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Politics & Government - 3 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i mean geez honestly all this bickering has to stop and people that are going to leave dumb answer about why their side is right find a differnt question to answer

2007-03-03 02:32:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-03 02:29:44 · 12 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

Once Hitlery Clinton becomes President how long will it be before we have to officially start calling ourselves the Peoples Republic Of Amerika? And will she install her communist ideals through the congress or will she just declare martial law and do it by decree?

2007-03-03 02:28:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Once Hitlery Clinton becomes President how long will it be before we have to officially start calling ourselves the Peoples Republic Of Amerika? And will she install her communist ideals through the congress or will she just declare martial law and do it by decree?

2007-03-03 02:28:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Those that feel bad for the 45 million without any form of health care, you guys pay for them. Those who do not want their money going towards it don't have to front the bill. The ones that opt not to pay for it, dont reap any of the benefits. Does this sound fair or does anybody else have any better solutions that don't involve the distribution of money that does not belong to you?

2007-03-03 02:27:22 · 7 answers · asked by SGT 3 in Government

Even if the babies are unborn, it is still murder, even if the law says it's not. And it's someone's fault if they're fooling around and get pregnant. They shouldn't get away with it.


2007-03-03 02:26:31 · 15 answers · asked by Smooth as butter on a kitten! 2 in Politics

Does she have a boyfriend or husband?

2007-03-03 02:24:44 · 16 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

its not an org that supports Americans.

a: anti-American
c: communist
l: liberties
u: union

I knew Carlie Brucia, she was raped, strangled and buried in a chruch yard that I used to pass every day. And it sickens me that the aclu actually claims it works for the people when it helps ''things'' like the people who killed my friend!


e-mail this to people!

Why do people support this horrible org?

2007-03-03 02:23:58 · 11 answers · asked by Indio 4 in Politics

YA pulled my question from last night as having "violated the community guidelines." I didn't see anything in the community guidelines about facts being considered offensive.

Muhammad married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was nine.

Muhammad massacred tens of thousands of people, entire villages at a time, for refusing to convert to Islam.

This is a matter of historical record - there's no serious debate about the accuracy of these statements. Google "Aisha." Google "Guraiza." READ the Koran and the Hadiths.

Every time I post a question asking why it is offensive to point this out, my question gets deleted.


2007-03-03 02:22:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i'm a 17 y/o and really really like this 34 y/o. i would like to start a relationship with him, but i don't want him getting in trouble with the law. is there a law that would prevent us from dating? i am right now living in MI, but might be moving to VA.

2007-03-03 02:20:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

ok, not everyone steals, just 3% of the population. That is still 500,000 scammers there.

2007-03-03 02:19:57 · 6 answers · asked by David C 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

The crime was committed many years, at the age of 15 and happened in the U. K, it is now'spent.' I now have a French Passport,instead of a British one-so, i shall assume i do not have to declare anything, or so i've been told. Right?

2007-03-03 02:18:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i am a k3 visa holder .i was married to us citizen. after four months, even before getting green card, unfortunately the marraige broke down, now iam approached by a h1b visa holder,if i marry this person in usa, will my status change to h4 visa[ spouse visa] without leaving the country.

2007-03-03 02:18:11 · 4 answers · asked by ganesh 1 in Immigration

Isn't there going to be a protest March at the capitol this month?

2007-03-03 02:15:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-03 02:12:56 · 23 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

I mean it is just sooooo obvious right?

2007-03-03 02:11:32 · 38 answers · asked by Perplexed 7 in Politics

Why all the uproar over a COLUMNIST comments about John Edwards? ELECTED politicain have called refered to our troops as terrorists, mercenaries, and worse and the same people said nothing. The anti war left has called President Bush much much worse. Can you say HYPOCRACY

2007-03-03 02:10:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Soldiers to begin leaving Iraq Dec 2005. ( Note: This was written Aug 2004)
The talks have mentioned a plan for U.S soldiers in Iraq to begin returning in 2 phases.

Begining in Dec 2005 a few thousand, the 1st phase in june 2006 about 40,000 and the rest by January 2007...Talks between Abu Mazen and Bush have been going on about this as the Iraq's want their govt control free of U.S control, which they call U.S occupation...So simmer down. Many of those soldiers coming home for Christmas may very well be your loved one..but they won't be there, for another 2 years. Keep a positive outlook, the war is quickly coming to an end...just treat them good this time as they have been so far gone from U.S culture that they will need a welcome and not another Jane Fonda response.ok? The war will be over by Jan 2007. We can taste victory. The Insurgents are and will be defeated. Thank God we will never have 3,000 dead in this war. The insurgents will never make the 3,000 mark on our troops.

2007-03-03 02:09:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I am a small enterprenure and not in a position to fight legal case with the state govt., how can i safegaurd my interest or what type of proactive action can save me from false prosecution by a state govt. officer?

2007-03-03 02:07:14 · 17 answers · asked by ag 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

In Sept.'05 I crossed a street in NYC at the corner , with the WALK sign, soberly & lawfully. a 19-yr old girl & her BF, both with revoked licenses,
ran me over as if I was not there. They hit me with super velocity. (50 mph in a 25 mph limit, I believe)
I crossed when light said WALK, & I saw no cars coming either direction. I blacked out and awoke in ICU of hospital, Broken legs,Broken pubic bones, spinal bones, & in the ICU, I had my first ever, MASSIVE heart attack, destroying 2/3 of my heart muscle. NYC district atty. said she can only charge girl with $50 misdemeanor ticket for driving without valid license. DA said since no witnesses, she had no case to make in court that driver was reckless, or at fault in any way. I suffered catastrophic injuries, & now have severe heart failure & edema all over & cannot walk freely anymore. DA claims since no proof driver did it intentionally, was drunk, or jumped red light, that she will NOT charge her w/felony. Give your reactions.

