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Politics - 4 July 2007

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They seem to always support terrorists.

2007-07-04 08:36:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Have Heard That Mormon Faith Didn't Allow Blacks To Hold Priesthood Until The 70's. I Also Believe That Brigham Young Taught That Blacks Were An Inferior Race To White People

Any Thoughts? Why would a God-Loving religion teach such absurd abstract thoughts??

2007-07-04 08:24:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liberals don't mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and handing out entitlements. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about 'NEOCONS'.

2007-07-04 08:23:49 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mitt Romney seems to be gaining some momentum in these upcoming elections. How would you feel considering he is of the Mormon Faith? Does faith play a prominent role in today's political stage?

2007-07-04 08:21:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Goodness knows, I don't have any use for Al Gore, but his son's troubles are of no interest to me. I am sure that Al and Tipper love their children and are distressed when they get into trouble. I wish neither of them any bad luck, other than I do NOT want Al to ever be President.

2007-07-04 08:20:17 · 11 answers · asked by plezurgui 6

...even if you consider yourself a swing voter or perhaps a Democrat, there has to be one GOP candidate that you can tolerate the most and you might vote for.

So, who is it, and if you want to explain your choice, go right ahead!

2007-07-04 08:12:17 · 19 answers · asked by Middy S 2

They say he would win if he ran for president.

2007-07-04 08:09:33 · 21 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

2007-07-04 08:08:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen ads sponsored by the AMA asking people to fight against $10 billion in cuts to medicare payments to doctors. The AMA has long fought against "socialized medicine". Yet, US medicare is probably the biggest exercise in socialized medicine in the world.

Now the AMA favors socialized medicine??? Am I missing something?

2007-07-04 08:08:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

So why are he and the other "constructionists" so gung-ho about undoing McCain Feingold? The decision in the campaign finance law directly contradicted Congresses intent.

I guess we are to assume that judicial restraint only applies when it favors what the court's conservatives want.

I know this decision was last week but I was away on vacation and couldn't ask it until now.

2007-07-04 08:04:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did the framers of the Constitution intend for a real parity of power or was their intent to give one level of government much more control?

2007-07-04 08:00:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's a loyal GOP'er who has stood in support of the Bush/Cheney corporate Presidency, so why is he not getting the love and numbers to put him in the #1 slot of GOP contenders right now?

Any ideas or reasons about McCain weak showings so far?

2007-07-04 07:59:18 · 31 answers · asked by Middy S 2

2007-07-04 07:51:55 · 11 answers · asked by liberalzzzz 1

Right so Rove asked this question:

“What’s the difference between “insurgents” and “Terrorist” in Iraq?

I answered with :

“Not much in the tactical sense. Insurgents refer to troops sent clandestinely from Syria and Iran to fight in a way that promotes an Iraqi civil war. Terrorist can have a myriad of reasons to create terror, and they do not care who gets hurt in the process. I guess you can say Insurgents have a government to support them while terrorists may or may not.”

Now I don’t see how anyone could thumbs down that answer...or am I missing something?

2007-07-04 07:48:32 · 16 answers · asked by phule_poet 5

I've been reported twice for showing liberal hypocracy. Can't they take what the try to dish out?

2007-07-04 07:35:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

when it comes to party leaders children? Must have been good parenting eh?

Now just watch the name calling and insults about my children pour in from the left.

2007-07-04 07:33:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-04 07:11:44 · 7 answers · asked by georgedarookie 1

I thinj stealing secret government documents is worse.

2007-07-04 07:04:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife and I disagree on this? I say that Scooter Libby will live with the $250K fine and 2 years probation in order to keep the story out of the news which I think reflects badly on Cheney and the president. My wife says Scooter Libby will continue with the appeal and let the court decide possibly eliminating the need for a pardon from Bush. What do you all think?

2007-07-04 06:48:16 · 13 answers · asked by Paul S 2

2007-07-04 06:43:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I try and try to ignore this because it sounds bad but I see more and more examples.

2007-07-04 06:28:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 06:19:31 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took a long walk yesterday. Made a conscious effort to seek out honey bees -- nothing . . . well, I did see one bee flying -- I don't think it was a honey bee. He/she was in bad shape.

That was it. I even passed a nursery. All their flowers were dead or on death's door.

Then I got to the court house. If any place was going to have bees around there flowers it'd be the courthouses monster flowers. There were no flowers. They had one flowering bush that, again, was on death's door.

I examined the flowers and saw two bee's either dead or barely alive inside the petals of a big blue flower.

What's going on here folks? And don't just say Colony Collapse Disorder and think you're smart. How serious of a problem is this?

What's with the media blackout? Too many "terrorists" out there?

2007-07-04 05:49:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am doing a survey so a yes or a no would be just fine.

2007-07-04 05:37:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

kind of oppressed in their own country. A government is supposed to fear it's people but in the USA the people fear the government. My question would mwke more sense if you watch the movie "Sicko" by Michael Moore. You can watch it for free online at http://static.filefront.com/ffv6/player/vp.swf?v=229510

2007-07-04 05:16:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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