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Politics - 25 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Kevin Spacey Meets With Venezuelan President...

2007-09-25 17:00:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

And also how many U.S. Soldiers died? Oh, and one other question, how many men were drafted in WWII?

2007-09-25 16:57:59 · 11 answers · asked by JB18 1

And the aluminum tube lies to go with the yellowcake. "Smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud" lie based invasion.

2007-09-25 16:53:58 · 12 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

2007-09-25 16:50:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-25 16:49:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need to talk to my leader, it's important!

2007-09-25 16:43:15 · 17 answers · asked by SouthCali4LifeSD 3

If so, do you think Hillary Clinton will be our First Woman President?

2007-09-25 16:33:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

ruled. There were less murders, The so call resistence
groups stayed underground, the city was safe to travel
no rapes and thefts, and best of all none of our Amercian
boys and girls were shedding their blood, getting crippled
or killed. Have we really made a difference or made
more enemies?

2007-09-25 16:27:21 · 11 answers · asked by Bobby G 2

1) Ted Kennedy sending a secret letter to Russia during the Cold War.
2) Liberals inviting Iran's president to speak at a U.S. university. That action will only fuel Iran's anti-American propaganda which will result in more dead soldiers in Iraq. Liberals already knew the speech would be broadcast to hundreds of millions of people in the Middle East.
3) Liberals wanting to remove the embargo on Cuba.
4) Clinton passing military secrets to communist China. A country that has said that war with the U.S. is unavoidable and is preparing for it. Clinton's action put America at risk for a nuclear attack from communist China.
5) Liberals helping Russia after WW2. An American liberal gave Russia secret American nuclear weapons plans. Russia then gave the plans to China in the 1960's. China then gave the plans to North Korea and to a man in Pakistan. The man in Pakistan then gave the plans to Iran. Also, Chinese nuclear bomb plans were found in Libya's nuclear program

2007-09-25 16:23:24 · 24 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

President Ahmadinejad said they don't have gays in Iran!

2007-09-25 16:21:57 · 9 answers · asked by steph833 3

Liar, after criminal, after liar. Yet party loyalists support these liars till the very end. How unintelligent is that?

We are simply trading one criminal entity for another.

2007-09-25 16:21:11 · 12 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

"A slew of white citizens groups sprang up to oppose desegregation. The most widespread was the White Citizen's Council, called the "country club Klan" by its critics because members included governors, judges, and congressmen."

"The St. Louis-based Council of Conservative Citizens traces its roots directly to the racist, anti-integrationist White Citizens' Councils of the 1950s and 1960s... Its current leader, attorney Gordon Lee Baum, was an organizer for the WCC and built the Council of Conservative Citizens in part from the old group's mailing lists. Like its predecessor, the CCC inflames fears and resentments, particularly among Southern whites, with regard to black-on-white crime, nonwhite immigration, attacks on the Confederate flag and other issues related to "traditional" Southern culture."

2007-09-25 16:16:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ahmadinejad told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that Iran has decided to pursue the monitoring of its nuclear program "through its appropriate legal path," the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency.

2007-09-25 16:04:54 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

only taken to the extreme?


"Enemies from within are destroying the United States of America. An unholy coalition of anti-White, anti-Christian liberals, socialists, feminists, homosexuals, jews [sic] and militant blacks have managed to seize control of our government and mass media. This gang of criminals and degenerates has declared war on the hard working, tax paying, White citizens … The American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan plan to change things for the better. We shall liberate our nation from these savage criminals and restore law and order to America."
(from the American Knights’ Platform)

2007-09-25 16:02:47 · 11 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

Liberal, jewish, are basically the same thing. Most jews are liberal and vote Democrat.


"They all understand, of course, that their Jewish bosses expect a certain slant on the reporting they do. They understand which side their bread is buttered on. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. But their liberal bias goes beyond just trying to please the Jewish media bosses who employ them."

"Now, one of the reasons why these media people weren't embarrassed is that many of them belong to a race which is biologically incapable of feeling shame. And the ones who don't belong to that race have trained themselves to think and behave just like their Jewish bosses. That's one of the reasons for the shameless behavior of the controlled media."

