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Politics & Government - 16 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

They said it was Bush's fault and that they would bring them down. Hillary said that she wouldn't let them make all that profit on our backs.

2007-05-16 16:51:55 · 16 answers · asked by Alice in Wonderland 2 in Politics

Please respond with analytical answers and not emotional tirades. I don't care how much you hate bush or demorats. Please give me your own personal, educated, estimate for the length of time we will stay in Iraq if the current conditions hold. Essentially how long will a U.S. government, led by McCain or Guliani, continue the war in Iraq?

2007-05-16 16:51:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Granted whats on tv everyday this is a dumb as hell question (I know).
I feel as though im offending members of the armed forces by asking this... however im not one to hold my tounge on certain subjects. I would prefer answers from someone who has been there, someone who has been through a lot while they were there.
"why dont you join the service and go yourself" is not an answer in my book for I don't appreciate sarcasm. Besides, one wouldn't waste time asking this kind of question if he wasn't considering it.

2007-05-16 16:46:16 · 8 answers · asked by penance 1 in Military

When Bush/Cheney see the light and join their friends at Justice who are all resigning, then President Pelosi can take over and appoint an education czar to educate our children and she can appoint a health czar to take care of all our wounded and elderly.
There is a clear difference between conservative killers and Democratic helpers.

2007-05-16 16:39:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Hello all, my question here, I loan a co-worker 2000.00 , yes interest is included he sign an agreement and I also have two witnesses , he should have pay the first part of 2 on the 15 of may and he two many excuses, what do I do and where do I go. Thanks in advance for your advise.

2007-05-16 16:39:28 · 1 answers · asked by rajesh r 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-05-16 16:30:18 · 2 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2 in Politics

I have a friend who mother brought her over from Haiti when she was 11 years old on a tourist visa. We has been in the USA for 25 years. She married a friend of mine but he didn't know she was illegal. Well, they are now married, and have a child and one on the way.

Today, she recieved a letter from the Immigration Department giving her a court date. During the time of the court date she will be having her baby.

Lastly, what advise could I give her. Or what can I do to help her.

2007-05-16 16:27:45 · 13 answers · asked by Jonathan J 1 in Immigration

Seriously do you even know who your congressman is?
When you do vote, do you actually research and look into the person or party your voting for? I wish I could vote but I'm currently under 18 so I can't. But once I turn of legal age I'll be observing peoples views and voting at every election.

I know there must be a good number of ppl out there who honestly have no idea what the hell is going on. They just sit there on their lazy butts, bi*ch and complain about things that are happening they disagree with yet they don't crap about it.

I'm not saying everyone is like this, but I'm sure some ppl are.

So do you vote?

2007-05-16 16:23:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

since liberitarians believe you should be able to do anything you want as long as you're not hurting anyone, that means, pro gun, pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro tax cuts, pro assisted suicide, pro legalizing drugs, against policing other countries, does that mean they will abandon the republican party? I mean that sounds better than the republican party and better than the democrat party

2007-05-16 16:22:54 · 6 answers · asked by loutejada 4 in Politics

that we could get invaded and all of the countries of the world suceed in taking us over if they only nuked us a few times and then just litered the place with normal cluster bombs, keeping in mind that this is an (What If, scenario)

2007-05-16 16:21:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

yeah i am going into the army next year and i need to know what i am going to have to do, yeah i have herd its pretty tough

2007-05-16 16:15:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-05-16 16:15:08 · 7 answers · asked by tawisha77 1 in Government

I had a big party at my house 3 months ago and, in a drunken state, some of the girls that showed up decided to steal from my house. All that was taken was my hair straightener, but it was new and expensive ($125).

A lot of people were at my house that night and I didn't want to start pointing fingers so I just dropped it and went back to using my old straightener (I eventually bought a new one which cost $135).

So now 3 months later, a friend of mine found out one of the girls who is friends with the theif(s); (she didn't steal it but she was there when it happened). She (the friend) wrote to me in an email that she knows who took it but she wont give me names. It's been a few weeks now and I'm not getting any answers. I was wondering if it would be possible to sue her in small claims court. I have proof (emails) that she knows who took it. Or, if I threaten to sue her and then finally get names would I be able to sue those people in order to get my money or straightener back?

