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Politics - 24 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-24 06:20:53 · 3 answers · asked by LeMean 1

Lets carpet bomb Iraq to the stone age and we'll be out of iraq in a week.

2007-07-24 06:11:01 · 7 answers · asked by Chunky & Lumpy 1

I am burdened in this world having to work with fundie Bill O' worshippers at work. I endure on a near daily basis an assault on reason unparalleled in modern history. Something I noticed is that their self esteem is placed in the value attributed to the USA. They value themselves as individuals more when they think about things like american exceptionalism etc. Why the low self esteem without the notion that my country is better than yours?

2007-07-24 06:04:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He had already desolved the Legeslative Branch of Government back in 2001 They are nothing more than nutered pups.

2007-07-24 06:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2

Like most of you I am saddened by the thought of only about 18 months left of George Bush. How can we listen to a piece of paper thats over 200 years old instead of a great man? I am sure if Thomas Jefferson and all those other freedom hating democrats had known George W. Bush was coming they would have made a provision in the Constitution granting him the powers he needs to save america. They didn't know so shouldn't as True Americans just say to heck with the Constitution and make George Bush our king?

Think what he could get done without having to follow all those stupid little laws like letting people have free speech? No democratic congress or supreme court to hate america, It would be great. George himself has shown us the way, when he doesn't like something in the constitution he changes it or ignores it. Lets follow his great example. If you love freedom, stand with me and tell those troop hating liberals in congress we want to get rid of the constitution!

2007-07-24 05:54:20 · 5 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

One person asked for slavery reparations...Why didn't they just use all smart questions? I mean, everyone knows that's stupid and immature.

2007-07-24 05:53:35 · 17 answers · asked by Paperdoll 1

Well, congratulations. That is what Hugo Chavez is doing in Venezuela. It's nice to know that neo-cons have a lot in common with a facist government.

2007-07-24 05:51:08 · 8 answers · asked by wooper 5

1. They received a mandate from the American public to end this unjust war in Iraq. They have failed to do this.

2. They have failed to bring impeachment proceedings against a corrupt administration in the Whitehouse.

2007-07-24 05:44:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


Yesterday this person was trolling under the name suthrnlytes... she has already posted a few questions under "Better than clones" but she's not the original better than clones. She decided to use my profile information and make up a Crazy angry response that she's claiming to be made by me. HA ha.. This person is the one who goes around and tries to take over everyones name who makes her mad. She's a Angry little Liberal with No sense of Humor. She thinks she's funny, but really she's not. All her jokes are the same.

I'm just here to let you guys Know who the Troll is today, Just avoid her and whatever you do don't give her what she wants and that's to go back and look at her response to yours... That's where she gets you, If you go back and edit your comment to respond to hers, she will keep it going until you make her so mad that she trolls you, takes over your identity.

2007-07-24 05:40:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can the tories criticise the government for slow reaction when Cameron does not even visit his own constituency?

2007-07-24 05:25:52 · 9 answers · asked by Christina K 6

Thousands of IRAQI's stood in lines at the polling stations braving mortar and small arms fire to participate in the first free elections in IRAQ. If democracy is being forced on them why would they risk their lives to do something as simple as vote in a free elelction?

2007-07-24 05:25:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems like every time this administration feels its position is threatened, they crank up prodution in the old fear factory. The question is: Are you buying it?

2007-07-24 05:12:04 · 19 answers · asked by Bon Mot 6

When we cannot even get rid of a despotic, anti-constitution, leader that 71% of the nation doesn't want???????????

2007-07-24 05:02:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous


There might be more considering those who did not get caught.

How do you feel about this odd trend?

Why is this trend happening, it seems unlikely for a women to this?

What should be done to prevent this?

2007-07-24 04:59:22 · 16 answers · asked by sameperson247 2

as an Englishman who is currently in the USA on business i feel i must ask this.
Most American woman that i have met want to have me.
They say most American men get drunk on 1 pint of American lager and therefore would like a real man.
is this true?

2007-07-24 04:53:27 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know like in the OJ trial when the Cops ended up losing the case because they planted evidence

Or when Bush 41 planted WMD's for Bush 43 to use as the excuse to attack Iraq.

2007-07-24 04:46:08 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2

Would you bake cookies for collaborators or.....something else?

2007-07-24 04:40:41 · 14 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

Your thoughts and opinions would be great.

2007-07-24 04:37:54 · 16 answers · asked by civil_av8r 7

Do you think a better option would have been to pursue Bin Laden and Alquaeda into Pakistan???

2007-07-24 04:33:19 · 27 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

And why is he getting so much attention from the Democrats?


Do they think he's gonna charm our way out of Iraq?

2007-07-24 04:28:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, the oil companies have record profits because oil and gas are at record price levels. The market sets the price. Look at the oil companies PROFIT MARGINS. They run from 8% to 10%. The governments profit margin (taxes) on gasoline ranges from 12% to 20% depending on the state. Hillary thinks she has the right to add to the governments bottom line by taking from the oil companies smaller bottom line. That is crooked and socialist. She is corrupt and misleading everyone she can.

2007-07-24 04:26:40 · 22 answers · asked by Pro-American 3

"The United States, Iran and Iraq have agreed to set up a security subcommittee to carry forward talks on restoring stability in Iraq, the U.S. envoy said Tuesday at the end of a second round of groundbreaking talks with his Iranian counterpart." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070724/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_us_iran

2007-07-24 04:25:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Outright Civil War,
Turkey now invading the North,
850,000 deaths,
Abuse of Women,
No clean water,
No electricity,
Rampant Inflation,
Destroyed education system,
Abuses by occupying forces,
Stolen Oil,

Please tell me what good has come from the invasion.. please.

2007-07-24 04:24:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-24 04:19:07 · 16 answers · asked by Steelhead 5

Due to our causing such chaos in Iraq there will undoubtedly be massive upheaval/outright Civil War when we leave but i really do believe it's the only option. All we are doing at the moment is delaying the inevitable, whenever we leave Iraqi's are going to find their new common ground themselves and it's very likely there'll be much bloodshed.

However, currently they're having to deal with massive abuses by the occupying forces too, please read this article before replying, and weep for the Iraqi's.


2007-07-24 04:13:31 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Goldwater conservative, and I believe abortion should only be allowed if the woman is going to die otherwise or if the woman was raped. If you seriously think that abortion should be legal in all cases to irresponsible women who could have taken preventitive measures and who should have been more responsible, and then go on to have a baby killed, you are whacked and sound like a communist.

2007-07-24 04:11:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could they have picked a meaner, more menacing looking guy to ask about the Second Amendment?
That seemed pretty slanted to me!

2007-07-24 03:59:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Specifically Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea. I believe this potentially diminishes the office of President, to meet with leaders from 3rd world nations who speak ill of the U.S. Diplomacy, yes, of course, but pandering to these nations inflates thier importance, yes?

2007-07-24 03:49:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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