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Politics - 25 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

...for the democratic presidential nominee??

BTW, this is a repost because this exact question was removed. It was worded exactly like this so please keep on reporting it so you lose credibility with Y! Answers, libs.

2007-09-25 07:36:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

No troops anywhere, no humanitarian aid, no disaster relief. We just worry about America, and Americans. No amnesty, no support to/for the United Nations .
What do you think?

2007-09-25 07:35:56 · 17 answers · asked by Supercell 5

Would you be willing to get healthier if it meant a rebate on your health insurance? With AFLAC I get $60.00 a year for going in and getting a free physical (paid for by my primary insurer) Any ideas about improving health and cutting health care costs?

2007-09-25 07:32:47 · 11 answers · asked by Ktcyan 5

Let's review the facts.

Republican political campaigns have compared war veteran Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein, and dragged war veteran John Kerry's name through the mud. These Republicans were both elected.

Republican Senators killed a Democratic bill to give our troops more time at home after serving overseas. Twice. Also bills attempting to bring troops home.

The Republican president sent our troops into the Iraq War based on falsified evidence.

The Republican president had no post-war plan, and subsequently our troops are stuck in the middle of a civil war.

Republicans questioned General Shinseki's assessment that several hundred thousand troops would be needed to stabilize post-war Iraq.

Democrats questioned General Patreaus' assessment that things are going pretty well in Iraq.

Republicans probably put more "support our troops" stickers on their car bumpers.

Which seems like the more patriotic, troop supporting party to you?

2007-09-25 07:32:45 · 26 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

Is this because the US wears the "world police" outfit just when they can exploit some advantage to their side? Like the oil in Irak?

2007-09-25 07:27:09 · 13 answers · asked by corporal.hicks 3

Be specific.

What are the accomplishments of this person and what is their plan for all of us?

Does this person have a vision?

2007-09-25 07:23:48 · 14 answers · asked by Moody Red 6

I mean, look....they hated Bush from day one saying he STOLE the election in 2000...LOL give me a break. If it wasn't Iraq, it would be something else. So, what is liberals true agenda?

2007-09-25 07:22:26 · 26 answers · asked by TriSec 3

Is this the WMD Bush and his administration were referring to?

2007-09-25 07:22:04 · 1 answers · asked by MadLibs 6

Some states have lost 20% of their jobs. Can we maintain this republic with no jobs? What jobs will take the place of the technical and manufacturing jobs? Why did our leaders (Dems & Repubs) help this to happen?

2007-09-25 07:17:09 · 12 answers · asked by goddessinglasses 2

As A-Jad would say YOU INFIDELS,,,,& ISRAEL MUST DIE,,,,so what do you think,,,safe or ?

2007-09-25 07:11:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

All the haters chanting death to America-what the hell is wrong with you? Do you ever see any Americans chanting Death to wherever and burning flags like degenerates? I know I am from big bad America but i have a right to live free as all of you do in your countries unless you live under a dictator-then that's your responsibility to work towards change. Burning American flags or American human beings for that matter, will not change things in your country. We have a right to live as we wish and love and laugh and experience all the things you want for yourself as well. We are people too, not the ridiculous, sinister construct you all have created. You don't like my government? I hate yours...but I don't want 2 million of your children dead. losers.

2007-09-25 07:01:22 · 25 answers · asked by America scarica 3

While I disagree with their hate for liberals, homosexuals, minorities, egalitarianism, and the ACLU, and their belief in the "liberal jewish media" myth... (Check their websites. This is true).

I believe everybody deserves the right to speak. The government should not be censoring anybody, and I would prefer if groups/individuals outside the government didn't do it either.

I'm sure conservatives who are not as fanatical as right-wing neo-nazis and klan members also agree.

Does that mean you agree with their message?


So why does the university's decision to allow the fundie president of Iran to speak, mean they support his beliefs???

2007-09-25 07:00:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are we letting these corporations make our energy policy and why is the bush adminstration not being held accountable for it now that we have a majority Democratic Congress?

2007-09-25 06:55:02 · 12 answers · asked by courage 6

Isn't Israel all grown up now? John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's book THE ISRAEL LOBBY AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY points out how continued unwavering support of the Zionist state is undermining our credibility and security in world.

