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Politics & Government - 3 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I hate to say it those who lean more toward the liberal side are more guilty of this! Just read some of the answers here, most people don't answer the question completely, but rather just make whatever statement they want. Is this the fault of our failing education system or our society in general?

2007-03-03 15:45:22 · 13 answers · asked by chi_guys_gay_lover 2 in Other - Politics & Government

How do you describe the present international system?Why?
(Please give a detailed answer, thanks!)

2007-03-03 15:43:56 · 1 answers · asked by Jasmin 1 in Politics

If someone is locked up in a mental health institue and there is no contact with ANY family, Yet the patient constantly talks about their children and husband etc. Yet there is NO record can a person put there name on a site looking to see if anyone knows them? I know there is confidenciality for the mentally ill, but I am talking about patients that give names and want to have contact with family????

2007-03-03 15:40:52 · 2 answers · asked by whattheheck 4 in Law & Ethics

I'm in a cultural diversity class and the only thing it has taught me is that everybody is a racist; it's just a matter of "what degree?" Everyone holds stereotypical thoughts about their own race and other races. So I think instead of people lying by saying that they are not racists, they should specify the level of racism that exists within them and this includes racism within their own race.

2007-03-03 15:38:09 · 31 answers · asked by bb m 1 in Elections

Is there any such thing? Have you had any Paranormal experiences, and what is the criteria for it to be Paranormal?
Experiences of foriegn Paranormal activity?
Where was the first alleged sighting of Paranormal activity?
Come on its an interesting concept...so dont beat around the bushes or the Sceptics will come on call me a Tinky Winky or something..

2007-03-03 15:37:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

A patient entered the hospital for hip replacement surgery, with no injuries to the feet. When the patient returned to the assigned room there was a serious injury to the foot on the side that the hip was replaced. This wound started weeping, about the third day and had to be cleaned and dressed. Also a special "egg carton" boot was placed on that foot to keep further damage and to relieve pressure. The patient was in the hospital for a time then sent to a "Specialty" hospital for some days then went back to the hospital for EGD and treatment for a bleeding ulcer and further treatment to the injury. In all the patient has been an inpatient for four months.
The hospital has charged all costs to the patient's insurance and Medicare.

2007-03-03 15:37:37 · 4 answers · asked by chiro5 1 in Law & Ethics

Ok, I heard that they are wanting to or have passed a bill to allow children of illegal immigrant parents to apply to stay in the U.S. once they are 18 and attend 2 years of college or 2 years of military? is this true? (I hope so there are so many kids that did not choose to come to this country and once they turn 18 are finding out that they have no where to go, and can not get a job) I do not agree with illegals coming to this country, but it is the children that are getting caught up in this. Let me know what you have heard? thank you.

2007-03-03 15:33:28 · 5 answers · asked by whattheheck 4 in Immigration

I think if you go to this link, you will see exactly what vegaswoman was talking about: Read the question, then scroll down to Cory's answer, see if you notice anything odd?


2007-03-03 15:33:25 · 7 answers · asked by Promethius 2 in Politics

Does "estate" refer to EVERYTHING (savings, stock, etc.) in the person's name? Or does it only refer strictly to property? Also, I know it has to be signed with witnesses and notorized, but is that it? Does the will need to be reviewed by a lawyer or filed with the county?

2007-03-03 15:33:13 · 7 answers · asked by preciousjules 1 in Law & Ethics

Is Obama right?

"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday blamed Bush administration failings in Iraq for strengthening the strategic position of Iran, which he says must be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons."


2007-03-03 15:32:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-03-03 15:30:54 · 11 answers · asked by kappalokka 3 in Politics

i just read that iraelis are settling in palastine and forcing the arab into concentration camps, isnt this what happened to the jews in WW2.
Why doesnt someone do anything about whats happening

2007-03-03 15:30:25 · 8 answers · asked by Thomas P 1 in Politics

In a speech to the Institute of Petroleum in London in 1999, Dick Cheney, then CEO of oil services company Halliburton, commented:

“By 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day. So where is the oil going to come from? ... While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies.”(5)

To this analysis, he added a note of frustration: “Even though companies are anxious for greater access there, progress continues to be slow”.

