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Politics - 3 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

When did their "values" get derailed?

2007-07-03 06:50:50 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

You've probably seen the news this morning: President Bush let Cheney aide Scooter Libby, the one man who was convicted for the lies around the Iraq war, go free. Paris Hilton served more jail time than he will.

Bush and Cheney think their administration is above the law. That's un-American, and this July 4th it's time for Congress to re-assert its constitutional authority and stop the administration's obstruction of justice.

Congress can start by demanding answers from the Bush administration about the Iraq war and their illegal spying program, and not backing down until they get them. Cheney won't testify? Subpoena him. He won't come? Hold him in contempt of Congress and send over the police. And if that doesn't work, impeach the guy. We just can't let President Bush and his administration dismantle our Constitution.

2007-07-03 06:50:32 · 8 answers · asked by courage 6

If the government keeps stating fiction as fact, will Americans eventually believe?

Iraq connected to 9/11 attacks.
Saddam had WMDs.
Vice President not part of Executive Branch
..feel free to add...

2007-07-03 06:42:50 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Clinton Pardoned Drug Dealers and Terrorists from Puerto Rico, Ford Pardoned Nixon But Liberals were outraged about that. The political class spares certain shady people, but it is funny to see the angst meisters among us clucking over a Failed investigation charged with convicting a leaker but only finding a perjurer.instead. Bill Clinton did the same thing but he is held to a different Standard, Liberals why the double standard?

2007-07-03 06:41:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If they did do you think they would change their tune.

2007-07-03 06:37:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 06:34:37 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Does who pays for a candidate's campaign matter to you?

2007-07-03 06:28:21 · 17 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Michael Moore vs. Ann Coulter
Hillary vs. Obama
Bi-racial Female vs. Muslim Man
Condoleeza vs. Al Sharpton
The Rock vs. Stone Cold
Donavan McNabb vs. T.O.
Hannity vs. Colmes
O'rielly vs. Letterman
Arnold Schwarz....(ahh forget it) vs. Some random person

And last but not least....

Me vs. You

This should be fun.

2007-07-03 06:24:20 · 10 answers · asked by Indio 4

marriage?Does that say anything about the validity and morality of those arguments?

2007-07-03 06:12:46 · 12 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

i need info on republican and democratic stand on various issues or have them compare and contrast the platforms

2007-07-03 06:11:14 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 06:08:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you not prefer to keep most of your money and take care of yourself?

The Fed should provide in those areas where the states and the people cannot. We cannot provide for national defense, we can build our own roads thank you. We can provide for our children's education and do not need to Feds involved whatsoever. We can provide our own health care and insurance, it is not an area where we need Federal involvement.

Now if you argue against this, please keep in mind their are others that want something for nothing as well. I would like the Fed to supply me with latest in urban assault armaments, for free, so when socialism collapses our economy I can defend my family from the commie hoards coming to steal what we have saved.

In life you can be the ant or the grasshopper, I prefer to be the ant.

2007-07-03 05:59:52 · 17 answers · asked by rmagedon 6

After they set off another staged 9/11 like event, Bush will declare martial law and remain in power for as long as his cronies and Lobbyists need him in power.

Didn't you see Bush's new self appointed powers "if" another National Crisis occurs.

When it happens don't act surprised! You have supported this criminal administration of power hungry illuminati's hell bent on controlling the world. They still need China and Russia, so they are not done!

When Bush and Company set off huge bombs in our largest cities, this will not be a joke anymore! Will you still be his sheep, or will you finally see the light!

Hopefully it will not be the light of a nuclear explosion!

God Bless America

2007-07-03 05:57:05 · 16 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

Sorry, just trying to figure out which questions Yahoo wants to post...since they aren't posting half of mine for the last two days...seems only dumb questions that require team cheerleading mentalities are the only ones allowed anymore.

2007-07-03 05:50:49 · 8 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause -- The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived
common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

Is this happening today? Yes, no, why. Intelligent debate only please.

2007-07-03 05:49:52 · 17 answers · asked by Incognito 5

Why doesn't he care about america?

2007-07-03 05:42:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does someone in the past commiting a crime and getting away with it make commiting that same crime in the present acceptable? I am so tired of hearing the excuse that Clinton did it too from republicans when they get caught in one of their scandels. Does OJ getting off give me the right to commit murder now because afterall he did it and got away with it?

2007-07-03 05:42:28 · 16 answers · asked by snoopy22564 4

I know he has said he's a Christian, but of course talk is cheap.
No, i am not a 'liberal democrat' - i think the democrats are as inept and morally bankrupt as the republicans.

2007-07-03 05:41:07 · 9 answers · asked by Bobby the K 3

Is President Bush’s Involvement in The Libby case a slap too the American judicial system?

2007-07-03 05:37:29 · 1 answers · asked by 4mika 3

2007-07-03 05:37:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-03 05:36:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

are there any good reasons for that? and is that not called faschism?

2007-07-03 05:35:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 05:32:10 · 7 answers · asked by Mutt 7

No Jail time and still a chance of winning his Appeal.So do not count on Scooter paying $250.000 or doing Probation.This is Called a Boston for Scooter and the Republicans.Will the Dems. and Liberal media ever learn that they can not play with the Big Dogs?

2007-07-03 05:27:35 · 6 answers · asked by john 2

If oral sex isn't illegal, why was he investigated, impeached and disbarred? Feel free to compare Libby and Clinton...

2007-07-03 05:25:44 · 5 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

If they can raise $20 mil in a few months, why don't they put it to good use instead of just running their mouths? We all know healthcare (among other social probs) sucks, why can't they use their money for something other than making people try to like them???

2007-07-03 05:25:21 · 4 answers · asked by mummaamanda723 1

This is a guide circulating on the Internet because as everyone knows, you have to have yellow ribbons on your car to be patriotic.

1-5 Ribbons: You're basically with Al Qaeda. Try harder, Osama.

5-10 Ribbons: Better, but you're more in line with France and their seething anti-Americanism than with us. Keep going.

10-15 Ribbons: Now we're getting somewhere. You're in the "dirty hippie" region, though. Go burn a flag, Fonda.

15-20 Ribbons: Yer doin' a heckuva job. Bonus points for "Abortion is murder" stickers, and 20 bonus points for an ULTRA-rare Bush/Cheney sticker. This sticker is so rare after 2004 that it is considered an endangered species.

20+ Ribbons: When you bought these, did all profits go to support the troops? Ah, it doesn't matter. At least your neighbors will know that your life consists of apple pie, baseball games, and hatin' gays. ULTIMATE WIN, SOCCER MOM!

BTW, to those on the right: this is satire, don't run out and buy ribbons.

2007-07-03 05:25:13 · 11 answers · asked by guess 5

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