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Politics & Government - 24 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Libs welfare has put survival of the fittest in reverse.

Now instead of survival of the fittest, we have survival of the weakest and laziest.

All the colored races around the world are multiplying like cockroaches while the white race is dying off.

And why? Because of lib welfare world wide together with lib abortions for white children.

2007-10-24 09:31:27 · 17 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1 in Politics

I have a car that the bank is trying to repo. I am paying it off next month, but the bank sent the repo man out to get it and could not find me. They went to my neighbor's house at 10 pm, jumped the fence marked no trespassing and revealed to them the info they had on me in there file without my consent. Now i ask.... is this or isn't this not only breech of the peace by jumping my neighbor's fence and waking them up, but also a violation to the privacy act. By the way i did find out that they commited felony trespassing violations. I also found out that the bank is responsible for the actions of the repo man because they hired him. Any legal advise on this would help.

2007-10-24 09:30:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

opinions only please, no "bashing"

2007-10-24 09:30:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

That's $1,0000,0000,000,000. We spend about $70 billion a year now. And yet just about any drug can be found within five miles of a typical neighborhood.

At what point do we open our eyes and say enough is enough and look for an alternative to this failed policy? What about giving personal autonomy back to American citizens?

2007-10-24 09:30:07 · 9 answers · asked by wooper 5 in Government

so if my parents pay more than 1/2 of my expenses i can be a dependant right? (im 16, living with both parents all my life)

What counts as living expenses? Everything? Does the money they put into my schooling count, even though i could just go to a public school? (ive went to a private school and was homeschooled)

Also when it says that im not a dependant if i pay more than 1/2 of my own stuff, does that also mean if im capable of paying my own stuff?

Like i could support myself, as in stay alive, with what im making (food and some cheap apartment) but i couldnt afford the type of schooling there giving me (and they give me everything else i need)

2007-10-24 09:29:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am a plaintiff and won a case against a 1099'd individual. Is it possible to attach her wages through a garnishment even though she is commission olny sales (and not very good at that) ? I have hear both sides but need supporting truths.

2007-10-24 09:28:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The Drudge Report ( http://www.drudgereport.com/flash8.htm ) has reported that the "Baghdad Diarist" reports on malfeasance and worse by our troops were total fiction. It would seem that they along with Media Matters will stop at nothing to push their agenda of destroying America.

2007-10-24 09:28:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-10-24 09:27:47 · 15 answers · asked by cranky0138 1 in Military

Only about 50% of eligible voters voted in the 2000 presidential election. The 2002 congressional election turnout was 39.3%.

Do you believe such a low voter turnout is a serious problem for our democratic government in the U.S.?

Should citizens have to pay a fine for not voting or would it be unconstitutional?

What are some alternative ways to increase voter turnout in future elections?

2007-10-24 09:25:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

does an officer always have to read you your miranda rights??

like even in cases of a misdemenor or a disorderly conduct charge???

also can you bring this up in course and plead that the arrest was invalid because they did not read your rights

or does this just have to do with the fith ammendment about self incriminating like they dont have to read you your rights if they dont plan on using your statement??

2007-10-24 09:24:13 · 5 answers · asked by T 4 in Law & Ethics

if i tell my therapist that i am
going to get even with my previous
does he or she have to tell anyone
i said that?
if so who?

if they tell the police
what can they do?

i live in CT

2007-10-24 09:18:13 · 3 answers · asked by danmak2001 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

choose which parent to live? My ex husband not surprisingly has tarnished her mind because I have a new boyfriend.

2007-10-24 09:17:30 · 4 answers · asked by Lily 3 in Law & Ethics

you see im just open a shop, and only got a handful of money, but lots of them go to the organized gangster (government).

the taxes are not benefitting my business at all, why do i have to pay for all those sh*t.

what can i do, if i make a police report, its me who will be jailed.

2007-10-24 09:15:33 · 4 answers · asked by xc 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

That's what I've read. If so, then how is the next president going to appoint a new justice to the bench if they serve until they are either impeached or they step down? The reason I ask, is I keep hearing if Hillary is elected, she'll appoint a liberal activist judge, and if Guiliani is elected, he'll appoint a conservative constructionist judge. Considering they both win the nomination to their party that is. Unfortunately, wikipedia doesn't explain everything :)

2007-10-24 09:12:37 · 5 answers · asked by dudeman612 6 in Government

per year will be the interest payments on the 2.4 trillion borrowed to finance this war, thats if the interest is at only 3%....... Is this being fiscally conservative?

2007-10-24 09:11:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean, before Global Warming and Bush came along???

Harry Reid said that the wildfires in California today were caused by global warming. (He now denies saying that. Too bad it's on tape)

Barbra Boxer has jumped on her soap-box and blamed the Bush administration for allowing the fires to get out of hand.

(If I'm not mistaken, I thought that was an issue to be handled by local governments. Hmmm maybe that means the pothole in front of my house is Bush's fault also.)

