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He is the first president in almost 200 years to have a foreign power attack the country. Do think Gore could have done better???

Should he have scared those kids? Jump up and bolt out and drive his motorcade around in circles?

Bush detractors aren't HALF the people he is.

2007-01-29 11:06:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Pearl Harbor wasn't a state when it was attacked, dumba**...

2007-01-29 11:37:07 · update #1

16 answers

First, the organization that attacked us is not a foreign power in the sense that we are used to; it has no delineated boundries. Therefore, we have almost never been attacked on this scale.

American soil (North America) has been attacked several times; including the War of 1812, the Mexican American War (Polk declared war over the Mexican response to Taylor), and WWII. But each of those times, we were attacked by a country; one that has civilians, factories, etc. Al Qaeda purchases everything: weapons, food, ammunition, munitions, etc. They have no civilians, their 'factories' are huts in the middle of the desert. They are fluid, and mobile.

I think Bush did a fine job responding to the 9/11 attacks that day. Where we are now, however, is a different story.

2007-01-29 11:29:26 · answer #1 · answered by K 5 · 1 1

He should have acted like a Commander -in- Chief. There were other alternatives to the two you offer (are these the only things you could think of?) like gracefully exiting the classroom, telling the kids that he has an important job and something has come up that he must attend to. Then get on the phone with the appropriate people and find out what is going on, for starters, instead of looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

Also, wrong that he was the first President in over 200 years ... etc. .. Pearl Harbor

Wrong that we were attacked by "a foreign power" in was a terrorist we have been attacked by terrorist groups on US soil dozens of times before 9/11.

Furthermore, it is of more concern to me what he DIDN'T do BEFORE 9/11 -- he didn't pay any attention to the terrorist threat, nor did anyone in his administration.

Yes Gore would have done better, may have even prevented the attacks as he knew about al Queda and was paying attention to it.

2007-01-29 11:27:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"He is the first president in almost 200 years to have a foreign power attack the country."

I don't suppose Pearl Harbor rings a bell, does it?
Let's see; 2001-1941=60 years.

And by the way, one would hope that the leader of the United States would have the ability to quietly and calmly excuse himself from a class of elementary school children without creating panic.
Of course, we are talking about Dubyah, so maybe that is expecting too much.

2007-01-29 11:16:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Read some. In education you will find truth. Read the Sept. 11th report by Congress. In that report you will answer your own question.
Also read "against all Enemies" by Richard Clark. Bush ignored the PBD he was given before Sept. 11th. Clinton, Kerry or Gore would not have called that report "a historical report" as Bush and Rice did before Congress. The reason Bush did not act surprised is because Bush knew what the report, that he decided to ignore said, well in advance. Also I don't think Bush, Cheney and Rice should have went into hiding and told Richard Clark to run the situation room alone, that was cowardly.

2007-01-29 11:33:12 · answer #4 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 1 0

Why is it that the only alternate scenario Bush supporters are capable of coming up with is scaring the children? How would quietly excusing himself with a reassuring smile to the room have scared anyone? Please. I've seen that seven minutes. He looked like a deer in the headlights. My blood ran cold when I saw that tape and I saw that vacant look in his eyes. I thought "Oh my God, this is our Commander in Chief? What have I done voting for this man?" Needless to say he didn't get my vote in 2004. Good Lord yes, I think Gore would have done better. I think most average Americans would have done better. Do yourself a favor and set a timer for seven minutes. Then imagine someone has just whispered in your ear "Mr. President the nation is under attack." How long IS that seven minutes after that? A damn long time. There is no excuse for his reaction, none. At least not one that I ever wish to have to attribute to the man tasked with protecting this country.

2007-01-29 11:34:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yeah... the secret service had no protocol for removing the president from harms way seeing as he couldn't have possibly been a target that morning given the fact that there was an airport 5 miles away from him and his visit to the school had been published in the local papers for almost a week before and there was no way of knowing how many aircraft had been hijacked at that time.

Keep believing the fairytale! It's easier to swallow.

2007-01-29 11:23:52 · answer #6 · answered by mikeygonebad07 1 · 1 0

I don't really like Bush, but if I were president of the US, and my country was just attacked, I would first say oh sh-t. We're in trouble. But scared the kids? What would that have done? Nothing. Think if you (all of you) were in his shoes when you just got the news that you're country is being attacked, what would you do?
I don't know too much about gore, so I can't say.

2007-01-29 11:14:08 · answer #7 · answered by aureliusrocker 2 · 0 1

How about a smile and a "I've got some presidential stuff to take care of now. I'm sure Ms. Teacher will be glad to finish the story,
Be good now kiddies"
Exit stage left
You know, acted like he knew he was president, and went to tend to the country.

2007-01-29 11:23:45 · answer #8 · answered by justa 7 · 3 0

Pearl Harbor rings any bells? Faux or a hate radio phony told you different? Bush couldn't find a solution with a magnifying glass.

2007-01-29 11:12:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Never forget that Liberals hate America and love America'[s enemies.

So naturally they would have perferred President Bush to congratulate the terrorists for a job well done.

2007-01-29 11:50:32 · answer #10 · answered by Feelsgood 2 · 0 1

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