Yeah. It's making him look really good in comparison to the Right Wing hate machine that has it out for him.
How can you not sympathize with a guy who's wife is battling cancer and who is being taunted with the tragic death of his son? Obviously, we know which side Satan is rooting for...
2007-06-27 12:21:02
answer #1
answered by Sangria 4
Silky’s penchant for finding himself attacked by the forces of evil whenever he needs a cash influx is nothing new. He did it with the haircut, the manhood statement and every other instance he can muster up. He’s still almost a million and a half short of his target with three days to go but no doubt his mouth-breathing nutroots base will dig deep to throw a little water on the wicked witch of the right. I bet he makes it.
Meanwhile, there seems to be some debate as to why Mrs. Edwards would have called in to confront Coulter instead of the Pony himself. Really? People don’t see why a mom who’s suffering from cancer might be a more disarming opponent in a debate than a guy known mainly for the price of his haircut? The real mystery is why Coulter sat there dumbly instead of pointing to the tactic as a picture perfect example of her pet thesis.
Do note the reference in Edwards’s e-mail, too, about raising the discourse to set an example for the children. Fine words from a dKos diarist.
Dear Friend,
Last night I had an important talk with Ann Coulter and I want to tell you what happened.
On Monday, Ann announced that instead of using more homophobic slurs to attack John, she will just wish that John had been “killed in a terrorist assassination plot.”
Where I am from, when someone does something that displeases you, you politely ask them to stop. So when I heard Ann was going to be on “Hardball” last night, I decided to call in and ask her to engage on the issues and stop the personal attacks. I told her these kinds of personal attacks lower our political dialogue at precisely the time when we need to raise it, and set a bad example for our children.
How did she respond? Sadly, perhaps predictably, with more personal attacks.
John’s campaign is about the issues—but pundits like Ann Coulter are trying to shout him down. If they will not stop, it is up to us cut through the noise. Help us fight back—please give what you can today.
Of course, some may question the sincerity of such a plea — particularly coming as it does from a woman who smeared a neighbor in the press, and who was (rumor has it) responsible for the Edwards campaign’s decision to bring into its, er, folds, a particularly egregious Vagina Warrior not famous for her civility. Or her choice in hairstyles.
To which I say, how DARE you question Ms Edwards desire not to see her husband attacked.
2007-06-28 06:18:33
answer #2
answered by CaptainObvious 7
His was a campaign with no inspriation, then Coulter comes along and BAM! Everyone's talking about John Edwards.It also makes Right Wingers look REALLY stupid. If I were still a Republican I would be writing Coulter to tell her to stop help ing the oppostion and shut the hell up.
Edwards even used the attacks to raise additional campaign money.;_ylt=Ai_Qu.WbEiA1SBbGpiIKW9es0NUE
Coulter couldnt have done him more good if she was a paid representative of his
2007-06-27 12:37:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hey everybody, don't ya just love the way neoclowns come to the defense of its propaganda machine, when spouting its hate and venom against the sane people of the USA?
Makes me wonder what kind of moral values the Republican truly have.
BTW, calling them neoclowns is Not hateful, just the simple truth.
2007-06-27 12:33:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I personally dont care for Edwards but since Ann Coulter,his fund raising,as if he needs it,has undoubtly increased and it has drawn more attention to him.
2007-06-27 12:20:26
answer #5
answered by jnwmom 4
Yes. Coulter is a loose cannon, and what she says can easily backfire.
Thank goodness we were saved by Elizabeth Edwards coming on to respond to Coulter, thereby making hubby John look like he has to have his wife fight his battles.
2007-06-27 12:23:09
answer #6
answered by Uncle Pennybags 7
Yup. I'm beginning to think Ann is an undercover liberal. She's trying to make conservatives look as awful as possible and doing a pretty darn good job. I can't believe they actually give her airtime.
2007-06-27 12:29:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, he was on MSNBC just now, and he smiled when Matthews asked him how effective that Coulter has been in raising money for him.
2007-06-27 12:27:32
answer #8
answered by celticexpress 4
He has feeling and so does his sweet wife Elizabeth , it's okay voicing her opinion on him but leave his deceased son out of it. She has gone to far with her hating spewing mouth, she thinks all this is cute. But, a deceased child is certainly not funny ,not one bit, I despise her.
2007-06-27 12:26:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You mean you know Edwards personally, and you like him? Or do you mean that you like what he says? Even the worst publicity is good publicity.
2007-06-27 12:16:51
answer #10
answered by Dull Jon 6