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Other - Politics & Government - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Yes, ladys and Gentlemen Al Gore Has just confirmed that he indeed Invented the internet.. or was that an imposter...

2006-06-29 07:47:36 · 8 answers · asked by ralphtheartist 3

Or is there anywhere else I can get help with payments at all?

2006-06-29 07:45:41 · 14 answers · asked by Mummy of 2 7


I am sick of all the people who all they do is badmouth the government and the choices of Bush. I would like to see any of these people do any better in leading the nation. Am i the only one that feels this way?

2006-06-29 07:40:00 · 5 answers · asked by eddie_287 2

sister solija,,sounds like soldier. cause a rastist still back in the 70's? i though she was nice and strong minded.

2006-06-29 07:38:05 · 2 answers · asked by cletus_fraley 2

2006-06-29 07:35:02 · 6 answers · asked by xxXJokerXxx 2

Im going by the Nazi example of tourture and empire supremacy that this government rules by. Our courts have been taken over, our phones are tapped, people disappearing in the night after our government orcastrated 9/11, and the lies they cant even keep up with. If these disqusting and vile sub human demons are willing to do all this along with two stolen elections, why not just posepone our way into the last straw of dictatorship.

2006-06-29 07:24:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am beside myself with worry. I live in and own a 3-bed maisonette above a shop. The shop beneath me is a newsagents and the shop next door has been a post office for years. I received a letter from the council saying that the post office had applied for planning permission to turn it into a hot food takeaway. At the bottom of the letter the council said they could not take into consideration any 'material considerations' such as property value, loss of view, prvate disputes, impact of construction work or competition between firms.
Hmm not really much left out of that bunch to complain about other than people hanging around outside, the noise, and the smell. I'm concerned that these three things may not be enough?
I was unsure if I could put that it would effect the number of mortgage lenders who will lend to me in case it is classed as a material consideration? - It definitely will have a huge impact which will of course make my property virtually impossible to sell. Any advice?

2006-06-29 07:22:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you are against the government or against a war you are not a good american despite the fact that you are born in USA and you love this country.So can you explain me why when you are not agree with the choices in your country sometimes you are considered like a bet.Your are not a patriot but an anti-americans.

2006-06-29 07:05:58 · 18 answers · asked by taina 1

The Zionist Rothchilds of England print our money, own most of our banks, take money from our labor and in genreral own the USA. They financed Hitler to create WWII and finance the Illuminati and Bush's "Skull and Crossbones," so we do what they and Israel wants. However, when Putin wouldn't support the oli(oil)garchs he threw the Rothchilds into a tissy which is why this English family has ordered Bush to send our troops into Iraq and later into Iran to get control of oil in order to pull the US out of it's economic collapse so this parasite can continue feeding off it's host. But will getting oil from Iraq and Iran stave off our eventual economic collapse and save the Rothchilds as the dollar turns sour for the Europeans and Chinese who are not a part of the Zionist ruling rich elites and have a 15 billion dollar oil contract with Iran?

2006-06-29 06:59:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's now come out that soldiers portrayed in the movie had no idea of the angle & true subject matter. Their statements were also contrived in a way that was dishonest & misleading to the point that one of the soldiers is now suing him for millions of dollars!

2006-06-29 06:50:09 · 20 answers · asked by COblonde 3

Is this really fair,or would a flat tax where everyone contributes be more equitable?

2006-06-29 06:50:06 · 23 answers · asked by Kennyp 3

My father-in-law sent this link to me. Is that all it takes? Or will the amendment have to go before some other people first?


2006-06-29 06:47:36 · 14 answers · asked by possum_stella 3

I have a neighbor that keeps a job for a month and then gets fired. Last time she got fired she was sleeping in a work truck parked in the company's garage. That was last summer. She is now pregnant with her 3rd child. She receives WIC and gets $284in food stamps. They're stealing cable and our internet connection. She sits on her couch all day long with her kids who are CRAZY! She complains she's hungry and bored. She gloats about all the free stuff she gets. ITMAKES ME SO ANGRY, its not fair. My husband and i work so hard and struggle while she's on easy street.

2006-06-29 06:34:06 · 13 answers · asked by sami 3

2006-06-29 06:25:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I used to think the Republican party was the ANTI party or the party of hate because they are against everything:
anti-gay, anti-immigration, anti-black, etc....

But it hit me recently exactly what it really is: they are the party of prejudices!!!

Think about it. They let all their personal prejudices decide all their choices for them. They can't think past those prejudices enough to realize that others have rights too.

This makes so much sense.

2006-06-29 06:14:10 · 11 answers · asked by Answers R Me 3

2006-06-29 06:05:24 · 4 answers · asked by valjean 1


2006-06-29 06:01:57 · 6 answers · asked by scottfamilytribe 3

Which countries (nations) are still under some sort of colonial/dependency status or have a political status that is not fully sovereign?

2006-06-29 05:51:08 · 3 answers · asked by Hdz 2

Anybody ever heard what it actually is?

2006-06-29 05:44:20 · 16 answers · asked by Answers R Me 3

It is becoming apparent in the current situation with the Iraq war and the failure to defend our borders (including 9-1-1!) and the IRS's failure to answer any meaningful questions about their tyrannical mis-representation of their own regulations (check out Aaron Russo's new movie), that there needs to be a more comprehensive look at the issue of government. 'Restoring the system' to its 'orignal intent' is just going to put new crooks in the seats. If we all accept Jefferson's premise that we have 'inalienable rights' and we are all 'equal' than it is logically inescapable that no 'public servant' can claim a power that none of us individually possess. If we want help with the task of protection, we should look to a free market provider (Brinks security or another), not a band of thugs who demand payment for their services at the barrel of a gun. If you can pretend to select the bosses who rule you through elections, but cannot get rid of the mob itself, what's the point?

2006-06-29 05:39:42 · 13 answers · asked by Adam S 1

That just wack. Liberal (the american sense of the word- not in the european economic sense of the word) and conservative are ideologies. Democrat and Republican are the parties that make up our two party system. A Democrat can be conservative (Dixiecrats) and a Republican can be liberal. And I in no way am a Democrat. I am not registered as one and do not plan to. I have no connection to the two corporate parties and their paymasters. I am a socialist and vote in that manner in almost all elections. And I also occasionally vote Libertarian. So any reply like, "Clinton was a draft dodger or a aldulterer, etc." has nothing to do with an argument concerning political philosophy and does not concern me. I am concerned with the issue at large and not the horserace between the two parties. I am not concerned with their consultants, their public relations campaigns, their focus groups, their sound bites, etc. Ideas are of my concern.

2006-06-29 05:35:16 · 5 answers · asked by cannonball 1

the republicans took control of the helm and ran this big ship right into an iceberg, anybody agree with me,, please no fanactis

2006-06-29 05:33:08 · 8 answers · asked by scottfamilytribe 3

I'll bet they have.

2006-06-29 05:33:02 · 6 answers · asked by laa_dee_fukin_daa 3

2006-06-29 05:23:34 · 1 answers · asked by narendar r 1

I want examples of things that have impacted your lives PERSONALLY. Please be specific about what is was that they did and how it improved YOUR life.

2006-06-29 05:18:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

please sir inow before there is not like teroris why now every part of the country's teroris is incrise i want now thank you

2006-06-29 05:13:32 · 7 answers · asked by usrab5196 1

2006-06-29 05:01:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-29 04:57:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-29 04:47:08 · 29 answers · asked by mspooh 3

2006-06-29 04:47:03 · 10 answers · asked by sally+ neil 1

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