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Other - Politics & Government - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2006-08-01 08:09:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean its such a beutiful concept in which we all reap the fruits
together there is no un necessary competition, corruption every thing is for fellow human being as well...

2006-08-01 07:57:04 · 17 answers · asked by polestar 1

So if the US government determines that it is against the law for thewords "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are notto be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US
citizen.I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.I would like to think that those people have the American public's best
interests at heart.
Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His
Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life. I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving &
Easter. After all, it's just another day....

2006-08-01 07:56:01 · 5 answers · asked by amanda J 1

I need to get any death certificate issued in Texas some time last week. My husband got drunk and didnt go to work, then told them that his grandma died. Well, they need to see the death certificate or he is fired. We have baby on the way and there is no way he can afford to loose his job right now. Any ideas????

2006-08-01 07:34:31 · 6 answers · asked by Hanairo 1

The northern and southern states are divided on countless political issues, from presidential choice to immigration policy to the situation in Iraq. Wouldn't having the United States and Confederate States as as allied yet independent countries solve a ton of problems? It's very likely that slavery would have been abolished in the South regardless within a couple decades (if not by their choice, then eventually by the action of the UN or similar organization), and that the US and CS would have established peaceful interaction, a strong trade relationship, and open borders. Northerners wouldn't be complaining about their psychotic cowboy Texan president, Southerners wouldn't have to listen to protests regarding border policy from Alaskans who've never even seen an illegal immigrant... Could it have worked?

2006-08-01 07:18:13 · 5 answers · asked by ? 5

I am honestly just curious... i only know the basics on cuba

2006-08-01 07:16:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

only sensible answers please - its not funny.

2006-08-01 07:14:55 · 42 answers · asked by JUDAS 2

All of the countries in the world that come the closest to the U.S. economic system are still profoundly socialistic countries without any interest in becoming "capitalistic only" countries. Countries outside the U.S. seem to only be interested in making everyone in their own country's "equally miserable all around" instead of greatly improving upon their own economies for the better of the majority of their citizens. Too many people around the world are brainwashed to believe that socialism and communism are the best forms of government that will ever exist on Earth when this is truly not the case. It's no wonder that so many people decide to immigrate-both legally and illegally-from their countries of origin to the U.S. to work and/or live their lives. For everyone who is truly anti-capitalist, if capitalism is truly so bad and so wrong because it discriminates against all of the different social classes, then why do many people continue to come to the U.S. to live and/or work?

2006-08-01 07:05:48 · 11 answers · asked by johnthebaptistmoore 3


what do u think about whats happeming now adays in Lebanon? is isreal right or wrong about doing all that? and what do u think about hezb-allah & hasan nasrallah

2006-08-01 06:47:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

No kidding. It is non-lethal and perhaps very effective. How many Islamics are going to want to fight and die knowing they are going to have to meet their maker covered in last weeks bacon fat? Do they think Allah is going to want to shake their hand and welcome them smellling like rendered hogs? I DON'T THINK SO. An added bonus will be that they will smell a lot better and their dogs will have a good time.

2006-08-01 06:46:58 · 24 answers · asked by Dave B 4

Since 1980, the conservative movement, promised to abolish abortion. However, what has been done about it? Nothing! The vconservative-Republicans now have a majority, and there is a conservative in the White House. What are they affraid of? Why don't they make it illega? And what about the 'Contract With America"? Did the hippocritical conservatives forget about that?

2006-08-01 06:45:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't you just dislike those people that try to censor everything? i mean come on if you don't like something then don't watch it or hear it. If you think it will have a bad influence on your kids then keep on eye on your kids and make sure they don't see things you don't like. Censor your house not everyone elses!!!

2006-08-01 06:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by audri 3

Justice is dead...
Israel is the devil...

2006-08-01 06:21:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were to be personally rewarded 1 million dollars would you go to the White House and drag George Bush from the oval office onto the street by a noose around his neck and drag him down the street by auto for being a race traitor?

2006-08-01 06:20:19 · 5 answers · asked by Mark B 2

heaven, let alone get 72 virgins. Oh, by the way, all the virgins will be former Catholic nuns, who WILL remain virgin.

2006-08-01 06:15:12 · 4 answers · asked by Spirit Walker 5

They are spending too much time, energy and money in far off countries to be able to handle any disaster of any kind in the Unitrd States.

2006-08-01 06:13:05 · 23 answers · asked by meimmoody 3

"We see that there is not great leadership when it comes to the federal government and protecting the environment," Schwarzenegger said. "So this is why we as a state move forward with it because we want to show leadership."
"I think there is so much scientific evidence that there is global warming created by us and if we don't do something about it, we're facing a disastrous situation," Schwarzenegger said. "Of course there's always people who doubt it, but there's also people who think the world is flat."

2006-08-01 06:03:51 · 7 answers · asked by georgieporgie2005uk 3


Someone just told me Fidel Castro died, but I didnt see it any where. Is this a lie?

2006-08-01 05:55:28 · 10 answers · asked by LMAO@U 2

People, if you still buy the official story of 9/11, you really need to do your homework. I'm not a conspiracy cookball. I am a college educated, skeptical, right-wing adult. I even voted for Bush, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think I did so. We need to make everyone aware of what's happening before it's too late. If you haven't already done so, you need to investigate the following:

- What is the scientific explaination for WTC7 falling - or, for that matter, WTC1 & 2 - directly on top of themselves, straight down, at free-fall speed?

- What has been the history between the Bush's and the Bin Ladin's?

- Why did Larry Silverstein place terrorist-specific insurance on the WTC buildings directly before the attacks?

- Why have we not captured Bin Ladin? Why are we not even going after him?

- Why was demolition-specific chemical found within the debris of WTC7?

There are so many others. We need everyone to put this puzzle together.

2006-08-01 05:54:20 · 14 answers · asked by someguy 3

thats my debate topic....plz help

2006-08-01 05:46:40 · 14 answers · asked by The Alchemist 1

That's my debate topic....plz help

2006-08-01 05:45:54 · 3 answers · asked by The Alchemist 1

from the cover of 'Foreign Policy' magazine (July/August 2006)

What do you think?

2006-08-01 05:43:28 · 8 answers · asked by Jorge 2

all the time, shouldn't he have been more of a role model to them, and yes I will back it up with info, I use to live in Florida and saw them partying their butts off, while the secret service follow them.

p.s Leogirl if you wish to respond, bring it on! Because Bush sucks!!

2006-08-01 05:43:04 · 9 answers · asked by Eve 2

If you're not liberal when you're young, your heartless and if you're not conservative when you're older, you're brainless.

I really do think this is true.

2006-08-01 05:39:24 · 15 answers · asked by MDPeterson42 3

He just looks a little heavier than he used to.

2006-08-01 05:32:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it is some kind of African-American thing. But I am confused. Since none of the "Africans" could read or write, until the last century, or part of the one before, how did they figure out how to spell it? It is certianly not an English, German, French or Arabic word.

2006-08-01 05:20:36 · 4 answers · asked by Dave B 4

2006-08-01 05:11:41 · 23 answers · asked by FreeThinker 2

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