Isn't it about time we cut Israel loose? The 3 billion + dollars we send to Israel a year would be so much better spent in this country (i.e. the bridge collapse in Minnesota).

How long are we in this country going to let Christian and Jewish Zionist and their ilk lie and twist our foreign policy forcing us into intractable situations?

Now they want us to attack Iran!

2007-09-25 06:49:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What Iran has and too many conservatives want:
-rabbid fundaMENTALIsm
-monotheism as sectarian law
-killing gays
-massive censorship
-total seperation from the U.N.

We dont have the heinous injustices they have in Iran NOT because of conservative virtue but liberal virtue?
Upsetting to the far right?
What would the far right do with unlimited power?
Go back to McCarthyism, blacklististing, and segregation?

God bless the ACLU,etc for not letting that happen.

your thoughts on this?

2007-09-25 06:48:51 · 6 answers · asked by Jim W 3

Would you support a complete boycott of anything imported that can be made here? Bring the jobs and money back home? Would you boycott companies that outsource customer service, manufacturing, or even parts sourcing out of the country?
Why or why not?

2007-09-25 06:44:41 · 14 answers · asked by rayb1214 7

consider the words of Marshall McLuhan: "only small secrets need to be protected, the big ones are protected by public incredulity"? Are those who must believe the government conspiracy version of 911 overcome by irrational incredulity that blinds them to another possible truth?

2007-09-25 06:43:39 · 7 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3-day pass.
The CO says "Are you crazy? You just join the Israeli army, and you already want a 3-day pass? You must do something spectacular for that recognition!" So the soldier comes back a day later in an Arab tank! The CO was so impressed, he asked
"How did you do it?"
"Well, I jumped in a tank, and went toward the border with the Arabs. I approached the border, and saw an Arab tank. I put my white flag up, the Arab tank put his white flag up. I said to the Arab soldier, "Do you want to get a three-day pass? So we exchanged tanks!"


2007-09-25 06:29:43 · 19 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

Did you see his speech? Doesn't it seem like one could basically summarize his views, as follows?: 9/11, the American invasion of Iraq, the problems faced by the muslim world, basically all of the world's woes, are the fault of Israel and/or the Jews. I guess with his "blame the Jews" strategy, the man has allied himself with Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and various other anti-semitic groups. And this is a man who's a self-professed "academic."

2007-09-25 06:04:00 · 3 answers · asked by Stephen L 6

2007-09-25 05:50:41 · 25 answers · asked by ron j 1

that will make it Possible to over through America.Can Americans end up being responsible for our own downfall?

2007-09-25 05:48:38 · 21 answers · asked by john 2

I'll be 50 soon. Life's been good to me. I have enough saved to live off of for the rest of my life. The home is paid off, and I have no debt.

I only work to keep my health insurance coverage.

I'm thinking about retiring as soon as HillaryCare becomes law. Since her plan is dependent on income, not assets, I plan to take just enough out of my retirement plan to qualify for free coverage.

This will give me the time to visit the doctor more often to take care of those things I didn't want to spend MY money on.

Will anyone else be doing the same? I figure if the voters want me to have free health care, it would be an insult not to take advantage of it. Right?

2007-09-25 05:46:26 · 19 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7

If so, why? I've only blocked a few people, and they were all trolls who made it a point to stalk and harass me. Do some people here wish to learn something new or maybe engage in an intelligent debate or do they merely wish to preach to the choir?

2007-09-25 05:38:53 · 28 answers · asked by tangerine 7

Madonna meets with the Israeli president and Kevin Spacey meets with none other that Hugo Chavez?????? Uh, excuse me, when did they become important players in international politics. Disgusting. Why does the press give these pathetic celebrities any coverage? Wake up, US journalists, nobody cares.

2007-09-25 05:35:10 · 13 answers · asked by porkchop 5

This bumpersticker: http://www.cafepress.com/bush_doggers.53225256
or this bumpersticker: http://www.cafepress.com/bush_doggers.37441703

2007-09-25 05:29:54 · 23 answers · asked by buffytou 6

2007-09-25 05:29:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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