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Other - Politics & Government - September 2006

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give me ur reasons
and do you know how powerfull their armies are?

2006-09-22 03:50:53 · 12 answers · asked by YR1947 4

Employers who hire & harbor illegal immigrants after conviction of a court can lose their property,face stiff fines & be put in prision for a long term! Why are we not seeing any of this being put into action over the past 20 years! Employers laugh at this cause they know its not being enforced!

2006-09-22 03:48:17 · 9 answers · asked by bulabate 5

Please, if you don't know, give your best guess.

First person who knows or guesses correctly, gets the points.

The correct answer can be found in the following newly released video documentary. It contains new never before seen video footage and inside details surrounding the tragedy. It's called:

9/11 Mysteries (Full Lengh. High Quality)

This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It’s excellent. Pass this link on!


2006-09-22 03:46:05 · 8 answers · asked by Joe_Pardy 5

He is one of those presidents that years from now people will realize he is one of the few politicians in this countries history that took a stand and could careless about his political future instead of telling the American People what they want to hear he makes the tough decisions and stands by them. Trust me you will miss him when he's gone..And GOD help us if you are dumb enough to vote for Hillary!!

2006-09-22 03:45:17 · 21 answers · asked by Chris F 1

this woman deserves a medal for sheer fearlessness and common sense, she's Wafa Sultan, a psychiatrist: if you can bear to type the link if it's not highlighted it's really worth it just to listen to:

2006-09-22 03:26:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

fair enough put a deadly warning on my smokes but what about all these cars putting out carbon monoxide? that stuff is worse than the stuff in cigarette smoke

2006-09-22 03:25:57 · 15 answers · asked by Da FienD 3

have to make concessions to militant bastards?

i read alot of stuff on here, and over and over i see people who think unreasonable people can be reasoned with. this is lunacy.
leaders and leaders of "states" have proven over time that they cannot be trusted(feel free to complain about any or all, i'm open minded and want to understand a different path of logic)

i'll use the logical example...
what the pope said, was taken completely out of context, a bunch of unreasonable people have done a bunch of unreasonable crap, and now a bunch of clerics want him removed.(again unreasonable) did they even hear the speech? they by themselves are proving what the pope said, to be true. yet the civilized world needs to respond with reason. tact, and political correctness. seems more like a bunch of spoiled children, having a fit. if my children have a fit, the last thing i'm going to do is cave in to that fit. how would that help the situation?

2006-09-22 03:07:50 · 12 answers · asked by daddio 7

We’ve all heard the rhetoric from the current regime about freedom not being free. The substance of that is true, however, I think that catch phrase should relate more to sacrificing ones blood, not one’s ideals or basic rights.
When did domestic spying and being jailed without charges become ok?
For those who say “If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of”, that is just sympathetic apathy for a populous that has become so complacent with a “Big Brother” government that we ignore the rights of others just so we can get on with our daily routines.
Does anyone truly believe that innocent people aren’t jailed and or tortured every day in the United States? Is THAT the price to pay for freedom? I thought the basic premise of the judicial system in our democracy was that everyone is innocent until PROVEN guilty under due process of the law. When we circumvent that, we move closer to a totalitarian form of government and further away from democracy.

2006-09-22 02:57:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't mean completely unique, I mean something that most people disagree with, but you believe.

2006-09-22 02:54:21 · 7 answers · asked by Gypsophila 3


If we are really make Genocide to Armenians why they exist in Turkey??? in Armenian you couldnt find any Turks because that time they genocide all turks who lived in Armenian side...Mostly popeple to similear Jewish Genocide with Armenians issue...its 2 different things....

About genocide of jewish ppl...I could say you the reason why jewish ppl still be exist in the world and still live in Germany...

Moreover, while of Huge Turkish Ottoman protected Jewish ppl in past...but Jewish society kills us(muslims)....

its a 2 reason;
First reason is: Ottoman Empire protected Jewish ppl in Spain while they murdered and killed them..we take them and protected from Christians...

Second reason is: when Germany lose war in Russia... Russian ppl come to Germany and saved Jewish ppl from TORTURE PRISONS...that is second reason......

if Turkish ppl and Russian ppl didnt protected Jewish ppl they will never exist in

2006-09-22 02:49:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

how does it help us? what the is really mean? trust, respect or ...?

