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Politics & Government - 21 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What do you make of the barbaric actions of insurgents in Somalia burning and dragging dead soldiers through the streets? How do you justify such a frenzy of hatred but especially inhuman behavior from Islamist? I hope some Muslims will answer me here in what do Muslims in the world do to condemn these actions committed in the name of Allah and what do you do to change the image of Islam in the world?
I have yet to hear or see a HUGE majority of Muslim leaders, Imams and figures openly talk against these actions and taking a stand to denounce them strongly continually and in plain view of the world.

2007-03-21 08:56:25 · 10 answers · asked by caliguy_30 5 in Politics

2007-03-21 08:56:20 · 6 answers · asked by Brian Hausback 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

almost like a Republican?

2007-03-21 08:56:08 · 26 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5 in Politics

And will this be the start of the 2nd American Civil war?

2007-03-21 08:56:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Oh, that's right. He doesn't need to. His ranch is eco-friendly.

Unlike Al Gore's house.

Let me know what you guys think of this article:

Plus, since global warming is supposedly irreversible, doesn't that make the whole "carbon offsets" thing meaningless? If you are supposedly damaging the atmosphere permanently, how does investing in solar power negate that? It makes NO SENSE!


2007-03-21 08:53:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-21 08:53:05 · 8 answers · asked by miranda b 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-21 08:52:37 · 19 answers · asked by perry e 2 in Military

Take a look at the New Labour Party and see how many fat people are in it. Brown and Johnny (one chop) Prescot are no bean poles. As Blair said to Brown, Sheree might be ugly but she is thin, not fat like your misses

2007-03-21 08:52:09 · 8 answers · asked by alf w 3 in Politics

intelligent enough?

Or was it due to his drug and alcohol substance abuse?

Or both?

2007-03-21 08:52:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

believe the United Soviet Socialist Republic failed. I can't believe the thinking in our government today?????????

2007-03-21 08:51:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

please specifically detail the steps one must take in order to obtain them. Please provide website links, etc. Your time, effort, and assistance is most appreciated. I sincerely give you my gratitude. : )

2007-03-21 08:48:14 · 5 answers · asked by James 2 in Embassies & Consulates

What is the effect of natural monopolies in the US?

What is the effect of natural monopolies in Mexico?

2007-03-21 08:48:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

This is mainly for people in the military and their spouses. How do you cope when your spouse gets sent off? Regardless of if it's just for a few weeks or months, or if it is years. I haven't had to face this yet but I am going to have to come June when my fiance (he'll be my husband by then) leaves for boader patrol. Also he has mentioned he will be re enlisting and going active. What do you do to pass the time? How do you remain faithful when you are apart so long? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

2007-03-21 08:46:22 · 12 answers · asked by my_own_frog 3 in Military

When I say conservatism I'm speaking of a philosophy true to the founding fathers intents as expressed in the constitution: limited government, and individual rights. Today very few republicans fit this bill (esp. not George Bush and his cronies). The progressive defenders of the bureaucratic state (Liberals) see government as the ultimate savior. It is to act as a benevolent provider meeting all our needs, the supreme embodiment of the collective desire to bring about social, moral, physical and economic justice. Most of you true conservatives know..... that these progressives believe that only mean spirited reactionaries would oppose such a noble end. As true conservatives we defend the old constitutionalism as the best form of Government ever conceived. We see the bureaucratic state as the tyrannical monster that it is, the great destroyer of our inalienable natural rights.

2007-03-21 08:45:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

its so stupid. all he can do is move in a square. chess is a dumb n boring game.

2007-03-21 08:45:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

There are going to pay into social security their entire lives and not collect a nickel?

2007-03-21 08:44:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Does the constitutanial amendment of the seperation of Church and state pertain to the posto office? There is a branch down the street from me that plays religious sermins all day and has posters and pictures of people asking you to "join Jesus". There is not even 1 American Flag...but at least 9 picutres of people in prayer

2007-03-21 08:43:25 · 9 answers · asked by singinstardiva2 2 in Government

About the time our original 13 states adapted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scotish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the
fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves
generous gifts from the public treasury."

"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been a bout 200 years."

"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage"

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out
some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Gore: 19; Bush: 29

Square miles of land won by: Gore: 580,000; Bush: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by: Gore: 127 million; Bush: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Gore: 13.2; Bush: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Gore's territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already
having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

2007-03-21 08:43:19 · 2 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics

ok first lets start off with this... Im 16 yrs old (turning 17 in the summer), and am currently a Junior in highschool. I was looking into enlisting in active duty this summer so I know if i qualify or not (I have flat feet), so if I dont I still could explore other options such as college, etc... ok now down to business... is having a Career in the U.S. Army actually worth it? I personally was looking at the MOS "Cannon Crew Member" and I know there are many benefits to being in the army, along with the pride and experience as well. But I was just wandering if it is actually worth all the $, good times, and friends you will make to stay in for your main career in life (@ least 20 years for the pention). I know it will be hard to settle down in anyone place due to your base relocating, and I also know it will be hard to find someone to marry and start a family if I am active duty... so is it actually worth all the $, and experiences to stay in for 20+ years active duty enlistment?

2007-03-21 08:42:57 · 19 answers · asked by Chris 2 in Military

To be a critical blunder portraying her true self rather than the more moderate version she has been trying to project?

2007-03-21 08:41:27 · 15 answers · asked by kerfitz 6 in Politics

but then last week says that we will need to have a permanent presence there in Iraq? Like always, Hillary is just trying to be popular by agreeing with the most current poll.

2007-03-21 08:40:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I have been engaged to my fiance for almost a year, but we donot have the finances to file for a visa. Instead, i just go visit him every month.I would also like to know if anyone knows how to find personal financial loans for this sort of thing.

2007-03-21 08:39:31 · 6 answers · asked by jenn w 1 in Immigration

i never saw snow before n didnt know wat heaters was.

2007-03-21 08:39:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Which is the bigger obstacle to real political reform?

2007-03-21 08:38:02 · 21 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

How many write-offs do $50k per year household earners take? How many write-offs do $250k per year household earners take?

Does a higher tax bracket automatically equate to paying a higher percentage of ones annual income considering the write-offs?

2007-03-21 08:37:39 · 5 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

I will be asking questions to help create dialogue around this and many other important topics so please add me to your Answers Network so that we can begin exchanging ideas and hopefully make changes that will benefit the future.

2007-03-21 08:37:05 · 17416 answers · asked by Barack Obama 1 in Politics

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