As a whole, when you look at the modern day woman, either the girl next door, or the glossy celebrities, do you see a difference in her and the modern day woman of the 80's, 70's, 60's? 50's? etc.
All of these women fought for us to be seen as equal. To not be objects or baby machines. To be able to pursue any career, dream, pasttime, hobby we want. When I look at women today, I see a bunch of girls. Silly girls. Men don't have to objectify women, women do it to themselves now. Am I alone in my sadness towards the loss of the strong woman? Am I alone in mourning the true women's movement? Not the femi-nazi's, they are a different bunch. The women who truly just wanted the same rights as the men. No special treatment, just equality.
Let me add this on...
I was around during the womens movement. I know there are strong women out there today, and I sure as hell don't get my facts or opinions from tv. It is
23 answers
asked by
Philosophy Buff