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Politics - 7 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Wow, is this really happening?

2007-09-07 13:57:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 13:52:32 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because all we're doing is training the insurgents?

2007-09-07 13:50:14 · 6 answers · asked by easy_game_101 2

This is the only 9/11 "conspiracy" I would buy into. Only because shooting down the plane would be the right thing to do considering what happened earlier that morning. If this was a conspiracy that happened, would it really be that bad to make up a "feel good" story about the passengers rising up and saying "let's roll!!!!!" and taking down the plane? I don't think so. Better to shoot it down than for it to ram into another building.

2007-09-07 13:49:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

His wife says he's stinky in the morning and someone on here said something about it being because he smokes. Is that really true??
I'll admit I already was against him, but if he really does smoke, you should be too. I smoke and can tell you it makes you a complete social pariah anywhere outside your home. I don't want someone like me sitting in the sealed smoke-free environment of the war bunker with the big red button in his hand and getting all itchy to go outside for a smoke. Even if Bush was a dumb and evil as people say, I'd rather have that than a guy having a nic-fit.
Does anyone know if it's true he smokes?

2007-09-07 13:44:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wouldn't that be a bit ironic?

2007-09-07 13:44:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does Bush hate what was done to US citizens on september 11,or what he hates is that it was done by arabs,we have right now mexicans at the border shooting at US border Patrol agents and US citizens and he ignores what's going on,on the other hand we have two agents in prison for shooting at an illegal bringing in drugs on a stolen vehicle,the agents are doing time in prison,and the illegal becomes a US citizen and $80,000 richer

2007-09-07 13:43:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

As with this post:

"How long after Bush leaves office will it take for some Physics PHD to finally prove the fire at the Pentagon was too small to be a 757?"

2007-09-07 13:42:08 · 15 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Why is everything Bush does based on an extremely short term outlook?

2007-09-07 13:30:38 · 13 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Will he have the guts to be at the cnn youtube debate?

Poll: whos more pathetic :
A. Thomson
B. Carter

2007-09-07 13:29:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

was too small to be a 757?

that 40,000 lbs of high octane jet fuel would have burned many times larger and hotter than what was on the ground.

and don't bother saying the building was reinforced. Reinforced buildings don't make 40,000 lbs of high octane jet fuel just "Dissapear" into thin air.

2007-09-07 13:28:40 · 9 answers · asked by easy_game_101 2

Well, Osama Bin Laden is back. God Bless him. He recommends Americans convert to Islam in order to end the War. I have no desire to Convert to Islam. Does that mean the war in Iraq will continue?

2007-09-07 13:19:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 13:18:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

But it doesn't matter what our liberal politicians in D.C. say, right? They're not undermining our troops and their mission at all, right? They're not showing the U.S. to be weak at all, right?

2007-09-07 13:08:10 · 18 answers · asked by Firestorm 6

I mean, CNN, Fox News, Newspapers, everything that you see in it is allowed to be published or broadcasted. I just wonder how many stories, international events and significant social events go swept under the rug or portrayed in a way to simply pursuade the public into one point of view? Sometimes it seems we are being controlled on a mass scale.

2007-09-07 13:02:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, CNN, Fox News, Newspapers, everything that you see in it is allowed to be published or broadcasted. I just wonder how many stories, international events and significant social events go swept under the rug, or portrayed in a way to simply pusuade the public into one point of view? Sometimes it seems we are being controlled on a mass scale.

2007-09-07 13:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-07 13:00:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Democrats, like their Republican counterparts, have invested too much political capital into fictionalizing the problem with slogans like “support the troops,” “we’re fighting the enemy there so we don’t have to fight them here,”and “leaving Iraq would hand victory to al-Qaida.”

Nearly 4 1/2 years following President Bush’s ill-fated (and illegal) decision to invade and occupy Iraq, few people in a position to influence policy formulation and implementation in America have actually grasped the horrible truth about what has transpired, and what is transpiring, in Mesopotamia today. As the United States places the finishing touches on Fortress America, the new half-billion-dollar Embassy complex in the heart of the Green Zone in downtown Baghdad, and more troops pour into mega-bases throughout Iraq, the reality (and futility) of permanent occupation has yet to sink in. What could be going through the minds of those members of Congress who keep signing blank checks for the president?

2007-09-07 12:49:23 · 7 answers · asked by Richard V 6

Now he wants the U.S. to convert to Islam? What a dumba$$. The sooner this freak is dead along with all of his kind, the better off the world will be.

