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Other - Politics & Government - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2006-06-29 11:09:33 · 11 answers · asked by ihcase1456 2

which one are you, and why?

2006-06-29 11:06:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-06-29 11:01:14 · 13 answers · asked by DUBYA ROCKS 1

Do you believe the Bush administration has overstepped its authority in the legal aspects of the war on terror?
Recent poll says YES!!!

62838 votes

27481 votes

Total: 90319 votes casted...

Whats your vote and why?

2006-06-29 10:52:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Citizens of Puerto Rico are US citizens but they are denied the fundamental right of any democracy, the right to vote. This reluctance of the US to give them the right to vote is something that have not been seen since the imperial ages of the early 20th century and severly damages our democracy promotion credability at home and abroad.

2006-06-29 10:23:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-29 09:39:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-29 09:31:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hint; the guy is famous, especially for being stupid.

2006-06-29 09:29:24 · 6 answers · asked by Truyer 5

Repugs don't go all RABID on this one!

The twins COULD go against Daddy on
this one because...maybe they don't believe
in his war? If they did, wouldn't they have signed
up pronto? I know if I believed in something MY DAD
was doing, I'd sign up to SUPPORT him,
wonder why his own kids didn't???
Or all his neices and nephews for that matter...

2006-06-29 09:18:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush and saddam who is worse? In my view surely Bush. What do you think? Only wice people can understand this fact. If people who don`t understand that mean he or she is STUPID!

2006-06-29 09:17:41 · 20 answers · asked by harin 2

2006-06-29 09:17:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


how can the goverment can pront their own money, but the economy is all ways in the deficit

2006-06-29 09:11:27 · 6 answers · asked by K-Def 2

Do you think their is really an oil shortage? Or do you feel like i do we have the best congress and senate money can buy. I wonder how many millions of dollars have switched hands from BIG oil co. to our government............

2006-06-29 09:04:12 · 8 answers · asked by dl200558 5

Would there have been great achievments under his rule if the unioun didnt fall apart ?

2006-06-29 09:02:24 · 6 answers · asked by hahol 1

Only a third of the peoplel that answered my last question even read the details. It's so annoying.

2006-06-29 08:51:10 · 14 answers · asked by Rockstar 6

I'm wondering, please pick one of the following categories that fits you:
1.) employed, goofing off
2.) employed on a lunch break
3.) unemployed
4.) retired
5.) student, out for the summer
6.) Insane asylum resident

2006-06-29 08:51:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

From a press conference in Vienna:

QUESTION: And to the president, Mr. President, you said this is absurd. But you might be aware that in Europe, the image of America is still falling and dramatically in some areas. Let me give you some numbers. In Austria, in this country, only 14 percent of the people believe that the United States — what they are doing is good for peace; 64 percent think that it is bad. In the United kingdom, your ally, there are more citizens who believe that the United States policy under your leadership is helping to destabilize the world than Iran. So my question to you is why do you think that you’ve failed so badly to convince Europeans, to win their heads and hearts and minds?

BUSH: Well, yeah, I thought it was absurd for people to think that we’re more dangerous than Iran. I - you know, it’s - we’re a transparent democracy. People know exactly what’s on our mind. We debate things in the open. We’ve got a legislative process that’s active.

2006-06-29 08:48:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should we and why?

2006-06-29 08:42:54 · 22 answers · asked by Adam E 1

hariri was former prime minister of lebanon and was assassinated in beirut 14 feb.2005

2006-06-29 08:42:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-29 08:41:01 · 9 answers · asked by Gustove 3

Scientists have confirmed that the sun is at the peak of it's solar flare cycle, which is sending tremendous amounts of ultrviolet rays to the Earth. It's so strong, in fact, that the Sun's magnetic poles have actually reversed. They've also determined that mars and Jupiter are experiencing global warming and at the same proportions.

Another thing they began saying a few months ago is that volcanoes spill out more Greenhouse gasses in one day of eruption than all of humanity does in 10 years. They say that if the greenhouse gasses were affecting the climate, we'd have never had an iceage.

They also say that while the Northpole icebergs are melting, Antarctica is freezing at the same rate. It's almost as if the Tropic rings are moving further north due to the activity of the sun. They did say that the Ozone layer has begun closing since we banned CFC's, but there's no evidence that it was BECAUSE we banned them.

Do you still believe that we could do anything? or is it politics

2006-06-29 08:18:32 · 11 answers · asked by Rockstar 6

What do you think. If you could buy it at the store would it still be a gateway drug?

2006-06-29 08:08:43 · 9 answers · asked by coolforbeer 3

Do you think if it's needed geoge bush could go in Iraq and fight for his country,for the united states,freedom with all the soldiers who live there and who are faced everyday to the death of their friends and all the difficulties.Can he gives his life for his country and who in the government is ready to do it against the threat of terrorism?

