thoughts on how close I am??

2007-07-15 15:52:12 · 5 answers · asked by cee_jae22 3 in Pregnancy

Ok..so we are having a girl early Nov. and we have settled on a name.. Grace Elizabeth Houston (pronounced house-ton). We call her Gracie for short..just wondering what ya'll thought of it?

Thanx in advance:)

2007-07-15 15:49:16 · 41 answers · asked by lovnmycory 2 in Baby Names

she is my best friend i was bored so i just asked

2007-07-15 15:47:06 · 22 answers · asked by mayday301 1 in Baby Names

I'll let you whip me...
If i misbehave!
random question... do you like barnie? have you ever like barnie?

2007-07-15 15:37:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

i always thought to have red hair a baby had to be born with it.however my son was born 3 months ago with dark brown hair. each time i wash it , it gets lighter and redder. in the sun it is bright coppery red. will it stay this color.

2007-07-15 15:33:21 · 31 answers · asked by gordyg 1 in Newborn & Baby

I want some matching names for twins - I want names that begin with K or C ...
* Though it was never planned, my family begin to choose K names - For instance - My name is Kendal , I have cousin's name Keisha, Kayden , Kendra , Kevin , Colby , Keagan , Camden , Kaitlyn, ... etc. You get the picture ! So I thought it would be neat to hear some K or C names. Feel free to add middle names if you'd like.
My two names I am leaning toward are
Kensington & Carson ....
What do you think about Cecillia ... ?

2007-07-15 15:31:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

yesterday i went to a cafe with my bf to hang out and get some tea and i saw a YELLOW FERRARI in the lot! the cafe i go to is mostly highschool and collage kids (esp at night)...so im willing to bet this car belonged to someone under the age of 25. it made me think about the show sweet 16 and how much is pisses me off when i do see the show... what are your thoughts about the parents and snobby 16 year olds on the show?

im not jealuse...i just think its RIDICULOUS for a highschool kids to drive such a luxery car such as benz, bmw, infinity, ect....makes NO SENSE at all!

...if your wondering what kind of ferrari it was it was the Ferrari F430 Spider.

2007-07-15 15:27:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I have no idea what to go with...Im 30 weeks along, and I feel like I should at least of a list of names I love but there's really nothing I've settled on. This is a list of a few names that I like, but again nothing I'm really in love with. I'd love some suggestions, based on the types of names it seems I lean toward


2007-07-15 15:18:58 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

My son was a full term baby and weighed 8lb, 9oz when born. However, when he was 3 weeks old he stopped nursing and had to be admitted to the hospital for 8 days. He hasn't eaten the same since then. He is a healthy, active boy and very smart. His 4th birthday was on June 24th and he weighs 29 pounds and is 3.5 feet tall. I give him several small meals/day and he drinks homogenized (3% fat) milk. We've had him to 2 pediatricians and a dietician, not much help. I feel as if they are scrutinizing me, as if i am withholding food from my child which I would never do. His big sister is 7 and weighs 45 pounds and is 4.5 feet tall. I am 5 feet 6 inches and weigh 180 lbs, my husband is 6 feet tall and weighs about 220 pounds. I'm open for suggestions, also, is there anyone else out there having the same problem and came through it?

2007-07-15 15:17:05 · 13 answers · asked by Calista77 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

Hello! I am 11 days late and hoping I'm pregnant. Here we go, I had my period last June 7. I am pretty regular
(28 day cycle), I ovulated in June a little later than normal (June 28). I am now 11 days late! The most I have ever been late is 2 days (with the exception of our 1st child). I have a bunch of symptoms-bloating, light adominal pain, excessive gas, tender breasts, dark blue veins in breasts, BUT negative HPT tests? Is it too early to be testing?

2007-07-15 14:50:35 · 10 answers · asked by pocogal 1 in Trying to Conceive

how many months was your baby when he/she began grabbing their own feet?

2007-07-15 14:41:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

2007-07-15 14:40:17 · 14 answers · asked by daggie 1 in Newborn & Baby

my baby girl is 10 months. and i've been giving her half a cup of gerber baby oatmeal and having her finish it off with five ounces of formula milk. i give her this about five times a day. i always thought this was enough.

my sister came over yesterday with her 6 month old son.. she's been giving him 1 cup of gerber baby cereal and having him finish it off with 8 ounces of formula milk.. she gives this to him about 6 to 7 times a day.

am i underfeeding my daughter or is she overfeeding her son??

2007-07-15 14:29:12 · 12 answers · asked by *¤Little Mimi¤* 4 in Newborn & Baby

If you had a new born baby, and were forced to name it after a fruit or vegie, what would you name it? Don't repeat what others have said!

2007-07-15 14:23:55 · 36 answers · asked by Kylee 2 in Newborn & Baby

My best friend is pregnant, she is only about a month though. She has real bad headaches, stomache aches, normal stuff like that. She also goes through slight depression and is wondering if she should take her sisters pills for that. She usual takes advil and such. she wants to get another medication. What are some pills she should stay away from and not take so she won't put her baby at risk? As in pain meds, anti-depressants, etc.

2007-07-15 14:20:36 · 10 answers · asked by Bunny.. 2 in Pregnancy

I am only 3 months pregnant and I have pain down the back of my right leg. I had the same exact pain when I was pregnant with my other kids but not till I was atleast 6 months pregnant or later. They told me it was the pressure of the baby on my sciatic nerve. Is it that again? Isnt my baby too light now to put pressure on it? I know its the exact pain, its kinda distinct. Any thoughts?

2007-07-15 13:53:56 · 4 answers · asked by quizqueen 4 in Pregnancy

2007-07-15 13:51:33 · 16 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Pregnancy

What test would you trust? And has this ever happened to anybody?

2007-07-15 13:44:31 · 15 answers · asked by Michelle N 5 in Pregnancy

I just found out I was pregnant the other day.. and a week ago me and my husband were painting and varnishing a room in our house..I've read so much about paint and things hurting the baby.. we had all the doors and windows open... is it going to harm my baby???! I'm so worried.. my doctors appoitment isn't until tomorrow so I need a little reasurrance now!

2007-07-15 13:42:37 · 24 answers · asked by Bella 1 in Pregnancy

I'm not pregnant, just a name fanatic :) Pick the two you like the best...

Charlotte Rose
Ella Grace
Lily Joy
Ruby Melody

Also, which of the following names do you like the best and pick a middle name to go with it...


Thanks in advanced!

2007-07-15 13:41:20 · 20 answers · asked by ♥Caroline♥ 4 in Baby Names

hi i am 35weeks pregnant with spd which is where the pelvis tissue softens for those who dont know about it anyways my pelvis is starting2 get worse now but main problem is am gettin a load of pain in my thighs and its so sore feels like i have pulled a muslce or something anyways the only thing i was told 2 use is deep heat(cream that heats up when applied 2 relax the muscle) but i dont find it helps that much i am going 2 phone the physio therapist person this week but is there anyone with anything that could help me in the main time I CANT TAKE BATHS cause they make me feel ill when i do

2007-07-15 13:39:11 · 1 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

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