we have been together for 8 years now, and have a 5 year old girl and a 4 year old boy, everybody tells us that we are complete, with a boy and a girl. but ever since i can remember i always wanted 3 kids. and just last week it hit me by the time the 3rd child is in pre-k the other kids will be 9, and 8. and my last 2 pregnancy, were not so enjoyable. so i want my last pregnancy to be "perfect". but then i start thinking who will take care of the baby while am at work? are we ok with money ( we are ok, could be better but its like a fear) how are things gonna work out??? i keep telling my self that everything will be ok...buts and ifs take over. with my fist pregnancy my husband and i were 17 y/o. and getting evicted. with the 2nd we lived in this little room that we were renting to a home owner, she kicked us out as well, because we refused to pay her $50 dollars per day that we were late on the rent. we are good now. but so confused, please help!
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