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Politics & Government - 10 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-01-10 10:22:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I think that Bush should definently be impeached. I mean think about it. If Nixson was about to get impeached for wire tapping his opponents' phones, don't you think that Bush should be impeached too? Think of the reasons

1. This whole "War on Terror".

2. We are fighting this war because of numerous things INCLUDING OIL!!!

3. 3,000 soldiers have died in Iraq.

4. Bush's decisons have led us to a paradox. If we leave, the puppet government will crumble and Bush will use that to go back to Iraq. If we stay, we will face more and more resistance from the people and just end up fighting a faceless, and inumerable enemy, anti-Americans.

So, what do you think should be done. Should Congress impeach him. Or should we just let him finish out his final term?

2007-01-10 10:22:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

since asking this to a liberal will usually be met with.."i dont know" and can lead to a very embarrassing social situation

2007-01-10 10:22:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

People who only make minimum wage I am sure think this is a great idea, I am sure. HELLO!!!!! In case no one else is smart enough to get this, by raising the price of minimum wage, you in turn raise the price of everything else. Thanks Dems. in Congress, you have made the dollar worth even less.

2007-01-10 10:21:41 · 10 answers · asked by Nikki 2 in Elections

which are you and why?

2007-01-10 10:20:44 · 9 answers · asked by Shina Beana 4 in Politics

2007-01-10 10:20:09 · 2 answers · asked by michaelsan 6 in Politics

Most of you made fun of President Bush for staying the course.He got rid of Rumsfeld,getting new generals in for a different course of action and sending more troops in.He is changing course,now the libs in the senate and congress want to cut off funding to soldiers if he does?I thought you guys supported our troops.Is this support?

2007-01-10 10:19:19 · 14 answers · asked by rosierotnass 2 in Politics

be able to get through the presidents speech without selling some of Americas secrets?

will he donate some of this money because he "supports the troops!?"

2007-01-10 10:18:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

What crops did the Blackfoot grow? If any one knows please answer!

2007-01-10 10:18:27 · 5 answers · asked by volleyballcutie 2 in Immigration

Is time to tuck and run NEO'S?

2007-01-10 10:18:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A black male has been harassing me and threatening to fight me for two(2) days now. I wish to know if I have a legal chance in this. He is a minor [I assume], and I am eight-teen(18). I know about the self-defense law, but I don't know it, specifically.

I feel as though I am being targeted for no reason, as I have done nothing to provoke him. This has been going on for two(2) days now, as of Wednesday, January 10th, 2007. I wish to know if anyone could help me out with legal advice or tips, and to further explain, I am the on being threatened, and I fear a fight may come up if I am unable to get to the bus in time. I do not wish to fight for legal reasons, and I do not wish to be called a 'coward'. any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am bisexual, and live in the state of Wisconsin, if that helps, as I hear each state is different.

I will not stand for any 'useless' answers, those being outright racist, or for 'point-gaming'. ONLY answer if you have relavent input.

2007-01-10 10:18:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 10:18:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

They will and nothing that you can do but be at the wedding and have a good time.

2007-01-10 10:17:23 · 8 answers · asked by AMERICANO 1 in Immigration

We only pay one tv licence so why do we have to pay sky more to watch two different channels in the same house.

2007-01-10 10:16:05 · 5 answers · asked by oslo 3 in Law & Ethics

True or False?

The Monroe Doctrine stated that the US would not intervene in the affairs of countries in Latin America.

2007-01-10 10:15:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If so, do they have to be a specific color?

2007-01-10 10:15:10 · 4 answers · asked by miss_kendra2005 2 in Military

accusations ?
You know,the ones they make here every day.

