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Ok when my roommate and I transferred to our new apartment the lady at the leasing office said that we would get a complimentary carpet cleaning on the old apartment. When I moved I recieved a letter stating a 275 dollar charge for the carpet. I went back to talk to the person who handles billing and she said the lady was wrong, and that isnt the case. Shouldnt my carpet cleaning be free reguardless because they leasing agent told us that?

2007-10-24 09:06:26 · 6 answers · asked by Apples and Mapples 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

6 answers

Got it in writing?

2007-10-24 09:09:27 · answer #1 · answered by davidmi711 7 · 1 0

Did you have a lease with anything in it about the carpet? Usually, just cleaning the carpet is covered under "normal wear and tear." I am assuming that there was no damage to the carpet. Have you asked the lady who promised you the complimentary cleaning to speak with the person who does the billing? If not, I would have her do this in your presence. Also, I would ask to speak with someone higher. You need to explain that you were given conflicting information. In addition, since you are still renting from the same complex (building, etc.) you should be valued as a current tenant that will hopefully want to remain a future tenant. I would use this to make a point in your favor. If all else fails and you do have to pay, can they take it out of a security deposit from the former apartment? You may want to see if the $275 is what they had to pay to get it cleaned by calling the carpet cleaning company and asking what they charge for a job like that. It sounds reasonable, but you really don't know if the apartment company is padding the bill or not. Of course, next time, do ask for it in writing. Good Luck!

2007-10-24 16:29:04 · answer #2 · answered by kiddkosmic 4 · 0 0

Unless you have a complimentary cleaning in writing, you can't prove squat. In fact, I'd bet your lease says something about you paying for the cleaning.

2007-10-24 16:12:23 · answer #3 · answered by DOOM 7 · 1 0

No, the leasing agent can say whatever she wants. All apartment contracts these days have a clause excluding verbal contracts from consideration. So even if you have proof that she said it, it wouldn't be enforceable.

2007-10-24 16:22:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes the Leasing person entered into a verbal contract and it is enforceable in a court of law.

2007-10-24 16:10:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, and to make sure you never have to pay this fee again or have future issues like this, try the site below and watch the movie. Hope this helps.

2007-10-24 16:40:13 · answer #6 · answered by citronge 2 · 0 0

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