So if we vote democrat in 2008 and quit driving to work, there will be no more wildfires????

2007-10-24 09:11:15 · 18 answers · asked by Voice of Liberty 5 in Other - Politics & Government

By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
54 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost as much as $2.4 trillion through the next decade, according to a new analysis Wednesday that the White House brushed off as "speculation."


The analysis, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, provides the most comprehensive and far-reaching estimate to date, taking into account costs previously not counted and assuming large number of forces would remain in the regions.

According to CBO, the U.S. has spent about $600 billion to date on both wars, including $39 billion in diplomatic operations and foreign aid.

If the U.S. cuts the number of troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan to 75,000 six years from now, it would cost the U.S. another $1 trillion for military and diplomatic operations and $705 billion in interest payments to pay for the wars through 2017.

Democrats say voters won't stand for it, and so they would consider pay

2007-10-24 09:08:28 · 8 answers · asked by ahedou2 4 in Politics

I wanted to know what is the deal with skulls and bones? I heard about it and never really could find out to much info on it anyone know anything about it.

2007-10-24 09:07:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ok when my roommate and I transferred to our new apartment the lady at the leasing office said that we would get a complimentary carpet cleaning on the old apartment. When I moved I recieved a letter stating a 275 dollar charge for the carpet. I went back to talk to the person who handles billing and she said the lady was wrong, and that isnt the case. Shouldnt my carpet cleaning be free reguardless because they leasing agent told us that?

2007-10-24 09:06:26 · 6 answers · asked by Apples and Mapples 2 in Law & Ethics

Rep. Bobby Jindal’s election as governor moves Louisiana further into the Republican camp, indicating stormy waters for the one potentially endangered Senate Democrat in 2008.

And that happened before massive flooding from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 sent many black Louisianans, who often vote Democratic, fleeing to Texas, Utah and elsewhere. While the full political impact of the population shifts from the 2005 storms are still being revealed, it’s clear that Republicans are stronger than before.

Moreover, state Democrats have been beleaguered by scandals and poor election results. Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco chose not to seek reelection after a seemingly sluggish response to flooding from the hurricanes and months of unflattering media coverage.

And the truth shall set us free eh!

2007-10-24 09:06:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


This is my last question, what is the required C school for an enlisted HM to work with the Marines as a medic?

2007-10-24 09:03:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Experts say the war will now cost us "the tax payers" in America 2.4 Trillion dollars. Not to mention the loss of dads,brothers,sisters,moms,aunts,uncles,grandparents,friends I know people whom have lost their family members doing all they could to keep us safe. I also know people whom have lost their homes doing all they could to keep them. Can anyone tell me why our goverment will spend 2.4 trillion dollars in Iraq, but won't give a hard working family $8000.00 so they can keep their home? Does anyone else see a problem with this?

2007-10-24 08:59:07 · 20 answers · asked by Josh P 1 in Military

To the "Cronies" ?

Whose face will they use instead of the Indian?

2007-10-24 08:58:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-10-24 08:57:31 · 3 answers · asked by md_free23 1 in Government

I find it ridiculous that stealing music with P2P software isn't stopped.

Why doesn't the government prosecute more individuals for stealing music?

I use P2P to download songs I already own. Songs that you sometimes can't buy from the artist anymore, but I own a legal copy of them.

I see it as a slap to the face when people go downloading tons and tons of music off limewire and other P2P programs and sites, and not having a legal copy of those songs.

The government shouldn't invade our privacy, but it should uphold its laws!

And even moreso, why do people come onto Y!A and ask for advice on how to get stolen goods? What program is the best for "free music". Do they not realize that it isn't free? It's stealing.

2007-10-24 08:55:18 · 9 answers · asked by Dark L 3 in Law & Ethics

I was sexually harassed (physically grabbed) by a male colleague over a month ago and my boss refuses to hold an investigation because of the cost of attorney fees. So far the accused has been walking around work with nothing more than a verbal warning. Now it has become a hostile work environment and my work is suffering because I try to avoid communication with him. I am his supervisor, and this is beginning to make ME look bad as a senior employee.

2007-10-24 08:53:53 · 7 answers · asked by DirkDiggler 1 in Law & Ethics

On May 1, Brand Name Industries, Inc. (BNI), sent carol a letter, via overnight delivery, offering to employ her to to audit BNI's financial statements for the current year for $1,000. In the letter, BNI stated that Carol had ten days to accept. On May 5, Carol sent BNI a fax that stated, "The price for the audit seems to low. Would you consider paying $1,200?" BNI received the fax. The next day, Dan offered to conduct the audit for $800. On learning of Dan's offer, Carol immediately emailed BNI, agreeing to do the work for $1,000. BNI received this email on May 7. Explain why BNI and Carol do, or do not, have a contract.

2007-10-24 08:53:34 · 5 answers · asked by Chris K 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-10-24 08:50:30 · 9 answers · asked by ningis n 1 in Politics

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