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Politics & Government - 7 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Not in the sense opposite to conservatism, but in the context as to how would someone like Adam Smith, Tocqueville, John Stuart Mills, or even Fukayama might explain it?

2007-03-07 17:00:45 · 2 answers · asked by JoJo 4 in Politics

I have no absolutely no clue what is required to become a navy officer. I've read countless posts here and gone to Navy.com only to become more confused. Im 23, no direction in life and am bored. I have about 40 units done in school, which not so grat of a GPA(2.0) due to going to bars and being that typical teenager. Ive always had an intrest in the Navy but never pursued anything because i thought i'd be giving up too much, but after evaluating many things i'd have a much better life being in service.I hear all these people mentioning all these acronyms on what to join or what school to goto. My goal is to become an officer. Can anyone lay out a quick crash course on what i need to do and the best ways to go about it to get that goal. I want to be well imformed so when i see a recruiter im not fed a bunch of BS.

2007-03-07 16:59:13 · 5 answers · asked by navy15seal 1 in Military

2007-03-07 16:57:38 · 20 answers · asked by Michael Q 1 in Politics

2007-03-07 16:55:11 · 7 answers · asked by melyssa 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-07 16:53:59 · 15 answers · asked by craig 2 in Law & Ethics

credit card talks in Congress today Friday report on same.

2007-03-07 16:52:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Hence no funding for body armor, bullet proof vehicles, etc etc?

2007-03-07 16:50:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If America is so hell bent on maintaining firearms "for protection" when are the incompetant and useless parents that allow their children easy access to the firearms they own ever going to be held as legally responsible for these acts as the minors who are the perpetrators.

Surely if a parent is not responsible for a weapon whose only purpose is to cause death then the parents have to be held as responsible as if they pulled the trigger themselves.

It would seem the constitution (even before it was watered down by the Patriot Bill) seemed to give everyone certain rights but doesnt mention a lot about responsibility!

2007-03-07 16:49:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

the computers were down so the cop didnt cite me for driving under suspension which I am suspended. Anyhow the officer gave me a speeding ticket and let me go. Today he called me and said he was ammanding my ticket to driving under susp. He said they were suspended due to a fine I ow in a town I used to live in. The fine there is 100.00. If I pay this fine before my court date will I get off lighter on the driving under susp. ticket?

2007-03-07 16:48:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

all the socialist say 's every one shoud be eqail in society and more over communist also say the same thing but there is vast difference inreality.

2007-03-07 16:46:26 · 7 answers · asked by Ravindra M 1 in Politics

kenyan political scene since independanceas a result of the absolutist theory of the state

2007-03-07 16:44:22 · 4 answers · asked by patience 1 in Government

Police officer shoots and kills wife and lover in front of two year old son in Detroit, Michigan circa 1917 - 1918

2007-03-07 16:43:33 · 3 answers · asked by Rosanna P 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What ever happened relating to partial birth abortion in the Supreme Court. I know that last year it made it to the Supreme Court, but I never heard what there decision was. Did I miss something or did they just cop out and sweep the issue under the rug somehow. I know that Congress and Bush made it illegal a couple years ago, but it was challanged and everything was waiting until the Supreme Court decided. Someone help me.

2007-03-07 16:43:25 · 4 answers · asked by Tim H 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-07 16:43:12 · 18 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

What do you think about our president? Do you think that Al Gore or John Kerry would have done way better?

2007-03-07 16:42:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Isn't there supposed to be a protest March or something?

2007-03-07 16:42:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the other day they asked me in class all this but i didn't answer so the teacher told me to investigate all this or i won't get an A+

2007-03-07 16:38:43 · 11 answers · asked by fraank 1 in Government

Is there a college out there, like West Point, thats much easier to get into and is strictlly Navy based?

2007-03-07 16:34:28 · 9 answers · asked by navy15seal 1 in Military

our kids are dying in Iraq, why? because our leadership said they had bad intel... not so. Joe Wilson's report clearly defied the Bush steamroll, so he was punished... not rocket science. What;s worse is that his wife who suddenly became Mrs. Wilson in the media over the last month or so was in fact an intelligence agent that was non political... Bob Novak, along With KKKarl Rove and big Dick Cheney did what they do best.. played dirty. These people are federal employees without a party affiliation. Joe Wilson is not a liberal and his wife had nothing to do with this.. you can believe the Bush!t or you can use common sense..
here is the question
what's the bigger travesty though.... the fact that these scumbags did what they always do.. or that the prosecutor has stated there will be no further charges?
no one was actually charged with outing this covert agent?

2007-03-07 16:33:12 · 2 answers · asked by sitizen_x 3 in Politics

This is a more specific question than some of my previous questions, and I may be more likely to get a straight answer. This would include, say, gas for Airforce 1, and the wages for the people flying it and working on it, but also helecopter maintenance and fuel, etc. Bonus if you can find documents or links supporting your answer.

2007-03-07 16:33:03 · 4 answers · asked by Brianman3 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Now they are trying to influence court cases. What next?


2007-03-07 16:32:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm 18 1/2 , have a job, and want a baby [ I dont have a man]. What are the legal requirements.

2007-03-07 16:32:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I just recently read on Yahoo News about the new dollar coins that had an error and was missing the "In God We Trust" line. How do you feel about these Godless Dollars? Should they include the line or exclude it?

2007-03-07 16:32:10 · 23 answers · asked by itscold12 2 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers