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Politics & Government - 26 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-03-26 19:12:34 · 18 answers · asked by FOX NEWS WATCHER 1 in Politics

After we invaded, Paul Bremmer maded an executive order to disallow labor movements, just like saddam did. Are they so anti-labor that they couldn't let them do it even though knowing about labor movements in other arab countries and how they are one of the best ways for the people to have there voice heard. Some arab countries have elected women to head the unions, this is unheard of in all other aspects of there society, most labor unions in the middle east support a two state palestinian-isreali solution even when there government does not. Whats up with that?

2007-03-26 19:11:39 · 2 answers · asked by the 2nd woody 3 in Politics

does the navy have snipers not in the SEALS? i heard that the navy has an infantry now. Is that true?

2007-03-26 19:11:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Seriously think of all those slings and arrows he takes daily from the press and the democrats. I'd want a medal for all that grief.

2007-03-26 19:10:45 · 6 answers · asked by Sgt 524 5 in Politics


2007-03-26 19:08:28 · 13 answers · asked by FOX NEWS WATCHER 1 in Politics

In a world that is neck deep in the Information Age, computers in nearly every household in America and if not at the local libraries someone please try, though practically impossible, to explain why we still need the "Electoral Vote". Because you see the idea behind the electoral vote is that your vote will count and effect how the electoral vote is cast; Yeah......Right. If you believe that, than you probably believe that politicians are honest and that your government would never lie to you. Anyway without getting too far off topic I would love to see what the average "joe" thinks of the "Electoral Vote", its validity, and usefullness in the 21st century.

2007-03-26 19:07:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

i think we really need to let our voices heard. these anti war people need to go away, take the press out of this war and quit tying are hands behind our backs, let them do the job that they need to do, and stop pussyfooting around! and our state,and federal reps, need to step down. we need to start over in congress,sen. lets fund the war with what we need and put an end to all the madness

2007-03-26 19:05:20 · 2 answers · asked by bobby c 1 in Military

Looking to find out the FCC guidlines are for billboard advertising (specifically in California if possible). What exactly can you get away with on a billboard? Are they privately owned? Need to know ASAP....writing a research paper.
Thanks for any help

2007-03-26 19:04:05 · 3 answers · asked by daddielovesmuffin 1 in Law & Ethics

When getting hired as a studio musician for a possible up and coming performer is it important to seek out legal representation? Why or why not?
I think it is! If you want your name on the CD ie: Joe blow appears courtesy of joe blow music inc.
What do you think?

2007-03-26 18:58:55 · 4 answers · asked by DRNoraSarasin 3 in Law & Ethics

Or for that matter the citizen of any country apart from the USA? British soldiers capture creates alarm while innocent civilians of various countries are locked up in Guatanamo for reasons unknown? How do we know they are not tortured into submission through violent/emabarrassing force used in Iraq by the many military trained officials? Is this where all hard -earned money of American labor & sweat goes to through taxes? Are so-called civilized first world Americans funding this injustice?

2007-03-26 18:58:38 · 12 answers · asked by LibraCrazyVirgo 3 in Law & Ethics

it's bad enough that the colonial nazis hve invaded iraq and turned a peacefull sovergn country into a murderous lawless corrupt country.If you look at the history of the colonial nazi countries in iraq,the u.s, australia, canada well you don't need to look far considering thier murderous nazi history, they are not fit enough to make decisons on other countries, if you start of with the u.s,they wiped out tribes of red indians into instinction and they still oppress them by takeing away thier land rights, and all the wars they hve fought have been mostly againts non white countries,only germany and serbia were white, then we got australia,they have murdered indegnious people and stole their homeland and taken away thier rights, then we got canada,they too stole land from the indians after massacreing millions of them, then the u.k well thier colonial history says it all specialy with the slave trade.HITLER KILLED JEWS AND GYPSIES,THE COLONIAL NAZI'S HAVE AND STILL KILLING NON WHITES.

2007-03-26 18:57:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

From almost one year and three months idid applied for the canadian immigration and as per the company {during this time }the approval for my request will be ready after 18 Months.but one of my friend told me i have to be updated with all the new roll now becouse as per him now the approval take five years .So Kindly ineed an answer about my case and if the new rolle wil effect my file or not?

2007-03-26 18:55:55 · 1 answers · asked by Sayed Z 1 in Immigration

I purchased a property that was foreclosed on and had a DIP in the property. We never had a lease. She agreed to pay and did for a couple months. A month ago I gave here verbal notice to vacate the property. Because of willful neglect of the property. Said she needed 30-days. She has since changed her mind and has decided to stay. What are the actual steps? I have already pulled Missouri law 441.060. Seems like a written notice is in order, does an officer need to be present or to serve her with the notice.

2007-03-26 18:54:21 · 2 answers · asked by Mugleedone 2 in Law & Ethics

K, I'm a 19 year old guy. Moving out of my house around june and one possible option is staying with a friend who is being emancipted from "HER" parents. She's 16, doing highschool, getting a job, starting a small business, etc. I'm sorta just a poor luck sort working hard at the communitee college and trying to find a job. I dont have a bad record, personality, or anything, interviewers say they're impressed but later dont hire me (except for one which later I turned down due to it being a sales job that would not keep up with minimum wage and money I need to pay for stuff).

Anyways me and her have been friends for abit more than a year, also my fiance's friend. My fiance is taking care of her mom up in oregan while Im in south california.

Anyways me and the emancipating girl decided that if I get kicked out, we could room up and work together in getting jobs, paying rent, school, etc. for the time being.

Any laws against rooming w/ emancipated minors?

2007-03-26 18:53:20 · 12 answers · asked by rezruf 3 in Law & Ethics

Where can i go online or anywhere to find out how to further my interest in the State Department. I'm wanting to know miscellanious things about the State Department, such as pay, perks, job entailment, where students fresh out of college will begin, and so on. Also where to find out about Internships as well as employment

2007-03-26 18:52:34 · 2 answers · asked by chipp_scott 1 in Embassies & Consulates

for a perfectly healthy individual who fakes a disability in order to live a life of luxury at taxpayers' expense, and if that person feels true remorse for his misdeed, how could he repay society and regain a modicum of decency and self respect?

2007-03-26 18:51:57 · 11 answers · asked by finishedfaking 1 in Law & Ethics

So, my boyfriend is going to be stationed in Hawaii, and he would like me to live with him. We are essentially engaged, but not getting married for a few years. He is a private and nothing more yet, so does anyone know the policy and rules about it? Perhaps I won't be able to live with him until his rank is different?

2007-03-26 18:49:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Laurence Tisch, Sumner Redstone (aka Murray Rosenstein), Michael Eisner, George Bodenheimer, Melvin Karmazin, Barry Diller, Geral Levin, Richard Parsons, Jodi Kahn, Norman Pearlstine, Edgar Bronfman Jr, Jeff Zucker, Peter Chernin, Jeff Katzenberg, Les Moonves, Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, Ron Meyer, William Kristol, Larry King, Wolf Blitzer, Stacy Snider ... ran out of room, sorry. Now guess how they are linked to our US media and guess the money they control. Many more but these are some "best known" names.

2007-03-26 18:49:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

is there any possible way she will become president????? we need a change in this world.. i approve her!!! how about u?

2007-03-26 18:47:18 · 19 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

How does one get a sponsor for H-1B visa if there's none out in the US to help him? Can immigration lawyers really help get sponsors?

2007-03-26 18:46:31 · 3 answers · asked by fortune-seeker 1 in Immigration

I am currently disputing a claim that I am a co-debtor. I was an authorized user on my ex-wifes credit card and could not have my name removed from the account, because I am not the primary account holder. I have not received any gain from the use of the card. Regardless, it is on my credit report and I have been trying to resolve this issue with the credit collection agency. They suggested I file a fraud affidavid. I recently found out that my ex's bankrupcy will go into affect in two months. Will I be held liable for paying the debt even though I was an authorized user? Should I still file the fraud affidavid with the Federal Trade Commission even though she explained to me that her lawyer was taking care of the co-debt situation?

2007-03-26 18:45:58 · 14 answers · asked by Sparks 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-26 18:44:16 · 7 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4 in Politics

The reason to this questions is in hopes to having a solution for former convicts that trying to improve their lives by landing a job(s), Instead of going back out on the streets and either join a gang, sell drugs, or commit a burglariy. I'm tired of seen many former convicts wasting their lives by hanging out on the corner of the streets ten to twelve hours a day doing nothing, or peddling. (Begging)

2007-03-26 18:43:29 · 12 answers · asked by Jesse 2 in Law & Ethics

Why does Yahoo have Witchcraft Ads. But no Christian ADs? If Yahoo sends another, I will bail and never come back. And I will have a suite aginst them for their offensive ADs! And you can take that to the bank!

2007-03-26 18:43:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I live in a population of over 400,000 and it still isnt legal here. Everytime it comes up for a vote the law makers vote it down?

2007-03-26 18:40:05 · 11 answers · asked by Bark at the Moon 6 in Law & Ethics

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