cheap labor and a new market
2006-09-22 00:34:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think people are a little confused.
We are using China. Yes China has a lot to gain from us and have gained a lot. But we have opened up a 3rd world country with a very large population as a new market. This was the plan from the start just like we are currently doing in India. We have two plants in China and I happen to know that these people will work for 75 cents USD per hour and work over time at strait pay. We can hire two or four people in China and pay them a total of less then min wage here. We can send our machines there and our total cost will be paid back in a years time. After a while their wages will come up as will their currency. China can not buy nothing from anyone else because it cost them a lot of money. So we need a lot of their currency in our pockets because when their currency comes up like Japan's did after we helped them it will be worth more then ours at some point. Should not be too long either.
And after this happens they are our friend just like Japan is now. And that is when our jobs will start coming back. We own a large part of their country already.
Think about it.. We are trying to take over China. And we are doing it.
20 years ago an American would have been shot for a spy just for being in China. Things are changing and it is the US taking over China not the other way around.
2006-09-21 16:29:54
answer #2
answered by Don K 5
I definitely wouldn't want to be considered an American who defends China, I think they are a huge nuisance in the ongoing war we are fighting now. I think that it will always be that way and as long as "free enterprise" keeps sending our business to China they will only get bigger and become a bigger nuisance. I think Americans should stop defending other countries and making excuses and start standing up for America! I believe that China makes all men spend at least a year or two in their military (could be wrong on this) Imagine if Americans started wanting to make (or keep) America the biggest world power and men starting signing up for our armed forces, then OUR military might be the biggest in the world. It's becoming crunch time and Americans should stop helping the nuisances of our day and age build themselves up so that they can become a bigger pain in our butts!
2006-09-21 16:29:11
answer #3
answered by AKMOES 2
The reason isn't because we want to defend them, it is because we are trying to defend ourselves. Americans first of all owes China a lot of money, second they provide cheap labors for the money hungry americans, and third if we went to war with them we would get killed because there's like a billion of them.
2006-09-21 16:21:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I do not defend COMMUNIST RED china and never will.....
red china has declared the USA an enemy.... I have not heard of them changing that status...
red china exports are mainly JUNK/TRASH... like their RED communist government....
while their society is changing, communists are reluctant to give up the slavery and power that their elitist rulers have become accustomed to enjoying.
As you stated, they still torture, and they still are like Islam0-fascists.... the IDEOLOGY of Islam is very similar to the IDEOLOGY of communism....
Any country that the clinton thing and his administration labeled "our good friend" is a country that should be of great concern to anyone who would keep America sovereign and FREE
2006-09-21 16:20:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it is the most concerned nation after the cold-war.
that's the reason why US is defending it because they can't afford a war right now!
do you know that China has the biggest army (as in soldiers) in the world? and a war with China and US will collasps the world's economy and eventually starts WWIII.
that's why!
2006-09-21 16:13:46
answer #6
answered by Cool Z 5
Because our country is allowing all the manufacturing to leave the USA and flee to China. Why? In the name of free enterprise. Meanwhile they are taking our money and buying our buildings and ports etc. I blame George Bush.
2006-09-21 16:12:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because unlike North korea and Vietnam we can't fully push china around....i mean cmon..just think of them invading america....North korea would LOVE to help China out in doing that...and also other countries too...USA would be no more... so think throughly bout that question again and all of USAs' enemies.
2006-09-21 16:19:01
answer #8
answered by Iceman 4
Well I like their food or at least the americanized version of it. I guess they probably eat raw dog intestines or something over there but I must say I sure enjoy General Tsao's Shrimp and Kung Pao chicken with my steamed dumplings and fortune cookie.
2006-09-21 16:18:00
answer #9
answered by O'Shea 5
How unwise the warrior was to threaten the greatest terror unprepared, for if he had only sought to reason with the threat, his life would have been spared.
2006-09-21 16:13:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous