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Politics & Government - 16 October 2006

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What do you think of that?

A black woman is 3 times more likely to have an abortion than a white woman whilst a hispanic woman is 2 and a half times more likely, showing that wealth is the biggest factor in having abortions as abortions only cost a few hundred dollars.

2006-10-16 07:11:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-10-16 07:09:53 · 16 answers · asked by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 in Politics

Not only is this woman disrespecting our country's laws and the civil rights movement history, she is also disrespecting her own country - Mexico.
If she has work skills, and is such a "community leader" - why not get back to her own country as an activist to improve conditions for those who are impoverished?
A more productive approach by her "supporters" would be to put together a fund of cash and RELOCATE her to Mexico - get her housing, help her to find a job. Get her son into school.
Unicef estimates that between 2000 and 2006 90% of children in Mexico between 6 and 14 y/o enroll in school. But, only 1 in 10 will complete primary school. Arellano will face challenges - but she would also face challenges in this country.
She has choices - but remaining here is not one of them. If she does not return voluntarily to Mexico, will she be deported?
She will not be asked to give up her seat on the bus, or to move to the back of the bus - she will not even be on the bus. And there will likely be no "sanctuary."

2006-10-16 07:09:37 · 6 answers · asked by Zoe 4 in Immigration

Don't mind the cameras recording your every move, it's for your protection and safety. Don't mind us hearing all your conversations, it's for you protection and safety. Don't mind us arresting those who we stamp as terrorists without proof, it is for your protection and safety. Do you rather be protected and safe or be free?

2006-10-16 07:09:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


In view of, in my opinion the lenient senence of life meaing 12 years for the murder of a schoolboy of 11 by a boy of 15, is life in the uk becoming cheap.

2006-10-16 07:08:59 · 10 answers · asked by Francis7 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

One country with WMD is enough to be a World threat for Peace.

2006-10-16 07:08:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My husband went AWOL about 3 weeks ago. He plans to turn himself in in a week so its under 30 days so its not considered desertion? He's only been in the army since April so he hasnt been in 180 days and he hasnt finished basic. After being in basic training for about a month or so he cracked a bone in his foot and learned he had a blood clot in his back so hes been in Physical rehab a big percentage of the time. Hes done some research and it looks like if he goes back he will just get a general discharge because he hasnt been in 180 days but I was wondering if anyone can confirm what will really happen to him. The best, worst and most likely outcome. Any information is appreciated and if you want more information please IM me aj_55_zen and yes people, I know this is a bad situation and stupid on his part and mine for allowing it so I'm not looking to see any neg. comments about how horrible we are. I just need information. I need to know whats going to happen to our family.

2006-10-16 07:08:03 · 9 answers · asked by Ashley Oasis 3 in Military

Social Security, No Child Left Behind,Policing of Iraq,Foreign interest taking over our ports,Not being able to control our Borders,Natural disasters in our cities and states,Medicare,ETC., If he wants to go down in the history books for doing something good for this country,he better get a move on,he has two years to work on it.

2006-10-16 07:07:56 · 13 answers · asked by kman1830 5 in Government


2006-10-16 07:06:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Cuz we all know that drug money goes straight to Bin Laden, Al Kaida, an' Abu Sheik al Akbari Muhammed al Zahiri Abbas. We've bought camps here in the US an' were gonna check you an' search you an lock you up in the name of the "War on Terr!" (Remember, givin up liberties to protect Amerrca's freedom.)

2006-10-16 07:05:26 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3 in Other - Politics & Government

First tell me your first guess.
Since legalised in 1973 there has been over 45 million.

2006-10-16 07:04:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


Quotes of him saying so.

2006-10-16 07:04:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He wouldn't help by sending troops to Europe until after the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor? 60% of America supported troop involvement in Europe for months before the PH attack.

Is his stance where the modern Democrats get their ideas of "stay out unless attacked first"?

2006-10-16 07:03:17 · 11 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5 in Other - Politics & Government

....and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use.
Do you think this is right or wrong? Explain.

2006-10-16 07:02:55 · 4 answers · asked by What! 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-16 07:02:18 · 22 answers · asked by gary e 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I'd like to watch Mr. Bush debating politics with other Presidernts like the Iranian Presidernt.

2006-10-16 07:02:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They pretend to care about the poor, yet they label poor uneducated white people "Rednecks." Are they bigots? They don't like poor white people because they are angry and uneducated, but do they blame poor black people for being angry and uneducated?

There are more poor white people in America than poor blacks.

2006-10-16 07:00:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In America a Black woman is 3 times more likely to have an abortion than a white woman whilst a hispanic woman is 2 and a half more times likely to have one.

These 2 rcial groups are mainly hardline democrats

2006-10-16 06:59:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And can you believe Yahoo censored this?

2006-10-16 06:59:47 · 6 answers · asked by luperith 2 in Politics

I know these may sound like stupid question but we need to think about it when we call our selves Americans only if we live in the USA. The name is United States OF America.

2006-10-16 06:59:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

A group of co-workers decide to go to a nearby bar after work hours. One of the workers, who is 18 years old (21 is legal to drink), consumes alcohol at a bar. His coworkers, who are of-age to drink alcohol buy him the bottle of beer. He drinks the beer. Pictures from the night are taken and posted online, one of them showing the underage employee drinking a beer. The company's management happens to come across the picture of this minor that they employ drinking the alcohol.

Can the underage employee be fired based on his actions? Please cite something that proves one way or the other.

2006-10-16 06:58:11 · 17 answers · asked by follow3875a 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-10-16 06:58:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Seems anymore I know who believes in God, who's cheated on their spouse, who's paying off lobbyists, but no one is talking about how they stand on issues. Am I the only one frustrated by this? Besides voting strictly by party, how's a person supposed to make up their mind?!

2006-10-16 06:57:23 · 3 answers · asked by Survivors Ready? 5 in Elections

they all use the AP and Reuters for their stories, and report the same stories.

2006-10-16 06:56:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

That is to say he was calm even when asked some hard questions and he blames Bush for doing whet he Kerry himself and Clinton stated they were going to do go to war in in Iraq.

Do these people think we are just going to forget what they have done and said over the years that the American people are just that stupid?

If so what does that say about what they think of you as Americans?

Just pondering it here in my cell.

2006-10-16 06:55:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Overt harassment and psychological warfare being conducted against american citizens in Jacksonville, Florida. Ionized pulsed
radiation being used againist citizens. Space weapons now in control evil blacks ops using them againist citizens. Is this America. Or a country where rationalization has taken over and people use the benefit to society out weighs the rights of the people. It sounds like tyranny to me. Where the evil can always
justify there illegal deeds.

2006-10-16 06:55:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


If income tax is needed so much for the operation of our country (Canada), how did the country operate from 1867 (Confederation) to 1917 (War Income Tax Act)?

50 year with no income tax... how did the country manage?

2006-10-16 06:54:58 · 1 answers · asked by p_rutherford2003 5 in Politics

why is it that liberals limit their vocabulary to the following words and phrases:
bigot, racist, discrimination, welfare, evil rich, taxation, islam, sharia law, amnesty, NAMBLA, death to America, communim, socialism, political correctness, death to whites, IRS, income tax, appease, appeasement, surrender to terrorists, big government(I consider bush a democrat), censorship?

2006-10-16 06:53:08 · 12 answers · asked by legal citizen 1 in Politics

instead of seeking a constitutional amendment? Do Republicans want to keep this as a wedge issue or what?

A federal law would be needed. Let's say Congress passes one, then the Supreme Court strikes it down. In the opinion(s), the Justices would state their objections, and then then law could be revised in order to pass their constitutional muster. So a couple of bills and trips to the S. Ct, especially w/ the new Justices, and we could have the law. Why hasn't Congress pursued this?

2006-10-16 06:51:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I posted this with an answer on another question and I rec'd 2 thumbs down. What are your thoughts on this story?


"Kimberly?", The nurse called. I sat down my magazine as my name was called. "Follow me". I hesitated and took a deep breath when I heard these words....follow me...follow me. The words echoed down the hollow walls of my mind. My mother took my hand and the nurse led the way. My body slumped as my feet followed. Slowly and without enthusiasm I slipped into the plain cotton hospital gown and climbed onto the examination table. My heart pounding, my breath rapid and irregular. I tried to regain control of myself. There was a soft knock as the door crept open. "Hello Kimberly, I'm Dr. Shelby" came the subtle voice of the kind Doctor. "How are you feeling this morning?" She gently tapped my hand and gazed down at me with an understanding smile. "Don't worry, it'll all be over shortly". The door opened again and in came a young women pulling along a machine behind her. "This is my assistant Nancy, she'll be with you the entire time. Mom will too". Nancy smiled and took the place where Dr. Shelby was. I could feel her soft, cool hands on mine and her warm smile beaming down at me. Dr. Shelby went on to explain the events that would occur as she found her place by my feet. She held up a hose with a straw connected to it. It reminded me of a slurpee straw. Soon the machine was on. It sounded just like a vacuum sitting still on the floor. My body tensed as the sound ran through the room. Nancy held my hand firmer and encouraged me to keep my eye on the colorful butterfly on the ceiling. Soon it would all be over with. I concentrated on the butterfly. Staring straight through it. A tear rolled down my cheek as I secretly said goodbye. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I whispered to myself as the straw was inserted, I felt a harsh tugging. vroooom, vrooom, vrooom. The machine wailed. vrooooom, vrooom. My body was jarred by a sharp pain and a final slurp. I clenched my mothers hand. "All finished" said Dr. Shelby. "Now then, that wasn't so bad. Was it?". "blah blah blah blah blah blah" was all that I could hear. The pain rushed through my abdomen. Nancy helped me from the table and back into my clothes. She escorted me to the recuperating room, where I remained for 30 minutes. At which time she offered me some decorative cookies and punch before she sent me on my way. Later that evening I laughed with my friends and bobbed my head to the tune of the music playing in the juke box. Giggling and chattering amoung ourselves as all 15 year olds do. I had done the right thing. Everything was going to be ok now. I was one of the lucky ones! I still had my whole life ahead of me. I'd be able to finish high school, attend school dances, continue on the drill team. My life was going to be good. I had made the right decision. Nearly 2 years passed, and I found myself in the same situation. Another teen statistic. Now at the age of 17 years old, I opted to keep my baby. Just a few years older, I felt that I was able to make my own decisions. Instead of allowing my parents, my friends, and my family to influence me. I was going to keep this baby, accept responsibility. At the time I was attending a continuation school. So, when I became pregnant not much would change. I could remain at the school during my pregnancy. When I was 4 months a long, I went to the Doctor for a usual check up. Only this time an ultra sound was performed. I was able to see my baby and even hear the little beat of his heart! The doctor printed the image. He told me that it was one of the clearest pictures He'd ever seen. And that it should be used in a medical book as an example of how a baby looks at 3 months along. I took it to school to show all of my friends. You could see outlines of the little arms, the little legs and feet, and the little tummy, and nose!!!! I was so proud! It wasn't long after that when I felt the baby flutter about inside of me for the first time. It was alive! He was alive. He had arms, legs, and a face! He moved inside of me. That is when it struck me. A sudden realization of something greater than just one person. There was life inside of me. This life wasn't my life, it was an entirely different life. It belonged to me. Yet, it wasn't me. This is the first time I felt regret. I went to my father to try and explain the emotions that were taking over me. Surely he would understand. I explained to him that I felt like a murderer. I wasn't sure before. But, now that I could actually feel the life inside of me, it was clear. I'll never forget the sad expression that fell upon my fathers face as he hung his head low in what seemed to be a solemn moment of regret. The room reaked of irony as the realism of the moment took hold. My father had always been what some would call a radical pro-lifer. However, when his own family was put in the same situation as many of the girls he had so desperately tried to save, his belief buckled. And for that one time, he turned his back on his movement and did the unthinkable. He encouraged me to do what he had so strongly protested for so many years. Desparately grasping to keep his baby, a baby for just a moment longer. But now as his young teenaged daughter sat before him, belly rounding and bursting with new life. He could only hang his head. For it was at that very moment that I knew without a shadow of a doubt what I had done. And he knew what he had encouraged me to do. It was a sad moment indeed. However, the joy and excitement of new life quickly took the place of the grief. As I counted 10 fingers and 10 toes and one little button nose, and called my first born John, named after my Father. It would be years before I felt the grief again. One day, as I sat watching television a preacher came on and spoke about the issue of abortion. To this day, I can't remember exactly what he said. But, something he said put many questions into my head. Did my baby go to heaven? Will she know me when I get there? Does she want to know me? The tears fell from my eyes. And for the first time since that horrible day, I cried. I cried years of hurt. Now, a full grown woman married with 4 kids. I heard the pitter patter of little feet. I witnessed the first smiles and sweet coos. But, no matter how many smiles I seen or kisses I received. I knew that I would always be missing one. I'd missed first smiles, first coos, first steps, first words. And so had my child. And for that moment I cried for my child. I cried for me. What was this that I was feeling? The nice nurse named Nancy at the Planned Parenthood clinic never mentioned this. Dr. Shelby was so careful to explain everything that would take place. Did they somehow over look this very important detail? They never explained the hurt, the anguish, the emptiness, and the despair that would follow. Now, years later I wept. For a long time I blamed my mother and my father for making me kill my baby. They've felt the pain that I've felt. They've also felt the guilt and shared it with me. I've come to peace with myself, my actions, my parents and with GOD. The guilt doesn't consume me. But, I often find myself considering what life would have been like with the child I so desperately wish to touch and hold and love on. And sometimes, not always...but sometimes, I weep for myself. If there is one thing that I would instill into my children, it is that life is precious. And we must accept responsibility for our own actions.Which isn't the most horrible thing in the world! I look at my son and I smile. He's wonderful. Beautiful. My life. What I live for. Just as wonderful and beautiful as the other baby that I will never know. But, still I am angry! I am angry at the liberal pro-choice movement! I am angry at planned parenthood and agencies like them! I am angry that I was not warned of the despair that my action and theirs would cause! They don't want to tell you about the lives that they ruin! Not only do they kill the innocent. But, they never once tell these young girls of the hurt and despair that will be experienced for the rest of their lives! I feel that it is my duty to tell this story. My story. The story that they don't want you to hear. The Truth. My only hope is that one woman or young girl will see this story and choose life. My loss will not be in vain. Please. Choose Life.

2006-10-16 06:51:22 · 17 answers · asked by reowrrrr 2 in Politics

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