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Politics & Government - 24 June 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-06-24 15:08:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I had a judgement from a landflord 3-4 years ago. In the judgement he stated we did some pretty foul things to his apartment when we left. I no I was responsible for the back end of the lease (for leaving early) but we 110% did not damage his property. I knowingly missed the hearing being young and dumb. He went to court with material to dis credit my character but of course did not produce any picture of the so called damage we did. we did not show up so he won. Long story short I have filed bankruptcy and I want to know if this guy is going to have a leg to stand on if he decides to contest the BK. Father of 5 married only income NEED SOME HELP.

2007-06-24 15:06:10 · 5 answers · asked by Omne 2 in Law & Ethics

I think I know who did it. This is the 2nd time. This is just some punk with nothing better to do, we've never met but he lives on my street. If I tell the cops, with no evidence or proof, can they do anything except write a report infront of me to show me how well my tax dollars are being spent and then whipe their *** with it when they leave?

Im thinking without proof I have nothing. In that case, I want to make a statement of my own. Any good noise-free ideas?

2007-06-24 15:05:04 · 18 answers · asked by xyz 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

For you Ron Paul fans, if he doesn't have a chance then who of the two candidates above would you cast your vote for?

Please, only choose between these two.

2007-06-24 15:04:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

He has enough important issues to focus on. How about just letting the president perform at his best for the remainder of the term? Public polls and online postings are meaningless distractions.

2007-06-24 15:04:24 · 31 answers · asked by Lionwarlord 1 in Politics

attack us? It is too bad that the Republican controlled Congress tied CLintons hands about Bin Laden in the mid 90's when Sudan offered him to us. Its too bad they said Bin Laden wasn't our problem and hadn't done anything. Why didnt the Republicans care about keeping Americans safe? Why did they have to focus on a ******* instead of keeping us safe?

2007-06-24 15:03:19 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just asked a question on abortion and all I'm getting is "its legal from a few libs". Where is your superior reasoning?

2007-06-24 15:02:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My parents are getting divorced and it appears to be going to trial. My best friend is representing my father in the divorce. I have been informed that I may be callled as a witness for my mother regarding my fathers indiscretions. Can my best friend question me on the witness stand? If so any advise on how to avoid this would be appreciated.

2007-06-24 15:01:59 · 8 answers · asked by sozjoshua 2 in Law & Ethics

When Nancy Pelosi went to Syria she probably violated the Logan Act by interfering in negotiations with another country. Diplomatic negotiations are part of the Executive Branch function and not that of the Legislative. In addition to playing Diplomat, a message she gave to Syria from Israel was not conveyed properly and left Israel denying what Pelosi said.
What they fail to understand is that representatives of the Bush Administration (or any President’s Administration) are allowed to conduct these kinds of meetings. once again, Diplomacy is an Executive Branch function and therefore the President or his representatives are authorized to participate in them.
Pelosi is a member of the Legislative Branch and does not belong playing Diplomat. Who is she trying to be, Condi Rice?

2007-06-24 15:01:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'm not sure if it is legal to do so. It would be a small amount of the ashes.I have relatives living in Jamaica and am hoping that they could spread the ashes there.

2007-06-24 15:00:32 · 2 answers · asked by Neisy 3 in Law & Ethics

I heard on the news a issue relating to three Nigerian nationals who managed to embezzel 12,000,000 from bank one. They sent most of the money to Nigeria and BankOne did not recover it.
Do you think that immigrants illegal or legal that commit crimes and are convicted should be made to serve their sentences in their original country? Or should they serve time in America on American soil, on American tax dollars?

2007-06-24 15:00:13 · 12 answers · asked by reciprocityabound 3 in Law & Ethics

Is it not logical that we have a criminal investigation? It would be rational to refute the 9/11 Commission, on page 172 of their report, stating that the question of who bankrolled the September 11th attacks was "of little practical significance." This would not be the case in a real investigation

Initiating A 9/11 Criminal Investigation

The 9/11 Commission

P.S. I hope you don't think USAMA BIN LADEN was the conspirator. Hes not even wanted for 9/11. Don't believe me? Look at the FBIs most wanted list and read for yourself. Propaganda is powerful, it can make you believe things without any facts, and than later deny the truth. http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/laden.htm

2007-06-24 14:59:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Is this odd for a DUI, last night,myson was charged for speeding and a DUI. When we went and bailed him out he still had his drivers license and Keys to his car. They never took them away. When the did the breath test it was higher at the scene it was higher when they hauled him in. When he was there is was .01 under the limit. He also had to take a blood test. The first test had to be tossed because they put it in the wrong tube. The second time they used the same arm and couldn't get any more so they poked him for the 3rd time is this also legal?