2006-06-29 08:05:46 · 17 answers · asked by taina 1

we really are not that bad...i mean if the U.S wasn't here half of you countries wouldn't be here too.

2006-06-29 08:02:36 · 17 answers · asked by Chris M 1

Do Orwell’s Predictions Ring True?

By Derek Shaw
The Daily Trojan
October 4, 2002
George Orwell's "1984" depicts a world that has been reduced to absolute governmental control over all areas of life, banishing the freedom to love, read and even think freely. The threat of constant warfare falsely propagated by the "Party," the single political power in the totalitarian state of Oceania, allows the government to maintain and expand its reign over the lives of its people.

Sound somewhat familiar? Well it should ...

As the likelihood of war in the Middle East continues to escalate, American citizens are slowly and methodically being stripped of some of their most fundamental civil liberties. Meanwhile, the U.S. government has successfully created an unprecedented fervor of patriotism, causing Americans to blindly hand over their freedoms in exchange for the promise of security.

Without attempting to cast any unmerited aspersions on our government or immaturely parallel a piece of fiction to reality, it is nonetheless interesting and rather eerie to compare the events in "1984" to the affairs of today.

Let's look at the facts.

In "1984," the bold slogan of the Party is "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." This set of socio-political paradoxes serve to justify the actions of the government while forcing the population to abide by the imperishable laws. The assumed objective of protecting the nation rationalizes all violence and corruption.

The state of Oceania in "1984" is involved in an eternal war with an unclear, ever-shifting enemy. The government leads the public to

believe that they are always in danger, when in fact

much, if not all, of the war is fabricated. One day the enemy is Eurasia, and the next day the government announces that the enemy is Eastasia and has always been Eastasia. The people swallow the lies and digest them as truths without raising a single question. The real purpose of war is to control opposition of the government and maintain total authority by cultivating fear and hatred.

Today we are facing imminent war with Iraq. A year ago our target was al-Qaida and bin Laden. Then it became a battle within Afghanistan. And just to be sure, President George W. Bush openly labeled Iran, North Korea and Iraq as the "axis of evil." In a later speech, he added Cuba, Libya and Syria to the growing list of nations that are allegedly seeking to obtain or develop weapons of mass destruction.

Indeed, the war on terrorism has spread out of control. On Aug. 22, 2002, Bush called Saddam Hussein a threat to the civilized world and announced that it was in everyone's best interest to see him removed from power. Granted, Hussein is not the first person on most of our Christmas card mailing lists, but what has really happened in recent years to warrant such treatment? Surely it is a mere coincidence that Bush (former oil tycoon) is targeting Iraq, which just so happens to have one of the most plentiful petroleum supplies in the world.

In many ways, Bush has become the physical manifestation of Big Brother, the omnipotent, all-knowing symbol of leadership in Oceania. In "1984," Big Brother is both feared and loved by the people. His power goes untested. Similarly, the Bush administration has sculpted an infallible image of integrity for itself, and the American people have responded with a show of faith and support. In fact, it has become accepted, if not fashionable, to show American pride with stickers, T-shirts and flags. A frenzy of nationalism has infected our country; and consequently we have put trust in the government to do all that is necessary to defend and vindicate the United States.

As a result, American freedoms are being cleverly attacked by new legislation, which is taking advantage of the vulnerability of its citizens. In "1984," signs reading "Big Brother is watching you" constantly remind the people of Oceania that their every move is being monitored and judged. The Bush administration has enacted programs such as TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), which allows the government to recruit citizen-spies within the United States to supplement law enforcement. In addition, the USA Patriot Act now allows law enforcement and intelligence agencies to expand surveillance to monitor phone conversations, Internet usage and business transactions. All the while, it eliminates the checks and balances system which allows courts to oversee the legality and integrity of the affairs.

Bush's proposal for a Department of Homeland Security, which happens to include an exemption from the Freedom of Information Act, intends to combine 22 federal agencies for the purpose of fighting terrorism more effectively. It sounds good on the surface, but the problem is that many of the actions will be performed in secret — hidden from the media and the public. Bush himself outlined the goal of the operation in a speech on Oct. 17, 2001.

He announced, "Ours will be a broad campaign, fought on many fronts. It's a campaign that will be waged by day and by night, in the light and in the shadow, in battles you will see and battles you won't see." The ambiguity of this statement is indicative of the whole war on terrorism. Just who are we fighting and why? These questions deserve answers.

Is America gradually slipping into an Orwellian society?

Maybe not, but no nation is indestructible. Bush has made it clear that war is imminent. The trend of violence is only growing stronger, and we are steadily becoming blind to the injustices perpetrated by our government in the name of freedom. So as we focus our attacks on Iraq and our rivals become more unclear and arbitrary, ask yourself, "Who is the real enemy?"

© 2002 The Daily Trojan

2006-06-29 07:54:18 · 6 answers · asked by Hoolahoop 3

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