2007-09-25 15:59:11 · 8 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

Why do you hate me without actually thinking about my opinions?
i am frustrated with silly laws, not the ones keeping us safe.
im frustrated with our governments desire to invade other countries, not mind their own business.

yeah us! america was a revolutionary country, but now were imperialists with two attemps of incvasion under our belts. also, it cant be the home of the free when people arent allowed to do what will make them happy (ie gay marridge), and hurt noone else.

and seriously, why do you hate liberals so much?

2007-09-25 15:47:19 · 36 answers · asked by sydgoldkid 4

The official confederate/conservative excuse for why blacks vote Democrat is because they are lazy, are just looking for handouts, and can't think for themselves.

What is the official con excuse (NOT EXPLANATION) for why jews also vote overwhelmingly Democrat?

Are they just looking for some welfare money too?


Over 90% of jews in congress are Democrats or side with Democrats.

87% of jews in America voted for Democrats in the last election

2007-09-25 15:47:05 · 4 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

She couldn't wait to get into some video and photo ops!!!!

2007-09-25 15:41:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

"To be 20 and a conservative is heartless. To be 30 and a liberal is mindless.
Winston Churchill"
- con

First of all, you got it wrong. The typical false quote is:

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

The FACT is that he was a conservative at 25 and a liberal at 35.
" There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 25 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?""

2007-09-25 15:40:49 · 19 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

Since cons are all a flutter over George Soros and claim he "owns" the Democartic party I did a little research and I gotta ask who really owns who when the money spread looks like this
Richard Mellon Scaife $340 million
George Soros $23 Million
Yeah that's right Scaife, the guy who was behind the Clinton attack campaign in the 90's, he donates more than 10 times the amount to republicans and conservative causes and yet Soros is accused of "owning" the Dems are people really this stupid if so I fear for our future as a country if we're so easily deceived that they can't see who owns who

2007-09-25 15:35:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's with this Bush administration idea that we can't talk to our enemies or even listen to them? Even Reagan and all previous U.S. presidents talked to our enemies.

2007-09-25 15:27:00 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

or is it a gift from birth.

2007-09-25 15:25:49 · 16 answers · asked by Whitest_American 3

The facts just don't bare it out. When Soros annual contributions average about 1.6 million and so far they've raised the virtually same amount (1.5) from the Betrayus ad alone, you wouldn't know that to hear the wacky right wingers talk, you know a few mouse clicks and a good google search will dispell the myth but some people only want to believe what they want to believe, some refer to them as tinfoil hat wearers or kool aid drinkers, I prefer the pyschological term though which is confirmation bias, this condition makes it sufferers incapable of listening to outside sources and the can only adhere to reports that confirm the bias no matter how inaccuarte they are. While George Soros may provide a good sum of money in the context of his annual giving it's paltry, he gives away about 450 million annually, contrast his donations (1.6mil) to Moveon's annual budget of about 40 million and the myth is easily dispelled, don't you just hate it when the lie you are living by gets crushed?

2007-09-25 14:59:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This time 5 years ago:

98 cents = 1 Euro

141 cents = 1 Euro

And the Canadian dollar is equal to the American Dollar?!

Today a barrel of oil is at an all time high, or is it?

2007-09-25 14:57:45 · 14 answers · asked by stupidity_of_pride 4

First of all, he is a President and second of all he is a guest in this country. He was supposed to be respected as a guest from other country and the University of Columbia's President just showed the world how 'FRIENDLY' America is by insulting the Iran President before he even spoke.
This is terrible and lower the image of America than ever before. Even though he is a bad President, but he has done nothing wrong to the US and he is not supposed to be treated like that.
It would make the America as a bully than as a good country.
Now, he remained calm throughout the speech and that's a true gentleman because he could calm himself even though he was insulted. If an American in other country was insulted like him, the American would act out of control.
Now, the Columbia's President just showed the world how to treat Americans in other country. How terrible is that? Don't you think the world was watching? What do you think?

2007-09-25 14:56:47 · 22 answers · asked by bonding100 1

Many Iranians are apparently very upset and humilated over the criticism their genocidal lunatic midget tyrant endured at Columbia University. What a shocker.

How can Americans be ever more senstive to lunatic midget Islamists? Certainly all critcism should stop right now, but what else can we do?

2007-09-25 14:53:12 · 3 answers · asked by 911 Nut 1

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