2007-03-03 15:29:09 · 2 answers · asked by michaelsan 6 in Politics

what i mean is why cant people dress up like cops i mean what will happen if someone does they go to jail im black if i do it will i get killed and beating with it because im black

2007-03-03 15:29:07 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

Whatever dollar per hour you make you are generating a rario of 1-9 for the company .
If you make 10 bucks an hour your time or service is generating about 100 an hour for your company -

This is the same ratio that existed in feudalist times -
Difference being that the crop on a wagon was highly visible as it left for the over lord - Now this is hidden neatly

Do you own a home ? Do you pay property tax ? What happens if you don't pay your property tax .....What happens if you don't pay your rent ? Same thing you get evicted don't you ?

So do you own this home or do you rent it from the government at a reasonable rate?

2007-03-03 15:26:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I actually got an high school diploma that’s nationally accredited by some national school board cant remember at the moment. But I was looking at the various military websites and most of them say to become a pilot you have to be an officer how do you do that?

2007-03-03 15:23:00 · 14 answers · asked by siriussternfan6969 1 in Military

A We're doing the right thing
B We have good intentions, but need a change of direction
C We made a mistake, but are on the right track now
D We made a mistake, and need to find a strategy that works
E Bring them home now!

2007-03-03 15:22:32 · 9 answers · asked by I'll Take That One! 4 in Politics

I'm curious is it technically legal to transfer everything I own into my family corporation or a trust? It seems like it should be legal but that's what a friend of mine's father recommended I do. He said I should do it to protect assets from taxes or estate taxes when I pass but also said that it would help protect my family & I from lawsuits in general. Either way it seems illegal but just thought I'd ask. I'm bored LOL.

2007-03-03 15:20:32 · 3 answers · asked by bpeter3196 5 in Law & Ethics

I rent in a 2 family. After almost a year of hot water issues, finally the landlord replaced the water heater. Yay! On the day of my shoulder surgery cause i needed the shower to really work ok. I come home from surgery, next day use the washer in basement to wash the neck ice pack holder, and the basement floods 2" because the plumber had taken out the washer's drain pipe to drain water heater and didn't replace it.
Question: What do I do? I know either the landlord or the plumber they hired is responsible but with this shoulder surgery, I can't go digging and figuring out how much damage was done. Not now. And how do you put a value on non replaceable itmes from childhood, signed books, photos, stuff that I saved since I was 6. I am 54. Any advice on how to proceed would be extreemely helpful. Especially first steps like what to and not say to landlord. They own the house and live on the second floor. thanks for taking a stab at this. Also, I'm down there with my arm in a sling etc.

2007-03-03 15:18:22 · 3 answers · asked by Alan T 2 in Law & Ethics

Is this not double standard? Smoking is deadly and so is drinking. We know for a fact that it is equally serious to health but it seems drinking is socially acceptable and the authority is doing very little almost to nothing to ban drinking. How many people are killed each day because of drunk drivers? How many wives are suffering from abuse by their drunk husbands. How many children suffered and seriously hurt because their parents are alcoholics. How many people has to die pre-maturely because of serious drinking problem?
Should not the government make this as serious as smoking with labels warning people of the danger of drinking? Please share your thoughts on this. This is serious because if we all take action, just imagine how many lives will be saved.

2007-03-03 15:15:11 · 19 answers · asked by Torontonian 2 in Law & Ethics

examples hitting brakes at the first site of them even when not speeding I would expect that type of behavior if maybe I was being OPPRESSED and EXTORTED not because someone was serveing and protecting me what do you think!

2007-03-03 15:11:01 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If so, who do you listen to?

2007-03-03 15:10:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-03 15:09:33 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have seen Barack Obama on television and online and he seems to really connect with the American public. People have gone to see him by the thousands and hang on his every word. I see people in tears like when JFK spoke or MLKing, Jr. I think it's incredible the hope he seems to instill in the American people.

2007-03-03 15:09:27 · 19 answers · asked by bb m 1 in Elections

his from sevenoak england.but living in philippines quite long.

2007-03-03 15:04:59 · 3 answers · asked by cristine 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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