2007-01-10 10:14:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Who is to determine what can be endured? Everyone in this world has a body different from another; from their personality to their genetic makeup. General statements about human beings can be established based on studies and statistics but they fail to recognize the difference in each person. A person has an unlimited potential as long as studies have not gained a full understanding of the human body. Basketball players and track stars are thought to be superhuman because of their abilities. Good stamina comes from training and their large lung capacities. However, these abilities came only from their training. Persistence, diligence and practical training resulted in their ‘superhuman’ abilities, not supernatural abilities. If everyone and their bodies are different, then who is to say what is difficult or physically impossible? Everyone’s body does have a limit, but we cannot establish a limit in others when we haven’t reached it in ourselves. No one can really make a definite statement on endurance because not everyone is the same. One can endure anything if they will themselves enough. Pearl Harbor enraged Americans and triggered the desire to fight once again for this country. Young boys out of college were drafted into the army. Young and skeptical, the boys brought with them virtue and camaraderie. Youthful optimism, intense training and use of new weapons confirm that the demands of conventional front-line combat did not approach the practical limits of human endurance.
The youth were strong and resilient and they should have been in their prime. The soldiers of WWII were suspicious about European conflict and were critical about slogans like “Making the World Safe for Democracy.” Even so, they prepared for army life. After the events of Pearl Harbor, Americans became enraged and got caught up with the hysteria. Some draftees were ecstatic to get a chance to beat a foreign enemy once again. They were enthusiastic and felt safe with a feeling of US invincibility. Enthusiasm and optimism motivated the soldiers to fight and continue fighting.
Some of the draftees and new recruits were not physically fit so training helped ensure success and survival on the battlefield. Marching and running became daily exercises for the soldiers. Soldiers like Private Ed Tipper assumed that the first days of camp were easy.
I looked up at nearby Mount Currahee and told someone, ‘I bet that when we finish the training program her, the last thing they’ll make us do will be to climb that mountain’… A few minutes later, someone blew a whistle. We fell in, were ordered to change into boots and athletic trunks, did so, fell in again – and then ran most of the three miles to the top and down again. (Wukovits, 14)
They were training to build up their endurance. “On the double” was a euphemism for running and eventually they would go everywhere ‘on the double’. (Harrison, 29) If the men weren’t running or doing calisthenics, they learned to march. Most soldiers detested this constant exercise, especially in the humid summer months. They also had night marches were the men could not pause for water, food or sleep. Commanding officers often checked canteens to make sure soldiers didn’t take a sip. (Wukovits, 14) Also, the strict military life did not allow for any violations of rules. Commanding officers imposed strict penalties for any defiance, usually in the form of physical effort. The officers were trying to instill the fact that a mistake no matter the size could cost a soldier his life. Training usually lasted 10 hours and after an exhausting day, they still had to clean their rifles and their barracks. One soldier who endured the grueling training wrote to his family about it:
The culmination of physical training was the requirement that the solder with the rifle and thirty pound pack, negotiate a 1500 foot obstacle course in three in a half minutes. Specific requirements were that he take off with a yell, mount an eight foot wall, slide down a ten foot pole, leap a flaming trench, weave through a water main, climb a ten foot rope, clamber over a five foot fence, swing by a rope across a seven foot ditch, mount a twelve foot ladder and descend to the other side, charge over a four foot breastwork, walk a twenty foot cat walk some twelve inches wide and seven feet off the ground, swing hand over hand along a five foot horizontal ladder, slither under a fence, climb another and cross the finish line in a sprint. (Wukovits, 17)
Combat training attempted to recreate conditions soldiers would have to fight in. Life ammunition was used on obstacle courses to simulate battlefield conditions (Wukovits, 14). This was only done to prepare the soldier for combat and because of this a soldier could endure anything. The military food was even made to promote a healthy body with nutritional choices for the solider. The food that was fed to the solders was mean to keep them energized. Packed with 4000 calories a meal, they were very beneficial, however the taste. Soldiers carried packs with them just in case they had needed to eat in a situation where a kitchen wasn’t available. These kits contained enough food for a solder to eat and it met certain nutritional requirements. Their meal consisted of: caned meat bread and peas and some kind of dessert. They also had condiments, spices and other necessitates. It was also in the soldier’s best interest to eat what was given to him. If the soldiers ate what they were supposed to they wouldn’t have felt tired during the combat.
The new weapons technology took away much of the physical labor in the battle field. Of course the soldiers themselves would argue that the effort it took to carry, assemble and disassemble such instruments was strenuous, but basic training should have prepared them for it. Hand operated weapons were effective when it came to the efficient elimination of human life. The improvement of flame throwing weapons was extremely deadly. The M-69 spewed gelatinized gasoline that stuck to targets and caused inextinguishable fires and soldiers flesh would incinerate. Also the bazooka and the PIAT (Projector Infantry Anti-Tank) became effective against tanks. Mines and booby traps hid underneath the ground at times even seasoned veterans could not tell where they were located. Also, spherical metallic balls called mines were hid in the soil underneath grass and twigs. Unsuspecting soldiers could have the explosion rip through them in an instant. Incendiary bombs were able to produce an intense fire when exploded. Veiled by surrounding terrain, snipers used opportunities to take shots at unsuspecting soldiers. There were many ways for a soldier to die in the battlefield and because of this many soldiers became helpless. Leinbaugh Campbell wrote, “[their] new-boy illusions of the past two days dissolved in a moment [when confronting battle]”(Wukovits, 27) The German S-mine or “Bouncing Betty” was intended to injure a soldier after the Germans realized that it took at least two men to carry wounded off the field. Planes became more advanced where they could hold more bombs as well as guns. Aircraft roaming the skies could easily spot and destroy enemy artillery units on the ground. (Wukovits, 58) Tanks weren’t much help to any side during the war. Although they were steel plated and thought to protect the inhabitants, they were slow and easily could be taken out by a PIAT. Bazookas and assault rifles made it easier to kill someone without being so close. (Wukovits, 56) Besides improvement in weapons, faster troop transportation made a rapid return to battle possible and supplies to be sent to troops faster.
I understand that the horrors the solider faced were great, however I do not believe that it had anything to do with physical endurance. The physical weariness the men experienced was only an account to their not being able to sleep. Many men had nightmares of the war. Capt. Charles R. remembers a “persistent memory…possibly a result of longstanding strain or a feeling that on the basis of having to fight for every hedgerow the war would go on forever”(WWII, 168) Every soldier felt a fear of death, capture, torture or worse. The men underwent several psychological traumas and developed disorders like “shell shock” and “combat fatigue” but none of which had to do with any extreme physical stress. Shell Shocked soldiers posed a danger to other troops. As mention before, basic training was meant to cover the physical training but nothing could prepare the soldiers for what was coming next in the battle field. William Manchester describes his reaction of killing his first man.
I shot him with a .45 and I felt remorse and shame. I can remember whispering foolishly, ‘I’m sorry’ and then just throwing up….I threw up all over myself. It was a betrayal of what I’d been taught as a child. (Military life 151)
There is a mental limit inside every human being that cannot permit killing another human being. There are many ways to predict the onset of such distress. War doctors tried to lessen the impact of their mental devastation at first by shipping them back to the United States. Then they figured that by placing men in supportive units, they would be able to quickly counteract the disorder. However, mental barriers are hard to break. Many broke down and refused to continue. By making secret pacts with comrades, soldiers would agree to injure each other to escape the horrors of front line combat. Others would purposely walk into enemy fire or stick their bodies out of a trench to purposely get shot at. (History in Dispute, 50) War doctors predicted that a man could take no more than 120 days of combat before he broke down. ( SORCE?)
The demands of conventional front-line combat did not approach the practical limits of human endurance. By 1945 soldiers weren’t feeling the effects of a lack of physical endurance. They had trained of war in basic training, it was the mental stress that caused the ominous fatigue that slowed the soldiers.

