Ironically, the creation of Israel is a reaction to anti-semitism born simulataneously out of sympathy for the plight of the Jewish diaspora and as a way to rid Europe of Jews by giving them someplace else to go.
I don't think it makes one anti-semetic to "hate" Israel because of it's policies or actions. It would be anti-semetic to "hate" Israel because of its Jewish citizenry.
If "Israeli Arabs have more rights than the Palestinians give their own people" we can still ask if they have as many rights as they ought to. Israel promises "equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture" and there's still some work to be done to make that so in a real way.
2006-09-21 17:54:35
answer #1
answered by explositoryjones 2
You're Absolutely right!
They have a long history of torturing Palestinians and continue to do so to modern day. They constructed a nation that never belonged to them and created an apartheid run state . The Non-Jews within Israel have less rights then Jews particularly Arabs who by law can be removed and/or displaced to a different area if a Jew chooses to move in their current housing area .
Honestly how do Arabs within Israel have more rights ? when especially out of Israel they are constantly being murdered by the IDF and have to live through constant occupation.
2006-09-21 18:36:41
answer #2
answered by IRunWithScissors 3
This jogs my memory of Orwell's 1984 the position day is nighttime and peace is conflict. The UN is definitely sponsoring a racist convention at which the worst anti-Semites considering Hitler are attending like the tyrant of Tehran. i'm proud that Australia and america between some different international places like Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Germany and the Netherlands which have shown genuine moral backbone. disgrace on the Swiss authorities for cyber web hosting such an insult to humanity and also on the ineffective international locations company!
2016-11-23 14:26:33
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Arabs and Jews are both semitic peoples. The term "anti-semitic" has been over used, and unjustly applied. An Arab can't be accused of being anti-semitic, when he's a semite himself.
Arabs and Jews are of one blood, Abrahams.
Admit it, Arabs and Jews, are all semites!
2006-09-21 17:58:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, one has to sepparete judaism and the government of israel. I know that sounds like herecy to some, but there IS a difference. There is a long history of crimes against the muslim people by the israeli govt. There is a long history of israel pushing out palestinian people and treating them as if they were inferior to the jewish people. this arrogance and need to dominate and opress has led to bloodshed on both sides. niether side can claim innocence. niether side can claim mere self preservation.
2006-09-21 17:47:23
answer #5
answered by prancingmonkey 4
People who hate Jews are Anti-Semites. Anti-Semites don't necessarily hate israel since it is the holy land of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
2006-09-21 17:43:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Anti-Semites are anyone who hates the Jews...
Nor do you see any of those countries offering to share space/land /resouces with The Palestinians either.
2006-09-21 17:43:56
answer #7
answered by Celtic Tejas 6
Though the term Anti-Semitic is applied to hatred of Jews, it really means hatred of the Semites which include Muslims, Christians and others who are indigenous to that area.
2006-09-21 17:45:14
answer #8
answered by worldneverchanges 7
Anti-Semites hate all Semitic people: Muslims, Jews, Christians, and people who have a Semitic trait or characteristics.
2006-09-21 17:56:30
answer #9
answered by Camille M 2
Arabs are semites too.
Zionist terrorists stole the arab lands in 1948
2006-09-21 18:08:04
answer #10
answered by brainstorm 7