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Politics - 25 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I don't know of one but if there has been PLEASE enlighten me. No one is perfect in the midst of crisis or emergency, unfortunately you have to learn from situations like that & know training or way to perform perfectly. If no responses from Dems or liberals, your silence will speak volumes on this matter!

2006-07-25 08:13:48 · 32 answers · asked by COblonde 3

They think that they need automatic and assault weapons. Their rational is that if martial law was ever declared, and they had to fight the US army, that they would be ready.

This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Do they really think they would be able to defeat the most powerful army the world has ever seen with some UZI's and AK 47's?

And they wonder why they are stereotyped as delusional nuts.

2006-07-25 08:12:05 · 15 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

There will be MANY job openings available when I win.

2006-07-25 08:09:45 · 16 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

By US standards I have no venue to go to where the juryers are not neutral. What should I do call legal aid? THey say my life is at stake. I merely lead as President of Iraq and played by my own rules those were the days.

2006-07-25 08:05:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

war....I do blame the Bush Administrations descions on the rising cost of oil. I sold those contracts for $4.7 million after the Katrina Hurricane.

Was it egocentric of me or a natural capitalist behavior to vote for dubbya and donate $1,000 to the Bush Campaign, knowing he is doing more harm to this country then good?

2006-07-25 07:57:33 · 8 answers · asked by Olivia 4

when Bush turned on the TV and saw loads of people dying because they didn't have food or water, how come Bush wouldn't give them any food or water ?

How come Bush can throw free weapons at his zionist buddies over in Israel, but he can't even throw some bottled water at AMERICAN CITIZENS who are dying of hunger and thirst right in this country ???

2006-07-25 07:56:18 · 31 answers · asked by hurricanesfanatic 1

History speaks for itself.

2006-07-25 07:55:00 · 16 answers · asked by NORMAN M 2

Abortion. Gun control. The environment. Same-sex marriage. What influences your decision when you vote?

2006-07-25 07:49:58 · 15 answers · asked by ruby 4

u know wat, i am not sad that the wtc's fell, to me it represents american corporate entities and imperialism. however, i greatly mourn the deaths, and i think to some the idea that the towers fell outweighs the fact that 3000 people died.

2006-07-25 07:48:51 · 26 answers · asked by the fonz 2

Like, do you vote for whoever is democrat or republican? Or, do you choose who you want by the person, and not the affiliation? I vote by the person, and whatever the affiliation, is what I'm going to be. I like to listen to both sides and then make a decision. What do you do?

2006-07-25 07:48:15 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ Tori ♥ 5

As a matter of fact, this country was founded on liberal ideals. Now I am aDemocrat but hardly what you Neocons define as a "LIB". Bush has done some pretty questional stuff and he is going to have to confront it sooner or later. You guys try to spin the obvious even when you can see for yourselves he has messed up. Is this blind loyalty or what? FYI, I voted for Reagan..so get over your "LIB" trip.

2006-07-25 07:47:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Killers, thieves, rapists, and other convicted felons will be given the right to vote. Many from prison itself.
Didkn't these people give up their rights when they took away the rights of their victims?

2006-07-25 07:46:21 · 31 answers · asked by smutulator 1

2006-07-25 07:46:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this true? And which would you prefer if you could make the call, for the gas to be set at one price, set at $10 a gallon (or whatever their goal is) and it won't be able to rise anymore, or have it to keep rising constantly and every morning when you wake up, your local gas prices have risen 14 cents per night?! Overnight, every week!?

2006-07-25 07:44:13 · 8 answers · asked by Nyema 3

With all the apparent corruption in the two present national parties shouldn't the worlds largest democracy give it citizens more choice in who they have to represent them?

2006-07-25 07:38:12 · 11 answers · asked by bigjay922 1

I'm thinking you could Watch the Matrix and wind up being a Blue.

Then watch MI 3 and vote Red.

The only safe way to live is to get a DNA analysis to find out who you are. Even Ophra is part Chinese. And Bush is closer to the family tree than some people.

I heard that When the Iraq war started Chaney gave Bush a jar with a apple in it. So he wouldn't blow the chances to get the oil.

2006-07-25 07:35:04 · 5 answers · asked by 43 5

and spout hate . Are their lives that empty that hate is all they have. It makes me sad the way people disrespect each other. Is there no kindness left in this world for your fellow man ?

2006-07-25 07:27:22 · 13 answers · asked by Yakuza 7

In a communist government everything is doled out according to the needs of the individual (or what a government bureaucrat thinks you need) isn’t it much more preferable to decide what you need for your self and then be given the opportunity to go and get it?

2006-07-25 07:25:15 · 6 answers · asked by Ethan M 5

2006-07-25 07:23:00 · 8 answers · asked by Olivia 4

A question was asked about how people feel about the death penalty, and leogirl, as she often does, tells her to move to a different state if she doesn't like it. Now, how do you justify us taking action against a country, but suggest that others 'cut and run' instead of stay and fight, for what they believe in? Isn't that talking out both sides of your mouth?

2006-07-25 07:22:11 · 17 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

I do not like some of the things DeVos has been quoted on. "Telling a young African American male that he will go far if he plays Basketball."

Otherwise what, he won't?????? That is not true. We are the ones that change our lives. Anyone can suceed as long as you have the will to suceed!

2006-07-25 07:22:00 · 1 answers · asked by enchantressa34 2

2006-07-25 07:21:37 · 2 answers · asked by Olivia 4

why do NEOCONS put people in jail without a fair trial or lawyer ?

2006-07-25 07:19:33 · 9 answers · asked by hurricanesfanatic 1

And what do you think it's worth? Can I get a Pro Bono lawyer?

2006-07-25 07:09:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its awful that many people look at the arabic resistance to Israel
policies as an anti-semitsm issue. as if the Arabs have to welcome the people who came from all over the world to steal their lands and their houses.and that Arabs have to accept also
that Israel keeps Jerusalim,Golan and west bank just to look good
to the rest of the world.
the arabs also have to forget massacres which were commited
in 1948 to force them to leave their villages and massacres which were commited in 1967 after 5 june war.
insteads of talking about all objective reasons that makes palestinians and Lebanese reject occupation just like the frensh did in the second world war.it is easier to make stupid theories
about anti-semitism,sick hatred twards jews (which lived in Arabic
countries before and after Israel was no troubles)
it's easier to talk about poor (God's Chosen People)who are hated
every where with no reason at all.
Will most of westerns remain emotionly biased for Israel forever?

2006-07-25 07:03:39 · 8 answers · asked by mohamed.kapci 3

I've read many conspiraciy theories about 9/11, but they always concentrate on details which seem to point to government involvement. For example, the small hole in the pentagon which resulted from a large airplane flying into it.

But, my reaction is what could possibly be the reason that the government would want to fake 9/11.

Please, don't give me details about that day. I'm aware of all of the theories. Just focus in on a reason that the government might have to be involved in any manner.

I need to say that I don't believe that there was any conspiracy of any kind by anyone in the government.

2006-07-25 07:00:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-25 06:59:31 · 18 answers · asked by Olivia 4

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