2007-01-10 10:09:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-01-10 10:09:44 · 10 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6 in Politics

5.gave rise to the Colbert Report

2007-01-10 10:09:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-01-10 10:08:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Hey there...Husband abandoned me when he took a 36 month statation in HI. (He's whoring around with one of his soldiers) Anyway...he's left us desolate. I haven't been able to eat a meal (can't keep one down) and have only slept a total of maybe 13 hours in 12 days.....I don't know how I can support these lil men or catch up when I do start working again. (Yes, I have interviews...and talked to lawyers, JAG, his Chaplain..everyone and I am NOT wallowing) I am just at a total loss. I haven't told the boys, haven't talked to him in 9 days...I do not know what is going through his mind...I need to get some sleep but I even dream about the bills and it wakes me up. My tummy is in such knots that I vomit after i try to eat...my throat is so swollen that I can't swallow....the doc said "It just takes time"....so....ideas???

2007-01-10 10:07:54 · 10 answers · asked by Smiling Belle 2 in Military

Okay. I know the title sounds kind of weird...
But my daughter pointed this out.
My husband got fed up with all the junk in my neighbors yard. He called City Hall.
Around that time my daughter went snooping around an old, unmarked trailer of my neighbors.
She found that there was an old matress concealing an entrance.
Then her and her friends went to check it out more...
She found that the lid was cemented shut.
When she got inside she told me. I checked it out myself. There was a terrible stench, and it was cemented shut. I tried the entry hole and it wouldn't budge.
I'm worried. The people have always kept to themselves, and have always seemed a bit creepy.
My daughter thinks that my neighbor killed someone. I'm beginning to think that myself.

2007-01-10 10:07:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I have lost my social security card, and I was actually wanting to file online for it, I am from Arkansas and I can't find anywhere to file for it. Any ideas? Thank you so much for your help!

2007-01-10 10:07:10 · 2 answers · asked by Jamie 1 in Government

i am a british citizen by birth, and i am claiming carers allowance for my dad who is completely dependent on the family. i am a full time career for my dad and for that reason i can not work. How can i then apply for my husband's visa to come to uk?

2007-01-10 10:06:38 · 6 answers · asked by aisha b 2 in Immigration

in response to a previous question saying that bushs approval rating should skyrocket after tonights speech. there were 104 responses when i went through them all. out of that 104 only 7 of them were favorable to the president...that makes it between 7 and 8 percent. does this reflect his real approval ratings and not the ones we hear on television

2007-01-10 10:06:21 · 4 answers · asked by Unfrozen Caveman 6 in Politics

i heard in ohio it is legal for women to run around legal in ohio is it true

2007-01-10 10:05:38 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 10:04:38 · 18 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6 in Politics

I work for a monopoly corporation. When they close, the manager does the self check out machine and takes all the money to the back. Well, while he's doing this, he claims he can't let us out and that we have to wait til he's done with the money. This means that me and the other employees have to be stuck inside by the front door, anywhere from ten to thirty minutes without pay, becuase by this time, we've all already clocked out. some people take this time to organize their departments off the clock, but not me, i just want to go home! i dont mind if it happens once in a while but it seems to occur often whenever i get the closing shift. is this illegal? should i report it to our company's ethics hotline?

also, i cannot punch out as im leaving. time clock is in the back. if i see the manager coming, and i run to the back and then punch out, the door will be closed by the time i reach the front. so i have to clock out in the back, then go to the front and wait.

2007-01-10 10:04:13 · 7 answers · asked by Jae Lynn 4 in Law & Ethics

Where do they come from & how do they get there etc...?

2007-01-10 10:03:05 · 12 answers · asked by GJfromfla 3 in Politics

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