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Politics - 27 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

The Daily Show’ Ridicules Bush-Supporting Vietnam Veteran
“The Daily Show” often pokes fun at President Bush and his closest advisors and Cabinet members, but isn’t it a little low, even for “The Daily Show,” to mock a Vietnam veteran because he supports the President?
On June 25, the Comedy Central show did exactly that, airing a pre-recorded and what appears to be a heavily edited interview with Bill Thomas, a Vietnam veteran who won four Bronze Stars and three Purple Heart medals. Back in April, Thomas decided to give one his Purple Heart to President Bush, believing that the President is a “a hero by virtue of the fact that he’s shown phenomenal courage in the face of bitter personal attacks on his competence, his integrity and everything else.”
On Monday's program, “Daily Show” correspondent Jason Jones sarcastically mocked Thomas’ gesture, asking over and over again who his gift was intended for:

2007-06-27 12:49:14 · 14 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Hillary wants a dialogue with Iran as the U.S. tries to thwart the country's pursuit of nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration has rejected direct negotiations with Ahmadinejad and has instead pursued international economic sanctions to stop the country's nuclear weapons development.


2007-06-27 12:43:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

VP Cheney seems to think he is above scrutiny by congress. How dangerous is it to have a man who believes he answers to no one as VP of the USA? Is this a shared view in the entire executive branch?

2007-06-27 12:42:35 · 15 answers · asked by Perplexed Bob 5

.....Resemble the old Abbott and Costello "Who's on First" routine when they speak to the American People?

2007-06-27 12:32:20 · 12 answers · asked by Dog Lover 7

Sure terrorism has much more visible effects. Some terrorists fly some planes into buildings and 2,750 people are killed - that's a very tangible result. Global warming makes a heat wave worse and leads to 1,000 extra deaths - that's not so tangible because it's hard to quantify how much worse the heat wave was due to global warming.

However, the World Health Organization has estimated that global warming is responsible for 150,000 deaths each year


While terrorism, although it has increased since the Iraq War, is only responsible for 15,000 worldwide deaths each year:


That's a factor of 10 difference! It doesn't even take into account that global warming is accelerating while terrorism doesn't vary that much from year to year.

How can anyone possibly argue that terrorism is a bigger threat than global warming?

2007-06-27 12:31:17 · 14 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

Conservatives should support this. 4.5 Million is a lot to be spending on an office that doesn't exist

2007-06-27 12:24:51 · 14 answers · asked by captain_koyk 5

Black presidents, Illegals, Abortions, Gay marriage, and not fighting terrorists?

2007-06-27 12:24:13 · 3 answers · asked by Hussein Obama 2

I like Edwards personally... but either way... you CAN'T buy this kind of publicity...

it's getting his name out there A LOT.... and the vast majority that I've talked to are sympathetic to him in the situation...

she's doing more for his campaign than his entire staff is...

and if she keeps talking... this is just going to get bigger and bigger...

2007-06-27 12:12:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 12:09:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

HE/SHE DOES HAVE a HUGE adamsapple

2007-06-27 12:04:53 · 2 answers · asked by canada1usa0 5

All they do is FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! I feel like its tearing apart the country. I'm tired of it!

What do you think?

2007-06-27 11:59:21 · 24 answers · asked by [?] 2

If not, Why not??

2007-06-27 11:58:37 · 16 answers · asked by Page 4

It sure isn't Sunshine Boy Johnny.

Mrs. Edwards is a hate-mongerer. Why did she say that the Cheney's must be embarassed by their daughter?
Why did she call her neighbor trailer trash?

2007-06-27 11:55:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I am a Uniter, not a Divider."
~ George W. Bush ~

2007-06-27 11:52:51 · 13 answers · asked by flushles 3

No China, Vietnam,Laos and North Korea do not count because the first 2 are one party dictatorships with capitalist reforms, N.K follows Juche ideology, not sure about Laos but I think it's modeled closely after Vietnam.

Cuba isn't really either but it's a closer than the above.

Please comment if you know what it really is.

2007-06-27 11:51:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Poor, poor taste. Showed her true side as far as I'm concerned.

2007-06-27 11:51:04 · 19 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

She seemed like a petulant teenager when confronted with her own bad behavior.

2007-06-27 11:46:55 · 34 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Mine begins with ending entitlements to all ILLEGALS-legal non citizens get limited benefits. Secure borders and more border patrol (National Guardsmen in huge numbers). Once these tasks are complete we can deport the 27% of our prison population (these are the illegal criminals). That should free up a lot of space. As more undocumented aliens are arrested-they are deported immediately--no costly trial-they are NOT citizens-they're not entitled to the benefits of OUR constitution-they need to G-O!. Those hard workers who've established roots and are self supporting need to pay their fines (more than the proposed $5K) and EARN the right to be called Americans over 15 years (much like the current proposal). What would you add?

2007-06-27 11:45:52 · 5 answers · asked by Cherie 6

Republicans are "conservative" right? well wars dont seem to be too conservative to me. It seems a bit contradictory to be against abortion...but for iraqi children getting their heads blown off. Answers?

2007-06-27 11:43:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also has anyone seen statistics or proof that there are jobs Americans won't do? The Heritage foundation did a study of what the economic impact would be on medicare, and social security. It estimated 2.5 trillion dollars it will cost us. Has anyone seen a government report on this? I mean they are trying to pass this awefully fast. Have you seen a report from them, if so please link it. Certainly if they were working for the best interest of us they would know and be able to tell us what the cost is going to be, right?

2007-06-27 11:41:40 · 2 answers · asked by mbush40 6

With Feinstein, Kerry, Clinton, Boxer and Durbin talking about bringing back the anti-First Amendment Fairness Doctrine, is America taking a sharp left turn towards Nazism?

2007-06-27 11:41:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

still supportive of President Bush eventhough he wants to pass this amnesty bill and have us legally invaded by a 3rd world country?
As a Conservative I just don't understand why others like me are still loyal towards Bush eventhough they know he is more of a Dictator than a President.
And they know that he wants to turn our Great Nation into a third world country so all of his rich friends will have all of the money while the rest of us starve.
So why do they still stand behind him?
Do they really think that you have to be a Liberal or a Democrat to disagree with him so that's why they still insist on showing their loyalty?
We should be capable of forming our own opinions based on fact rather than what others in our group believes we should think.

2007-06-27 11:40:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you vote for her just because shes a woman?

2007-06-27 11:39:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The storm is thousands of miles across and blocking out the sun.

2007-06-27 11:35:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

for calling him racist? Mrs Dobbs supports Lou... Way to go.

2007-06-27 11:34:23 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

What you call patriotism. Or proof that you want socialism, and to hell with democracy.

2007-06-27 11:31:20 · 2 answers · asked by mbush40 6

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