Absolutely everything we consume comes from earth.
However, how did the pavement get there? Or how did the water arrive to sprout from the tap in your house?
Someone paid for all this, to bring all the components together to build all this. For the common infrastructure, it was most likely the government.
Now, tell me, who maintains all this? Who fixes breaks in the pipes, holes in the pavement, the pot holes on the roads? Again the government. And where does the government get the money? From us. What happens if nobody upkeeps say the pipes (ignoring who cleans the water)? Very soon, the pipes will get clogged...
The government will make you pay for the air you breathe is the pollution situation gets so bad, or if there is a nuclear assault, and the only solution would be to clean the air so you can breathe.
Money is not evil; it how we use it, what we do with it that is evil.
Money makes our life easier. Say you need the water pipe at home fixed. How will you convince the plumber? By baking him a cake? And where will you get the ingredients? Do you own a wheat field+farm+ ... ... Money makes such exchange easier, money is a medium of exchange, so we do no need to barter.
The same thing applies at international level. Let's say your contry needs oil. What will it give to say Saudi Arabia? Sheep? Coal? Why would the Saudi Arabian government need sheep? May be they want goats instead. Then your country will have to find another country willing to take sheep and give you goats, so you can get oil from Saudi Arabia...
Bottomline, some minimal form of government to take care of our shared resources is important, and money is an easy way to make transactions smoother.
2006-09-21 17:43:44
answer #1
answered by ekonomix 5
We all know that water and Paths are already there. But would you drink untreated water, Would you like all paths to be muddy and hazardous how would you get along with pushchairs and electric scooters. Which I'm afraid I think should have Tax and Insurance on them, A lot of those are just used by lazy people who want cheap rides to do their shopping. And this gives the really needed ones a bad name.
Electricity isn't free it as to be generated yes its getting so we go back to candles at night to save cost but that's more romantic.
If all the People Who Smoke and Drink Alcohol the question is where is he going to get the revenue he loses from them
2006-09-21 18:12:43
answer #2
answered by mushy peas 2
I can certainly see your point but you haven't given us the best of examples as electricity is not free and water could be free if you dug a well or collected rain water and you wouldn't need to pay the government for that... yet. I dont see what you mean when you say "paths", do you mean pavements?
2006-09-21 16:29:17
answer #3
answered by sandman 2
Ah ok.
People build the paths, those people need to feed their family.
Water is treated to be made safe for drinking by people that have families...they need to get paid.
Electricity doesnt just happen. Generators make the electricity and people run them...those people have families too.
Having a trade system is unrealistic world wide.
2006-09-21 16:59:54
answer #4
answered by sshazzam 6
Scooter isn't far off. That exact idea is being proposed in New Zealand.
Think about this: We pay for gasoline to drive to work so that Corporations can lobby the government to start a war to keep the price of oil high enough to be 'profitable'. Then, we pay taxes to buy tanks and uniforms. Then we provide children to fit in the tanks and uniforms.
If you want change, keep it in your pocket. Your dollar is your vote and the machines don't count.
2006-09-21 16:11:36
answer #5
answered by auntiegrav 6
The reason we have to pay to use the paths we walk on, water, electricity etc is because the Government has to pay money to provide it to us. Council workers aren't going to work hard to lay footpaths when they aren't being paid. They would just stand around drinking Iced Coffee or sit in their ute reading the newspaper. Oh, wait a minute, they do that already.
P.S - Scooter, did you know that in Australia you get paid, yes paid $4000 for having a child, I don't think that they'll ever tax having children, because then people would stop having them.
2006-09-21 16:10:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
In an ideal world, everything would be shared.
oh yeah what a good idea we could start a kind of thing where everybody is the same too and no one is the boss a sort of collective we could call it communism... that would work wouldnt it?
2006-09-21 16:11:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Your water has to pumped from and drained to somewhere and your electricity has to be produced. Your foot paths have to be built and maintained.
Yep its a right feckin ripp off when you think about it.
Thats why jews have big noses cos the air if free(just a joke)
2006-09-21 16:23:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You need to pop a xanax and settle the heck down.
Electricity comes from nature?
How much does it cost to install, maintain, and repair water and sewer systems? Electricity generators and power lines? Clear trees and level ground, pave walking paths?
What color is the sky in your world?
2006-09-21 16:10:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Um, you're speaking of communism and that obviously didn't work for soviet Russia. Take a history, economics or government class and have some facts before you throw crazy theories in the air.
2006-09-21 16:09:08
answer #10
answered by Country Girl for Life 5