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Politics & Government - 16 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-03-16 10:02:58 · 14 answers · asked by ted 1 in Military

Hi, my daughter recently informed us that she wants to go to the Marines. She wants a job in intel. She took the ASVAB, and scored 105 on it, so she scored high enough to get the intel job. Do you all know any women in the marines?

2007-03-16 10:02:32 · 8 answers · asked by ks 5 in Military

do we just put the magnet on out vehicle that says support our troops. do we pray for them? or is it just something you say with a light heart wishing them the best?

2007-03-16 10:02:11 · 5 answers · asked by talofa lava 2 in Military

Bush and his cohorts cut taxes and underfund medical care for veterans, but continue to state how they are behind the troops. Here is an example of their "care" able to fund luxuruious VIP suites, while the veterans live in filth, vermin , and are poorly cared for. Thanks GW, and all the folks who voted for him.


2007-03-16 09:59:40 · 12 answers · asked by Frank R 7 in Government

Don't you know that the definition of Fascism is, modern political ideology that seeks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging or ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas such as freedom and individual rights, and often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures, and other elements of democracy. Despite the idealistic goals of fascism, attempts to build fascist societies have led to wars and persecutions that caused millions of deaths. As a result, fascism is strongly associated with right-wing fanaticism, racism, totalitarianism, and violence.
People wise up! Will everyone wake up and not take what they see on the web as truth? Will our citizens of the USA learn their history and investigate all things that sound suspiciously opposite all the standards we support to continue as a free and independant people comprising the great nation of America?

2007-03-16 09:57:36 · 5 answers · asked by Faerie loue 5 in Politics

I did not give this person permission to us my address.
It was 6 years ago but they are still chasing.
Could I be liable.

2007-03-16 09:57:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I hear it`s big in the Muslim intimidated UK....It`s strikingly similar to our "Three Little Pigs" story. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258986,00.html

2007-03-16 09:56:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm agree with the iranian policy. Nuclear energy is a right for this country. Why the USA want to impeach the iranian nation to develop technologies? USA is a very dangerous state that use mass destruction weapons to attack the rest of the world.

2007-03-16 09:55:52 · 5 answers · asked by dino ortolani 1 in Politics

Please DO read the comments,very interesting...

2007-03-16 09:55:35 · 9 answers · asked by ? 1 in Politics



2007-03-16 09:55:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

In 2005, I signed a two-year business agreement with a company. Every month, I emailed my acct. rep and asked that the invoice be corrected to reflect the contract rates. I received an email from the investigation team and they said the company could only provide credit for the past six months. Is this even legal? Why can't they go back to the date the contract was signed by both parties?
If it were the other way around, the company bills the consumer for the difference for the entire two years.
Any advice? This just doesn't seem right to me.

2007-03-16 09:55:23 · 2 answers · asked by LuvsMochaCoffee 2 in Law & Ethics

Even if there are so many facts proving them wrong, they still always deny any wrongdoing.

2007-03-16 09:55:07 · 22 answers · asked by PUBLIC CORRUPTION 2 in Politics

Was there an investigation into this and Congressional hearings?

2007-03-16 09:53:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It seem everytime the CIA finds some wannabe terrorist in some basement in Queens, or some farmer in Cali who may or may not have attended an Al Qaeda training camp, theu our thumping their chest how good of an intelligence job they did. And that srubing off some of our liberties and privacy is required for them to keep up "the good work". Yet they can not even find who dropped a dime on Valerie Plame, and she is one of their own they need to do "the good work". And by outing her, how many others working with her was exposed and executed? If I were a national of another nation and someone from the CIA asked me to help, I would not. I would be thinking if they can not even protect their own, how can they protect me and my family for helping take down my leaders? Maybe they(the CIA)where more loyal to the hand that feeds them(The White House)then their own?

2007-03-16 09:53:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Am I the only one who finds this strange? That we built governments and then they told us that certain plants are banned because they found out that they make some people feel good when it's smoked?

I can't wait to get to heaven and have all this crap sorted out. I'm serious. I want to know who is in the right.

I hope God gives me the right to go b*tch-slap everyone who ever voted in favor of banning one of his creations.

2007-03-16 09:52:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I currently have my AA degree in Business administration and am interested in Joining the Navy. I was told you must have a BA to join the officer program, and that is all I am interested in. I am thinking about continueing my education to try and get my BA in Business in a little over a year and then going for the Navy. In the Navy though, I am actually interested in becoming a nurse. I would like to get my BA in nursing, but would like to do it in the Navy. If I joined, would I be placed based on my business degree or would I be able to get into health care as I work on my degree? I'm little stuck on what to do.

2007-03-16 09:52:46 · 4 answers · asked by ecrc 2 in Military


2007-03-16 09:50:51 · 16 answers · asked by nemesis 4 in Elections

I also was convected of a felony here in the states I got 5 yrs probation. should I have any trouble going back to Canada

2007-03-16 09:50:27 · 7 answers · asked by laura c 1 in Embassies & Consulates

We are all going to die, I dont want to be seconds from my death and realize I have missed the point of my life. How about you?

2007-03-16 09:49:54 · 17 answers · asked by Forbidden1 2 in Law & Ethics

Langley, Virginia?
Was she invisible?

2007-03-16 09:48:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And people wonder why the polls on Iraq are so dismal. How can we win when the country is lied to and we accept it. Read this:

The news from Iraq that violence in Baghdad is down just one month into the new security crackdown didn't make a dent in most major newspaper front pages — and was buried in many.

The New York Times had it on page 16 today. The L.A. Times page 6, and the Chicago Tribune page 10. The decrease was mentioned in Wednesday's Washington Post on page 9 and the Boston Globe's page 13.

On the broadcast networks there was a brief mention on NBC's nightly newscast — but we could not find any reference on the ABC or CBS evening news shows.

This is just sickening

2007-03-16 09:47:55 · 11 answers · asked by Bl3ss3dw1thL1f3 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-16 09:47:37 · 23 answers · asked by vish_ko24 1 in Politics

Cummon people get with the times!

2007-03-16 09:46:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

We all have pain, have you submitted to yours?

2007-03-16 09:45:25 · 3 answers · asked by Forbidden1 2 in Law & Ethics

My car was reposed around January 29Th, up till date I ha vent received an phone calls, or letters from the bank. Prior to the repoing i use to get about a million calls a day. What is the bank up too? Surely i owe about 10 thousand for whatever it was sold. i really ****** up the engine before it was taken it was next to burnt on a 2005 altima. Regardless i haven't heard anything for a while I'm starting to wonder what they are up too? Should i call them and inquirer on what tricks they got up their dirty sleeves? last time i talked to them i told them i was a student with not enough income to pay the loan off. maybe that's why? anyone got any suggestions ? PS: the car was only valued at around 18G's and i owed 28'gs because of extended warranty etc etc and like i said the engine was more dead then my dead cat

2007-03-16 09:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

How did his electric bill even come out?????? Did somebody go through his mail?????? Did the liberal media expose him for having a high energy bill when he's telling everyone else to save energy??????

2007-03-16 09:44:02 · 14 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

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