Please consider that electricity-discovered by Ben Franklin, The Lightbulb-phonograph-(Recording technology) and more by Thomas Edison, telegraph (telephone technology) by A G Bell, Airplanes by Wright Brothers, and numerous other inventions that have brought this country to be A GREAT NATION, have been sold and then used by Nations to try to destroy US Presently we have our service men and women dying in Iraq with the threat of Iran closing in on us for Nuclear Technology. As I look at all the hope for good and the world that have come about by our wanting and willingness to share I wonder if we have basically cut our own throats. 9/11 our Aircraft were used against us-isn't it time to ask these other countries to consider the results of sAtAn America in making their country a better place to live. I have not been to the middle ease, I have to wonder if Ben Franklin is given credit for discovering electricity ect, in these countries? Who do they think invented all of these ideas?
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