2007-06-24 14:57:51 · 11 answers · asked by Linda p 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

If a woman wants to kill herself, so be it. But in an abortion she will be killing something foreign to her body. You conviently call it a fetus but it's still a human.
I've known three women who have had abortions and the experience fractured them to the core. It not only kills the child but destroys the woman. I will never understand any of this. And yet, the same people decry the loss of human life in the war.

2007-06-24 14:51:58 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

George Bush used the term “rape rooms” when describing the atrocities of the Saddam Hussein regime. But did you know that during the Abu Ghraib torture investigation, General Taguba of the US Armed Forces investigation comity discovered footage of female Iraqi detainees being sodomized by American military guards? We viewed the photos of the humiliation the male detainees suffered; they endured physiological abuse, sexual humiliation, forced stress positions, etc. But how many of us knew while that was going on, their wives, daughters, and sisters, were being raped?

It is one thing to do this to their men, but when their women and girls are gathered up and systematically raped, we become no better then the men we overthrew in the first place. Our president used the terminology of sexual abuse as a method to shock and manipulate the American people to believe our invasion of Iraq was justified; yet we enter the scene and become guilty of the same behavior the Iraqis perpetrated.

2007-06-24 14:49:52 · 15 answers · asked by stupidity_of_pride 4 in Politics

Is it the decision of the person who is being filmed? Is it my right to say "Hey, I dont' want my face shown if that is going on TV". If that is true, does anyone know what law that would be? I was watching Little People Big World and saw the stupidist thing. Matt was speaking to a large group of people at a school and the camera panned over to show them all. Three people in the third row (could hardly see them at all) had they faces blurred and nobody else. How stupid and my question is WHY????

2007-06-24 14:49:49 · 10 answers · asked by sonwise777 1 in Law & Ethics

SHE needs to stay locked up, just because she's a rich ***** doesn't mean she should get special treatment.

...I think her sentence was SOOOO unfair, if it would've been a regular person doing what she did, this person woul've gotten 1 yr in jail. But just because it's Paris and she has money?...

Whats going on with the law in USA?... I mean, Dang. That is so totally not fair. PARIS NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP!

2007-06-24 14:49:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

from Illinois, do you think he'd be in the top tier of the Democratic candidates now? How much do you think his race has to do with his position?

2007-06-24 14:48:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...how is it that not one President in our 231 year history has never at least attempted to use it to overthrow the government and install himself as a dictator? Such action would obviously be completely unconstitutional, but if a President has thousands of heavily-armed soldiers backing him up, is there really anything that the few wimpy politicians in Congress could do about it? Or are the Supreme Court justices going to condemn him if there are a sea of tanks encircling the Court house? And a rogue president like this could ensure obedience from his generals by promising them well-paid positions after the coup is over with. I'm certainly not advocating it, but it just seems like it would be so EASY to pull off. Why is it that we have never had a crazy, power-hungry President try this?

2007-06-24 14:45:31 · 10 answers · asked by bcwhite88 3 in Military

We need the Green Party to replace the Republican Party to maintain a viable USA for the next generation.

2007-06-24 14:43:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-06-24 14:42:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-06-24 14:40:10 · 8 answers · asked by . 6 in Military

Unwitting woman votes, faces deportation - CNN News

What does this say about the state of illegal immigration in the country?


2007-06-24 14:39:35 · 3 answers · asked by Steve C 7 in Immigration

2007-06-24 14:38:54 · 12 answers · asked by WordIsBond 5 in Immigration

With all the politicians saying they will do this and end up doing the opposite, who votes these days? It seems political parties have changed. Republicans, Democrats, Independ, etc aren't anything close to the descriptions in PolSci or Gov't class. The media doesn't help make voting easier.

2007-06-24 14:38:30 · 20 answers · asked by OPP101 2 in Politics

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