I watched the march and rally at the Pentegon yesterday. ALL of the speaches praised various enemies of the United States. Hugo Chavez was praised, Fidel Castro was praised, radical muslim terrorists were praised, Hamas was even praised! Holy cow!
They also strongly advised NOT paying your taxes! This was a peace rally? And while most of the attendees appeared to be pot smoking youth, or old age hippies, it was unfathonable to me that they were chanting for a violent revolution.
Can't we lock these people up? can't we hang them for treason in a time of war? Isn't inciting revolution a crime?
Where was the "peace" part? These folks are absolutely nuts!
Thank you! Do it again! You are handing us another election, you weirdos! No one's ever claimed these wackos were smart, but I certainly hope they keep it up. marches like that destroy all credibility of the left, and I for one hope they continue, frequently!
Why would they go that route? Seriously?
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