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Politics & Government - 20 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

In a recent answer, someone wrote that they believe that the people should support the President during war regardless of whether the people believe the war to be justified or not. If the administration's motives for going to war are not in line with the best intrest of the country, why 'must' the people obediently support them? To blindly follow a president no matter what he says or does is tantamount to treason. A nation should never follow the leaders, the leaders should follow the people.

2007-02-20 14:14:58 · 12 answers · asked by rick m 3 in Politics

Now that he is mired in Iraq?

2007-02-20 14:13:31 · 14 answers · asked by answer man 3 in Military

..I forgot to say that I'm a first year colege here in the Philippines..I'm also an officer of the Army Reserve Command..I wanted to join either the Philippine Air Force or the Philippine Army(I like the Army best)..I have met lots of Officials from the army,especially during our camp tour,and they say I have a good briefing,courageos and all other stuffs..only,they always add something about my height..it doesn't bother me though,what my problem really is that my whole family,especially my father,doesn't want me to..he says I'm a girl and so does the rest of our family..they strongly believe that ladies should act the way they should..this is really my dream and I've done my best to show I can,only,they don't understand how much I want this..they always tell me that I have no future if I join the Army..that the military is not for me..I'm a Political Science student and planning to proceed to law..but,I really want to be in the battlefield..

2007-02-20 14:12:30 · 7 answers · asked by lei 2 in Military

2007-02-20 14:12:23 · 12 answers · asked by indian340 2 in Law & Ethics

islam has currently and has a long history of using terrorism tactics.... intimidation, threatening and killing civilians, till they flee for safety leaving their land for them to take over and then demanding another islamic state, currently this is going on in southern thailand, southern philippines, africa, russia, china, yugoslavia, etc etc etc....

2007-02-20 14:11:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

is martial law on its way here

2007-02-20 14:09:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

ok on february 7 i have to go see my probation officer for the last time he has given me a lot of chances for violating probation i have not payed my court fees or fine or probation fees and came out dirty on the drug test for cocaine 2 times and this last time i think i was dirty too i know the last time he will get my probation revoked and i didnt do my community service hours started and done in this last month so the question is i didnt comply with any probation rules but did the community service hours will that count as if i complyed with any of the rules even if i broke so many other will they see it any better like will i get less jail time cause i at least did the hours?

2007-02-20 14:08:33 · 6 answers · asked by cash_thug69 1 in Law & Ethics

I sent 5 postcards overseas today, the lady at the post office told me each stamp would be 24 cents. Turns out that is the price for sending them within the US. These were headed out to Germany, Finland, the The Netherlands.

Will these still make it to their planned destinations? Will the recipient have to pay the extra to get them?

They had no return address.

2007-02-20 14:08:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I am fairly new here and just came across this..

Is this real? interesting.. I saw how many answers it has and it sparked my interest..

I havent had time to read much of it.. I see under their name it says "official" and there are several posters with this lable.. Is this common.. other than the info I can read on the page what info can you give me?

2007-02-20 14:06:47 · 13 answers · asked by TheyCallMeMom 3 in Civic Participation

If you haven't heard, the Supreme Court just denied the right of habeas corpus to foreign detainees. This basically means that NOBODY has habeas corpus, because the government can now remove anyone from the country, claim that they are an enemy combatant, not a US citizen, and the person will never get a chance to demonstrate otherwise in a court of law. So an 800 year old right (Magna Carta, 1215 AD) just went down the drain. Isn't that horrifying? And, did you know, at least two senators said they only voted for the Military Commisions Act of 2006 because they assumed the Supreme Court would overturn it? Isn't that outrageous?

2007-02-20 14:06:21 · 17 answers · asked by coconutmonkeybank 3 in Law & Ethics

I think it might be teddy or J.f k!?!?