2007-03-03 02:03:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

When I left, I just wanted out....away from him. I was going to live with my parents and I was full time student not working. I decided it would be best for the kids to stay with hime because our son just started school. That was in june of 2005. Since then I have graduated form nursing school and bought my own house. We ahve tried to work togather on a schedule but he is very diffIcult. I have got lawyer and we are going back to court on the 21st of march. I really need some advice....my doesnt seem like she wants to guide me she just doing the paper work. I feel like its to late in the game to switch lawyers... but I need help!!!!

2007-03-03 02:02:30 · 5 answers · asked by joybird96 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-03 02:00:00 · 8 answers · asked by vilugo31 1 in Law & Ethics

)....U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote:
Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror
by Peter Grose, Special to the New York Times (9/4/1967)

WASHINGTON, Sept. 3-- United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of turnout in South Vietnam's presidential election despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting.

According to reports from Saigon, 83 per cent of the 5.85 million registered voters cast their ballots yesterday. Many of them risked reprisals threatened by the Vietcong.

The size of the popular vote and the inability of the Vietcong to destroy the election machinery were the two salient facts in a preliminary assessment of the nation election based on the incomplete returns reaching here.

Pending more detailed reports, neither the State Department nor the White House would comment on the balloting or the victory of the military candidates, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, who was running for president, and Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, the candidate for vice president.

A successful election has long been seen as the keystone in President Johnson's policy of encouraging the growth of constitutional processes in South Vietnam. The election was the culmination of a constitutional development that began in January, 1966, to which President Johnson gave his personal commitment when he met Premier Ky and General Thieu, the chief of state, in Honolulu in February.

The purpose of the voting was to give legitimacy to the Saigon Government, which has been founded only on coups and power plays since November, 1963, when President Ngo Dinh Deim was overthrown by a military junta.

Few members of that junta are still around, most having been ousted or exiled in subsequent shifts of power.

Significance Not Diminished

The fact that the backing of the electorate has gone to the generals who have been ruling South Vietnam for the last two years does not, in the Administration's view, diminish the significance of the constitutional step that has been taken.

The hope here is that the new government will be able to maneuver with a confidence and legitimacy long lacking in South Vietnamese politics. That hope could have been dashed either by a small turnout, indicating widespread scorn or a lack of interest in constitutional development, or by the Vietcong's disruption of the balloting.

American officials had hoped for an 80 per cent turnout. That was the figure in the election in September for the Constituent Assembly. Seventy-eight per cent of the registered voters went to the polls in elections for local officials last spring.

Before the results of the presidential election started to come in, the American officials warned that the turnout might be less than 80 per cent because the polling place would be open for two or three hours less than in the election a year ago. The turnout of 83 per cent was a welcome surprise. The turnout in the 1964 United States Presidential election was 62 per cent.

Captured documents and interrogations indicated in the last week a serious concern among Vietcong leaders that a major effort would be required to render the election meaningless. This effort has not succeeded, judging from the reports from Saigon.

2007-03-03 01:57:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

When republican presidential hopeful John McCain said on David Lettermen regarding the state of war in Iraq, "We've wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives," he was bombarded with criticism for having used the word "wasted." He later said the term "sacrificed" would have been what he preferred, but of course that's after the fact. Politically correct or not, "wasted" is more the unpolished raw truth of the matter when you consider what a military plan of action in Iraq is actually doing. Truth over the matter is frequently what Americans can no longer expect from politicians in Washington. Whether republican or democrat, we can't seem to find politicians who will speak honest words that don't hide reality in a patriotic blur. Instead, it seems too many Americans want to believe the "sacrifice" of 3100+ American lives and thousands of Iraqi civilians is acceptable but call it a "waste" of American lives and they're ready to label you the enemy. (more below)

2007-03-03 01:52:39 · 16 answers · asked by What I Say 3 in Politics

I've had several questions removed, for no reason other than it hit too close to home for some of you. They violated no community standards. They were legitimate questions. I guess I'll have to start cancelling your questions too. But that plays right into your hands doesn't it? The only thing you people know how to do is destroy. Like brutish bullies! So, let's destroy any forum that allows people to discuss how destructive you truly are. One day, the builders and doers of this country are simply going to shut it all down in retaliation. You little bullies will be wetting your panties when that happens. You couldn't tie your own shoes without us. And one day soon, enough of us are going to realize that and teach you a lesson.

2007-03-03 01:50:07 · 9 answers · asked by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Do you think the military would take action against one of their solders if the person's actions outside of the military are a concern and leads me to believe the person has bad moral character?? I know they have the 7 army values and its mostly about a soldiers actions to behave ethically and honor its country, but how far does that carry out to their actions towards civilians and what they do in their personal life?

2007-03-03 01:44:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-03-03 01:43:04 · 15 answers · asked by Diana H 1 in Politics

A person that came up to me said, no way josé. We should not have death penalty for murder in this civilized country. I feel that is wrong. You take a life and pay with your own, fair and square.

2007-03-03 01:42:16 · 9 answers · asked by ? 1 in Law & Ethics

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