March 20, 1968 - Clinton, age 21, is classified 1-A, eligible for induction, as he nears graduation- [Wash Post Sep 13 92]
Comment: Bill Clinton was the only man of his prime draft age classified1-A by that draft board in 1968 whose pre-induction physical examination was put off for 10.5 months. This delay was more than twice as long as anyone else and more than five times longer than most area men of comparable eligibility. -[LA Times Sep 02 92]
Summer 1968 - Political and family influence keeps Clinton out of the draft. Robert Corrado -- the only surviving Hot Springs draft board member from that period -- concluded that Clinton's draft statement (the long delays) was the result of "some form of preferential treatment." According to the Times, "Corrado recalled that the chairman of the three-man draft panel ... once held back Clinton's file with the explanation that 'we've got to give him time to go to Oxford,' where the semester began in the fall of 1968
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Corrado also complained that he was called by an aide to then Senator J. William Fulbright urging him and his fellow board members to 'give every consideration' to keep Clinton out of the draft so he could attend Oxford. Throughout the remainder of 1968, Corrado said, Clinton's draft file was routinely held back from consideration by the full board.
14:03:26 ·
update #1
AMAZING. Libs offer a time limit to bring up subjects. So agreed- it i taboo to ever speak of GW Bush's national guard service, his drinking, or anything any GOP - and DEM before 2001. Fat chance.
14:57:42 ·
update #2
Finally, this should shut up those "President Bush dodged" statements. They act like their party is perfect and that are's is dirt.
2007-02-20 14:11:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, Bill Clinton also got into the White House early!!!
Of course he was a Boy Scout at the time but hey lets hate everything. I don't know where he got such political and family influence from he really was a poor kid with a stepfather and not much money, his daddy was no where near the multimillionaire Bush Daddy is. Going to college was the usual way men got out of the draft back then, the other ways were marriage and joining the National Guard. Or wearing socks till you got a fungus. No one wanted to die in that war.
2007-02-20 14:28:25
answer #2
answered by justa 7
And all of this is for what? What purpose? Bill Clinton received a college deferrment - many, many did during Vietnam. Bush went into the National Guard, and received preferential treatment from the beginning to its slightly questionable end. Since comparing these two men's military records, or lack of them, are both a study in disappointment for those who treasure military service among our Presidents, I don't quite get your point. It seems to be well, others are throwing mud and I can too, whoopee. @@
EDIT: As someone else pointed out Bill Clinton was not from an influential family and didn't have all the connections in his college years. Who gave him such preferential treatment and why? Did they have a crystal ball and say hey this guy looks special, he'll be President someday, let's give him a pass?
2007-02-20 15:09:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ok, it's been over 6 yrs since Bill left the office, why in the world are you Cons still hung up on him?
In short, Bill got ONE educational deferment to avoid the war.
Al Gore served
John Kerry served
G. W. Bush got prefered treatment like no other (why don't you include that info?), then on top of that, didn't bother showing up for a year and also dodged a medical exam.
Dick Cheney got not one, not 2, but 6, count them people, SIX educational deferments to avoid the draft.
Rush Limbaugh has a pimple on his butt and didn't serve.
Ted Nugent brags about not bathing for months prior to showing up at the draft board, which they excused him for.
If you want to compare the Right v Left on Vietnam service, I'd be more than happy to offer up the ugly truth on both sides. But if you expect to keep score thinking the Left has more "dodgers", you are making a HUGE mistake....HUGE.
2007-02-20 14:23:01
answer #4
answered by Tyrone Shoelaces 2
definite.He have been given a deferment on a similar time as going to college at Oxford.i assume there have been no longer any faculties right here worth of his expertise. George W. Bush have been given into the Texas Air national shelter on a similar time as there did no longer seem to be any openings accessible.His father replaced right into a pilot in the U.S. military and by potential of all debts served the country properly. Barack Obama has yet to serve his united states.
2016-10-16 03:35:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It took the draft board about 2 1/2 years to send me to my physical, & no one pulled any stri9ngs for me. Also, there was a classification (1-Y, I believe) for those attending college, which Clinton was eligible for. I had it, till I dropped out of college. Again. no one pulled any strings.
That being said, according to the fellows in his outfit, George, Jr. must have been AWOL since no one can remember serving with him. And while we are slinging mud, almost all of the civilians in our govt either never served in the military or avoided combat, both Democrat & Republican. That is why we call those who didn't serve or had their kids serve but want to send the rest of us to war, Chicken hawks. At least Mc. Cain served honorably in combat & as a POW, so I can respect him, even though I don't believe in this war when he does.
2007-02-20 14:28:52
answer #6
answered by bob h 5
This is so-o yesterday's news. How about taking the time to count all those "surge" supporting Republicans to see how many of them have actually served in the military? Then come back on Y/A and we'll debate.
BTW - what branch of the military are you currently serving in?
2007-02-20 14:23:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Just like many war-hawk Republicans(Dick Cheney and his 5 deferments), he also found a way to avoid the Vietnam War.
Clinton is in the past, so it's better to deal with the present.
2007-02-20 14:13:54
answer #8
answered by Villain 6
What about Bush's pulling strings to get into the National Guard and then going AWOL?
2007-02-20 14:10:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
He was from a poor, fatherless family. What preferential treatment was anyone going to show him?
2007-02-20 14:11:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Okay, but that's very old news. Don't forget that many people were against the Vietnam war--and that all draft dodgers were pardoned!
2007-02-20 14:07:12
answer #11
answered by Holiday Magic 7