2007-05-16 16:13:32 · 8 answers · asked by Missy 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-16 16:13:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He's still on duty. But starting the life of power corruption early, should he be fired?

2007-05-16 16:12:06 · 22 answers · asked by tmilestc 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

Mark Furman was a lead Det. in the O.J. investigation.

2007-05-16 15:56:49 · 11 answers · asked by will C 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I've always been using my employer's notary public, who provided services free of charge. Now I need 7 sheets of paperwork certified by a notary public in Philadelphia. Could someone ballpark how much these services might cost me? I am completely clueless.

2007-05-16 15:52:40 · 8 answers · asked by Kaytee 5 in Law & Ethics

Do you think that this leads to a general disrespect for the law? If protecting our borders which the constitution charges the feds with isn't enforced, is it logical to assume that normal legal cititzens will be less concerned with breaking laws that aren't mandated in the constitution, like income tax laws for instance?

2007-05-16 15:52:29 · 7 answers · asked by Lee 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-16 15:50:01 · 8 answers · asked by yesenia 1 in Government

We have over 10 million alliens and these alliens have children born here in America and as such the children are American citizens by birth. American nationals have a constitutional right to invite their parents to settle in United States. My question is: at what age does an American citizen start enjoying their constitutional rights and being protected by the constitution? If the answer is at birth don't these immigrants' children who have become citizens by birth have a cosnstitutional right to invite their allien parents to settle in United States of America? If this is yes, are our politicians being honest with American people about immigration issues?

2007-05-16 15:48:48 · 11 answers · asked by Leof 3 in Immigration

My son got out of the military and can't get a job. He brought his wife (pregnant at the time) with him and they've since had the child. It's been 8 months now and he hasn't gotten a job since he's been here. He has tried and tried but he keeps getting turned down because he's either too expereinced or inexperienced. He also refuses to work at fast food because he says it's not good enough. I also co-signed on a loan for a car for them and since he has no job he can't pay the insurance or car payment. We have invited a moderator in to work things out but they still haven't come through on payments (no job). We never agreed to a rental contract (nor have they payed anything towards rent) as I said they could live here for free until they got on their feet. I'm tired of paying their bills and I want them out. I gave them a 30-days notice (word document) and I want to know what legal rights I have to evict them, how to do it, and how to get the car from them too? State is VA by the way.

2007-05-16 15:40:54 · 10 answers · asked by 3236208 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-16 15:38:52 · 9 answers · asked by Abel L 1 in Military

2007-05-16 15:37:54 · 1 answers · asked by Logical Rationalist 4 in Government

2007-05-16 15:36:33 · 8 answers · asked by Sweet Tea & Lemons 6 in Government

if so
where can i get it?

2007-05-16 15:34:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration


What did the US soldiers call the Vietcong?

2007-05-16 15:32:30 · 10 answers · asked by Kreshan Amin 2 in Military

Some people point to the fact that pre-human data from ice cores show that a rise in CO2 levels follows a rise in temperature. The temperature then continues to rise for the next few thousand years. They are right to question this. Let me explain why it is significant to what is happening now.

This is what is known as a positive feedback - the temperature rise (part of the natural cycle) causes CO2 to be released from its disolved state in the oceans - the rise in CO2 then accelerates warming further (this has also been proven). The magnitude of the subequent warming seen in ice cores can ONLY be explained by inclusion of the greenhouse effect of CO2.

The important thing to see here is that increased CO2 in the atmosphere DOES cause warming - although it is not the only factor, and in previous occurances the release of CO2 has been caused by the earth warming, not the other way around (as part of its natural cycle).

But right now we humans are causing something completely unatural that has never happened before - we are burning fossil fuel at an amazing rate - releasing CO2 into the atmosphere which would otherwise have stayed locked up under the ground in the form of oil, coal and gas. This has caused concentrations of CO2 to now be way higher that ever before in human history. The world IS now warming - nobody disputes that.

Now since a warming world has been shown to cause increased CO2 which then will cause more warming, how is even more CO2 in the atmosphere, due to our pollution going to affect the natural cycle?? Well, the truth is, nobody knows for sure, so maybe we should perhaps just try to reduce our impact on this natural cycle?? rather than just hoping it will all turn out ok. what do you think?

2007-05-16 15:31:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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