This current generation has been labled the "Entitlement Generation" (NOT by me, but UCONN) and are used to instant gratification, participation trophies and money being thrown at them in lieu of time with their family. Discipline was a "stern talk", a "time-out" or just didn't exist because they didn't want to bruise the creativity or self-esteeme.
I was raised in a "leather thru loops" environment, I learned quickly and did not turn out to be a wacko from "abuse"; I deserved what I got.
How do you suppose this also relates to our diplomatic policies? Look at Japan, Germany, Panama and Cuba to name a few. THEY GOT THE BELT and have been good since. N. Korea and China are entering puberty and "time-outs" just don't seem to be getting their attention. The same with the Middle East. I think that Iraq, Iran and a few others are "ENTITLED" and throwing fits to get their way. We threw money at them and it didn't work, so perhaps a trip behind the woodshed in in order?
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