2007-02-20 14:05:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government


My grandfather died about 2 weeks ago. His woman and he were not married until the day we found out there was no help for him, On that Day that woman went and filled her bride and groom copy of the marriage licence, my grandfather took the originals and no one know what he did with them. He had no will, and we have to go through probate court. The woman has already started selling his things. Is she legally allowed to do that? I thought that everyone had to wait until probate. At any rate the real question is: Can anyone tell me how we can go about filling to be the executive over his estate? My father is the most responsible of the siblings, so it has been decided that he will start the proceedures. We just don't know where to go from here. Any help will be apprciated.

2007-02-20 14:05:36 · 3 answers · asked by Nikki B 2 in Law & Ethics

There's no way she would lose--everyone loves that family. Who better to be the first female president--the second only to be a Catholic president.

Unfortunately, she really likes to lead a private life--but her children must be getting much older by now, she'd be a shoe-in.

2007-02-20 14:04:30 · 11 answers · asked by Holiday Magic 7 in Politics

Rudy in Drag?
Rudy the Adulterer?
Rudy's lack of Qualifications?
What really makes Giuliani a ridiculous candidate for President?

2007-02-20 14:04:05 · 15 answers · asked by itsdabigbadwolf 3 in Politics

Many of the hometowns of the war dead aren't just small, they're poor. The CNN News analysis found that nearly 75% of those killed in Iraq came from towns where the per capita income was below the national average. More than half came from towns where the percentage of people living in poverty topped the national average. No rich people from expensive areas joined the military.

2007-02-20 14:02:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

does this legislation strengthen state laws??

2007-02-20 14:02:17 · 6 answers · asked by branda 1 in Law & Ethics

March 20, 1968 - Clinton, age 21, is classified 1-A, eligible for induction, as he nears graduation- [Wash Post Sep 13 92]
Comment: Bill Clinton was the only man of his prime draft age classified1-A by that draft board in 1968 whose pre-induction physical examination was put off for 10.5 months. This delay was more than twice as long as anyone else and more than five times longer than most area men of comparable eligibility. -[LA Times Sep 02 92]
Summer 1968 - Political and family influence keeps Clinton out of the draft. Robert Corrado -- the only surviving Hot Springs draft board member from that period -- concluded that Clinton's draft statement (the long delays) was the result of "some form of preferential treatment." According to the Times, "Corrado recalled that the chairman of the three-man draft panel ... once held back Clinton's file with the explanation that 'we've got to give him time to go to Oxford,' where the semester began in the fall of 1968

2007-02-20 14:02:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

sad. the little man will never learn.

2007-02-20 14:01:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and stocking up to fight militerized police forces .is the us looking more like nazi germany every day

2007-02-20 14:01:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

It's for a essay about religion in government.

2007-02-20 14:00:46 · 8 answers · asked by s_felicia_29 1 in Politics

I was wandering what the minimum height to join the u.s. marine corps was? im 5'5 right now and 16 id say i can grow another inch. but i was wandering how tall it was? i rly wanna be a marine!

2007-02-20 13:59:09 · 6 answers · asked by Aaron T 2 in Military

its for an english essay
the # of Troops lead by hitler when they invaded germany

2007-02-20 13:58:02 · 12 answers · asked by Katie 2 in Military

Do you base your rationale on the fact that its a womens issue or are you really looking at it from both the babies perspective and the womens?

I find it hard to dismiss the idea that the only reason abortion is legal and so many people are pro-choice is because of the polically correct who base their decision on the inferiority complex associated with it being a womens rights issue.

Essentially pro-choice is not about abortion but about women vs mens rights.

Can anyone agree/disagree?

2007-02-20 13:57:56 · 23 answers · asked by Murfdigidy 4 in Politics

the us will just have to accept loosing thier oil wells in iran one day

2007-02-20 13:55:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Please read this before you answer?

2007-02-20 13:54:00 · 8 answers · asked by Walter D 3 in Law & Ethics

I wake up early and cannot fall back asleep.What I can do ?

2007-02-20 13:53:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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