2007-09-07 12:43:06 · 12 answers · asked by Remember the GOP? 2

He said "warmongering owners of the major corporations" would rush to appease voters who showed they are looking for an alternative, "and this alternative is Islam."

What do you think he meant by that?

2007-09-07 12:35:58 · 12 answers · asked by Enigma 6

A 4-Star Army General who has won nearly every single award and honor offered by his peers and superiors? The General was confirmed by the US Senate 81-0, THAT'S EIGHTY ONE TO NOTHING for his position, but now that his report is expected to indicate that we're finally on the right track in Iraq, the two biggest stooges in the United States Senate, Dirty Harry Reid, the land swindle king of Nevada, and "Dick" Durbin, a product of the Chicago/Dailey political machine (which is somewhat worse than the old Tammany Hall Group in 19th Century New York City) are going to pre-empt the report of an acclaimed military specialist and preach to the few pathetic souls who will actually listen to them, that Petraeus is either a fool or a liar. They wonder why all of America is rejecting the Democratic Party? Here's a good example of their sickening partisan politics and their monumental disengenuousness. These two charlitans should be tarred & feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

2007-09-07 12:24:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i remember it well.....sky rocketing gas bills, spilled over into dairy and meat industries, then before you knew it everything was real expensive, and then the layoffs hit..........

now that the housing market is toast,......we are set to relive this when we have to pay for the iraq war

2007-09-07 12:14:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Perhaps if they stopped tapping are F&$*ing phone lines, they'd have enough money left over to do it.

2007-09-07 12:14:04 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-09-07 12:10:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

HR 1940 would end the practice of granting automatic citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens. Nearly every other country, including all members of the European Union, requires that at least one parent be a citizen or permanent resident for a child to automatically become a citizen.
The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2007, by Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA), would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate birthright citizenship.
Our current policy results in over 300,000 additional citizens from anchor babies each year. The demographic impact is far greater because their families stay and bring in additional relatives. Anchor babies are eligible to sponsor their illegal alien parents and other relatives when they turn 21. Moreover, taxpayers pick up the tab for the medical costs and subsequent welfare outlays because of the child's citizenship status.
The 14th Amendment, passed to guarantee the citizenship of freed slaves, grants citizenship to anyone born here and "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. HR 1940 acknowledges the right of birthright citizenship established by the 14th amendment to the Constitution, but says a person born in the United States is considered "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States only if one of the parents is a citizen, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent, or an alien performing active service in the armed forces.
I realize there are some here on this forum who are pro-amnesty/immigration and many others who are anti. Nevertheless, whichever way you might feel, this is your opportunity to speak out and be heard. Follow this link and it will direct you to your representatives.


Will you let your voice be heard?

2007-09-07 12:03:27 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush because he cant get the word Nuclear right please give me a break that makes him dumb or is it that he out smarted the liberals and they are just making excuses.

2007-09-07 11:54:49 · 18 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

George W. Bush hadn't:

Backed off Clinton administration's anti-terrorism efforts.
Shelved the Hart-Rudman report.

Appointed new anti-terrorism task force under Dick Cheney. The group did not even meet before 9/11.

Called for cuts in anti-terrorism efforts by the Department of Defense.

Gave no priority to anti-terrorism efforts by Justice Department.

Ignored warnings from Louis Freeh, George Tennant, Paul Bremer, and Richard Clarke about the urgency of terrorist threats.

Halted Predator drone tracking of Osama bin Laden.

Did nothing in wake of August 6 C.I.A. report to president saying Al Qaeda attack by hijack of an airliner almost certain.

Failed to order any coordination of intelligence data, missed opportunity to stop the 9/11 plot.

2007-09-07 11:53:44 · 8 answers · asked by truth seeker 7

Of course I'm talking about the questions from Republicans coyly asking if Democrats are happy about the support from bin Laden and Castro.

Maybe the Democrats have better common sense. I continue to be amazed by the tendency of Republicans to hang on every word uttered by terrorists like bin Laden or dictators like Castro. They speak and the Republicans jump. Do the Republicans think so much of these guys that they value their opinion so highly? I'd hate to think that's true. I'll just continue to believe the obvious. That they will use anything, even the opinions of terrorists and dictators, to throw mud at their fellow Americans. That's bad enough without imagining they actually hold bin Laden's or Castro's opinion in high regard.

Does anyone else find this not only annoying, but shameful?
I'm not even a Democrat and I think it's just sad.

2007-09-07 11:50:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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