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Politics & Government - 15 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am in germany for 2 weeks holiday
I need help to leaving in germany
I feel danger in my origine country

2006-10-15 20:53:30 · 3 answers · asked by righttttman 1 in Immigration

Donot not take it as my personal Ques.I know it will create panic in hearts of many.But it is important to know since we are living in world where many minds and brains are working.Some are lover of democracy while some not. This Ques. will help in clearing those peaceful clouds under which some strong charge is generating.

2006-10-15 20:50:06 · 3 answers · asked by ankush_nautiyal2002 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I know this Ques. will create panic in hearts of many.But it is important to know since we are living in world where many minds and brains are working.Some are lover of democracy while some not. This Ques. will help in clearing those peaceful clouds under which some strong charge is generating.

2006-10-15 20:47:01 · 2 answers · asked by ankush_nautiyal2002 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-15 20:42:25 · 4 answers · asked by zshalalda 1 in Politics

What about Israel killing innocent Palestinians ?

2006-10-15 20:42:12 · 4 answers · asked by wise one 1 in Politics

What was the official reason and what was the real reason

2006-10-15 20:41:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is it justice or revenge? Does the government have the right to execute people, and if so who should decide whether a person deserves death?

2006-10-15 20:40:38 · 14 answers · asked by Samantha R 2 in Law & Ethics

Given the debate about inclusion, surely another way that those who choose Great Britain as their home do so because of our way of life. That includes a common language between all the people of this land.

If we are to build a multicultural society, surely the only way it can function is if we continue to talk the same language. That of necessity is the only way we can all communicate.

By printing information in different languages, aren't Councils and the Government encouraging exclusion?

2006-10-15 20:38:24 · 14 answers · asked by Essex Ron 5 in Immigration

airport computers have on this unfortunate detail of my life , i cannot find the answer on these internet detective sites as this occured more than 30 years ago.

2006-10-15 20:37:49 · 2 answers · asked by michaelpc12 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am a canadian citizen but i am currently on welfare for myself and 2 children i get my rent paid at the moment aswell. i was just wondering would i be entitled to anything if i moved to Canada, my 2 children are not Canadian citizens of as yet. I am planning on going to college/work as soon as my youngest is old enough, my eldest is in school at the moment, can anyone help me out, thankyou.

2006-10-15 20:37:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

the politics of words is to old ,even democratie is as old as christianity shouldn't there not rather be a politic ot deeds instead of words?when you gamble on the words they speak and they are lying ,you loose!

2006-10-15 20:37:11 · 1 answers · asked by mysterion 1 in Politics

I am a canadian citizen but i am currently on welfare for myself and 2 children i get my rent paid at the moment aswell. i was just wondering would i be entitled to anything if i moved to Canada, my 2 children are not Canadian citizens of as yet. I am planning on going to college/work as soon as my youngest is old enough, my eldest is in school at the moment, can anyone help me out, thankyou.

2006-10-15 20:37:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

As a limo driver sometimes my job only works me two hours and I get paid for two hours. I may even have to drive to the location which may take an hour alone.

2006-10-15 20:26:27 · 8 answers · asked by Waldo Waldo Waldo! 5 in Law & Ethics

well i am Us Citizen male and i am about to marry a beautiful guatemalan girl that have been with me 2 years, and we decide to be together but i live in the US, and i want to bring her with me so i was wondering what to do? or the things i need to do inorder to achieve this great goal i have in mind.. please people help me out.

Thank you very much i hope in your goodwill.

2006-10-15 20:22:57 · 8 answers · asked by Eddy M 2 in Embassies & Consulates

Is there a legal distance you can stand from an entrance to your place of employment (mine is a major call centre)? If you have swiped out for the day and are technically "not on the clock", are you not officially than a member of the public/consumer? For example, tonight I swipe out, and am standing approx. 20 feet from the entrance waiting for my ride home. Does security have the right to have me written up and have this go on my work record?
With this in mind, if they can do this, do they not also have to enforce this policy on the general public if an event is being held in the facility? For example, the night before, a casino was held and many many people were allowed to smoke directly in front of the main doors, literally between the "Thank you for not smoking" signs. Does the same rule not apply to them, or am I being discriminated against?

2006-10-15 20:22:04 · 3 answers · asked by hackisackgirl 1 in Law & Ethics

What will you do when Bush cancels the 2008 elections?

2006-10-15 20:21:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Saw a programme ages ago on the commandos of the second world war, there was a section in it on two guys from the commandos, walking around the garden with their walking sticks, showing killing moves they would have employed, recon any mugger of those 80 year olds would still be in for a surprise. Question is for any ex special forces out there...

2006-10-15 20:15:51 · 13 answers · asked by Dumbledore 3 in Military

2006-10-15 20:09:50 · 2 answers · asked by FireKracker187 2 in Military

2006-10-15 20:08:09 · 1 answers · asked by kalbook5000 1 in Law & Ethics

If so, why hasn't our president been impeached?

If not, why the hell not?

2006-10-15 20:07:53 · 12 answers · asked by FireKracker187 2 in Government

2006-10-15 20:01:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

we didn't sign up to fight bushs wars or nothing else bush stands for. We joined the guard to help make ends meet, coz the republicans waz starving us. don't use us to cover up for your republican bull crap. I've heard you say, our men and women are fighting because they believe in bush, think again stupid you are wrong. NO! NO! we didn't volunteer to go over there, we enlisted for the money then they made us go over there. I just got home i ain't going back & you Republicans can go to hell. I know what it's like I know the truth of whats going on. i'm not going along with the bull to get a pat on the back from american people. i know first hand what these pricks are doing to our country & i'm not playing ball with these idiots. no one owes me any thanks, it was a job i got paid to do. i'm glad i was one that live to tell about it. so kiss off replubicans.

2006-10-15 19:57:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I work for a company in california... My employer has changed the way they pay overtime... for example if I start a job 6pm and dont get off until 4am... i use to get 8 hours regular pay and 2 hours of overtime... now they are saying that a new day starts at midnight so the overtime doesnt count so i get 10 hours of regular pay... does this sound right

2006-10-15 19:55:49 · 8 answers · asked by rshryers 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-15 19:52:14 · 11 answers · asked by George W. Bushwhacker 1 in Politics

My EX went to jail yesturday and I would like to know why. Mainly because he is the father of my son. I may not want my son to be around him anymore. I probably didn't classify this right either. Sorry

2006-10-15 19:50:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

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