2006-09-22 02:48:10 · 2 answers · asked by aliza s 1

I'm german and i want to know, if american people know german cities except Berlin? Do you know other german citiy-names? Only names of the german cities!

2006-09-22 02:27:39 · 18 answers · asked by Ruki 2

In light of Hugo Chavez's assault on our President, Venesuelan owned Citgo is off my list of places to buy gas.

I know the oil from the Mid-East funds terrorisim, but the other oil companies are owned by Americans.

Also, do you believe that the postings about Bush being Hitler or Satan, such as the ones on Yahoo, contributed to Chavez's bravado?

2006-09-22 02:07:52 · 16 answers · asked by Kelly T 4

A very rough translation:

Pope: Islam has been known to be violent and is spread by the sword.

Islam: Take it back, pig, or we'll kill you and any other Christians we see... oh wait we already do... apologize now!

Pope: Forgive me, i beg you, forgive me!

What is wrong with this man, he speaks truth and than apologies for it!!!

Why are Christians so afraid of offending people who worship Satan (if you don’t worship God you ARE worshipping Satan)?

2006-09-22 02:05:19 · 18 answers · asked by species8472 2

I think the U.S people think we Iranians hate them but as far as I can see all Iranians including me love them.I live in Iran myself.We just don't agree with their government's policies."Be with us or you're a terrorist!"This is stupid!Right?I just don't get the point why Americans hate us.Surly because of lies and propaganda they have heard and they are still hearing against us.If I were them I would collect all these media and Bush's lies,put all of them in a box and throw them away!There would be no conflicts anymore!

2006-09-22 02:02:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 01:34:43 · 22 answers · asked by nehot 2

I've heard their name. But I haven't ever questioned about them.Please tell me whatever you know.Thanks.

2006-09-22 01:33:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

for details if you are interested in going to make your views known to Blair, who's in Manchester for the Labour conference, www.stopwar.org

2006-09-22 01:32:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 01:29:10 · 7 answers · asked by Kiiss_MA_feeT_iiM_Royalty 1

2006-09-22 01:22:04 · 17 answers · asked by liketoaskq 5

With the smoking ban in public places like pubs and work places, it makes me wonder if the government are so concerned about public health, why do they just not do the decent thing and ban smoking completely? It would make quitting smoking much easier too.

2006-09-22 01:20:18 · 34 answers · asked by Anhesenamen 1

I know the answer, just want to see who else does.

2006-09-22 01:16:40 · 4 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5

2006-09-22 01:16:09 · 2 answers · asked by patblock1 1

In the paper today it says "John Prescot to apologise for slavery"Now whilst im all for aknowledging that the British Empire had a lot to answer for were do we draw the line under history.Should the North American Indians be made to say sorry for all the men women and children that were raped and killed in the 1800s,or the Spanish for the inquisition ect,the list is endless.
Is it not time to put away history and just realise that S**T happens and focus on todays problems of getting along with each other.Before somone shoots me down I only used the above as examples and I have no axe to grind with any race.

2006-09-22 00:58:12 · 13 answers · asked by Francis7 4

Give me a great example. Then state the country you live in. And if your country has done any similar or worse actions in the whole history of your country then you are disqualified from answering(well you could still answer but you will be totally ignored by me)
If you wanna hate Bush, then hate Bush, but don't hate the rest of the America. We cant control his actions.

2006-09-22 00:51:30 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an South African and saw on TV the war at Iraq.

Can anyone exactly tell me why American soldiers are dying over there? It seems a bit pointless I tell you.

I have a teory that any country with a bit of oil is not safe from Bush and his government. Can anyone from anywhere tell me that I am wrong?

2006-09-22 00:44:05 · 14 answers · asked by alwyn 2

PLease note this question is not intended to offend...

Yes a song but also a very good question!

Yes Saddam killed many people, or his henchmen did under order!

Now who is going to convict Bush/Blair and the rest for there War crimes...

They state for freedom and Democracy... These people dying will never experience freedom and democracy... this runs into the hundreds of thousands if you count the first Gulf conflict by Bushes Father/Thatcher!

Huh! Small price too pay! This is really not right... Political Assasination would have been better... but i cannot condone this either!

So please tell me... who should be on trial... Saddam or the Bush/Blair regime?

2006-09-22 00:42:33 · 11 answers · asked by AZRAEL Ψ 5

2006-09-22 00:29:03 · 10 answers · asked by indiananytime 2

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