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Politics - 3 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Felons are usually Democrats. As Lott notes: "Michael Milken, Martha Stewart and Leona Helmsley share something in common besides being convicted felons – they are all Democrats. While their wealth sets them apart from the typical felon, their party registration is the same as most former convicts."

I believe this point was subtly highlighted when Willie Horton told the press in 1988 that of course he supported Michael Dukakis for president. "According to academic studies," Lott says, "from 1972 to 1996, on average, 80 percent of felons would have voted Democratic. An overwhelming 93 percent ostensibly would have voted for Bill Clinton in 1996."

Lott compares the voting patterns of felons and non-felons, controlling for race, age, education level, religious habits, employment, age and country of residence. Wholly apart from all these factors, felons were still more likely to vote Democratic. Indeed, in the 2004 election, Lott says, felons in Washington state "voted exclusively for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry."

With so many felons being Democrats, the party might want to think about changing its mascot from a donkey to a jailbird.

Needless to say, Democrats are neurotically obsessed with restoring the right to vote to felons. But the ex-cons themselves rarely express any interest in regaining this particular right. What ex-cons want is the right to own a gun. "Felons," Lott says, "who frequently live in poor, high-crime neighborhoods, want to be able to defend themselves."

So the evidence is in on that one, too: Preferring the right to bear arms to the right to vote (for choice), convicted felons have a superior value system to liberals.


2007-07-03 17:49:24 · 16 answers · asked by YuckFou 2

People say its going to happen. China and then India with Replace the USA as the sole supperpower. America has no Oil like Russia. So what will we do? I can only see one option.........a north American Union with Canada and Mexico. Why are so many people against this...WAKE UP.......ITS SINK OR SWIM. IN 30 YEARS AMERICA WILL NOT BE A SUPPERPOWER........UNLESS WE TAKE ACTION NOW.

2007-07-03 17:44:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which states are liberal and which states conservative? Why is there this divide? Does it all go back to the civil war? Are there more liberal Americans or conservative ones? How is it that a country can have such a strong sense of unity but be so divided?

2007-07-03 17:18:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many of us are affiliated with one political party or another. I am interested to see how many of us have voted outside our affiliation at one point or another, and what caused us to do so?

2007-07-03 17:17:35 · 13 answers · asked by jas 2

And why would the founders put in the bill of rights a right for the government to have? Weren't they all for restricting the government's power over the people? One would think that the second amendment would be contrary to every other right that the people retained. Well, smart people, anyway.

2007-07-03 17:15:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

a serial abuser on Y/A with major media outlets?

2007-07-03 17:12:39 · 11 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

I mean I for one thinks she needs to be killed

2007-07-03 17:08:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would it have anything to do with the security being provided by an Israeli firm headed by ex-Mossad?

2007-07-03 17:07:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look at the posts here....

The Repugs seem to be fine with Libby lieing and obsctructing justice, yet Bill Clinton was impeached for the very same thing.

Note how they hate Clinton for "lieing", yet they have no problem at all when one of their own does it.


2007-07-03 17:03:19 · 17 answers · asked by George W. B 3

a) An aircraft carrier

b) An airport

c) A military academy

d) An amusement park

2007-07-03 16:58:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's no longer president and yet he is somehow responsible for everything George W. Bush has done.

Bill Clinton must be the the most powerful man on earth.

2007-07-03 16:55:20 · 19 answers · asked by Nick F 6

No deferments...all serve. What could be more patriotic?

2007-07-03 16:54:14 · 33 answers · asked by wooper 5


2007-07-03 16:40:43 · 37 answers · asked by Human Nature 2

Or can they also speak as wisely on each of Clinton's 185 commutations and pardons?

2007-07-03 16:39:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, I'm using that for my defense if I ever go to court.

I'll just say.... uh, uh, Mr Rogers is a spy! That'll help don't you think?

2007-07-03 16:36:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they going to once again find themselves on the wrong side of history in 2008?

2007-07-03 16:32:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

With June now on record as the lowest casualty rate among civilian deaths in Iraq and the tide turning in favor of the new Iraqi government, are the Dems going to finally awake in 2008 to once again find themselves on the wrong side of history?

2007-07-03 16:31:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 16:17:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should we forget history or remember it?

2007-07-03 16:04:41 · 14 answers · asked by Duminos 2

Ok why was hiroshima attacked in world war 2?

2007-07-03 15:59:06 · 16 answers · asked by Almas 2

I'm around the Brits and Euros' too much, last year Kyoto was all the talk " you 'yanks' don't care,we will save the earth " now not a word y'all don't even want to talk about it.,before that it was " Airbus out sold the Yanks yahoo !" Can't wait for your next joke Don't you realize how silly y'all look?

2007-07-03 15:55:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

2007-07-03 15:47:34 · 18 answers · asked by ¥ 5

I can't think of much of anything that the Dems changed.

I guess Pelosi supports Bush after all.


2007-07-03 15:45:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 15:42:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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